Interesting and Humour - page 3347

We fall asleep late at night,
Sleep for hours at a time,
Maybe we're just not human,

But a kind of owl?


Yuri Evseenkov:
I follow Artemyev too, rarely but aptly he speaks. But what does he base his conclusions on? On Goskomstat data. You, as an expert on the forum, may have come across a discussion of the state of statistics in Russia at the moment. It is a goddamn sight! The salaries in the service are miserable for Moscow, young people are not coming, the applied statistical science is zero. As the head of the service himself admitted, they are physically incapable of calculating annual GDP! Only quarterly ones. Meanwhile, on a purely domestic level, how things have changed over the past 10-15 years! An ordinary family living on their salaries, without any left-behind income. 15 years ago we did not even think about a new car or a flat. And it was important to grow potatoes in the garden and not to eat too much so the kids could have some. There are about ten car dealerships in our "depressive provincial area" at the moment. You have to choose between a Ford and a Volkswagen. I think GDP has at least doubled, which should pleasantly surprise the eponymous person.

Are you suggesting that the shadow economy is now vast, comparable to the state's share of GDP? That may well be, I admit. If I recall, in 2012-2013 they published figures that the share of the state exceeded 50% (again, according to FAS data) - at that time they commented that it was a landmark milestone and it has been reached. Since then I have not followed the percentage ratio, I do not really have a finger on the pulse of state buy-outs-mergers-acquisitions of private property, I have only big examples - Rosneft and TNK-BP, VTB and Tele-2. And now I come across the news from the head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service that the state share is already 70%, which, frankly, I was surprised at. I thought it had stayed at around fifty or so. Although the upward trend was clearly visible, I still assumed that the share would not grow as intensively in the future.

On the other hand, if oil keeps hovering around $40 per barrel for at least 5 years, the employees of yourselves-mentioned car dealerships that multiplied in 2002-2007 will have to seek other employment; the economy will tend to reach the balance, the lowered income means the lowered expenses. Consumer loans, car loans and mortgages will, of course, offset all of this decline somewhat, but in the end the standard of living will return to what it was in 2004-2005. That's if you just continue the trend linearly, without taking into account the money running out of reserve funds and the new expected sanctions.

By the way, in my not-so-distant-from-Moscow, but provincial, town, half of the shopping centres have been up for sale in the last year. Starting with small office space, small shops (both retail and grocery) of 100 square metres, and ending with buildings of 2,500 square metres. The only ones that are not being sold are the cash registers, the most transient ones, where people have been going and will always go, and those owned by federal chains such as Pyaterochka, etc.


Insane51 is a young and talented Greek artist from Athens, born in 1992.

Yuri Evseenkov:

That's funny. They must have heard enough of Shuru. He has a whole animal collar around his neck in the clip.

Give me a puke bag.

Server Muradasilov:
The man accused of stealing from Otkritie has been found in a house in an upmarket area of London

Once again I am convinced that I did the right thing! I looked into the possibilities of this company! All legal, no need to steal anything, and there is a lot of money!

У обвиняемого в краже у «Открытия» нашли дом в престижном районе Лондона
У обвиняемого в краже у «Открытия» нашли дом в престижном районе Лондона
​В Лондоне начался уголовный суд над трейдерами, которые, по утверждению стороны обвинения, вывели из финансовой корпорации «Открытие» свыше $100 млн путем совершения незаконных сделок с ценными бумагами Аргентины и махинаций с бонусами сотрудников, пишет Financial Times. Как сообщает Bloomberg, в суде представители обвинения сообщили, что один...
Igor Konyashin:

Are you suggesting that the shadow economy is now extensive, comparable with the share of the state in the GDP? It may well be, I admit. If I recall, in 2012-2013 there were published figures that the share of the state exceeded 50% (again, according to FAS data) - at that time there were comments about it, it seemed to be a landmark milestone and it has been reached. Since then I have not followed the percentage ratio, I do not really have a finger on the pulse of state buy-outs-mergers-acquisitions of private property, I have only big examples - Rosneft and TNK-BP, VTB and Tele-2. And now I come across the news from the head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service that the state share is already 70%, which, frankly, I was surprised at. I thought it had stayed at somewhere around fifty or so. Although the upward trend was clearly visible, I still assumed that the share would not grow as intensively in the future.

On the other hand, if oil keeps hovering around $40 per barrel for at least 5 years, the employees of yourselves-mentioned car dealerships that multiplied in 2002-2007 will have to seek other employment; the economy will tend to reach the balance, the lowered income means the lowered expenses. Consumer loans, car loans and mortgages will, of course, offset all of this decline somewhat, but in the end the standard of living will return to what it was in 2004-2005. That's if you just continue the trend linearly, without taking into account the money running out of reserve funds and the new expected sanctions.

By the way, in my not-so-distant-from-Moscow, but provincial, town, half of the shopping centres have been up for sale in the last year. Starting with small office space, small shops (both retail and grocery) of 100 square metres, and ending with buildings of 2,500 square metres. The only ones that are not being sold are the cash registers, the most transient ones, where people have been going and will always go, and those owned by federal chains such as Pyaterochka, etc.

Some surprising conclusions can be drawn from the FAS figures.

So we take GDP at purchasing power parity calculated by the World Bank. It's kind of related to us and kind of an overseas institution.


GDP 2005 = 2600. Private share = 2600*0.7 = 1820

GDP 2015 = 3710. Private share = 3710 *0.3 = 1041.


GDP by purchasing power of each of us is growing at the expense of state ownership, with the share of the private sector in our purchasing power falling by a factor of 1.7 compared to 2005.

I think there is something the FAS is not telling us - it is just bluntly trying to justify the privatisation of tidbits assets. In any case, it had never occurred to Artemyev that such conclusions could be drawn from the obviously bogus figures of the FAS.



В сети заинтересовались новой финансовой пирамидой Мавроди в Африке
В сети заинтересовались новой финансовой пирамидой Мавроди в Африке
  • 2016.10.01
  • Twitter
В сети активно обсуждают новую финансовую пирамиду Сергея Мавроди, которая была запущена в Африке. Пользователей особенно заинтересовал опубликованный в Twitter снимок, на котором жители Уганды позируют с плакатом MMM Africa. Некоторые юзеры также отмечают, что получают предложения вступить в пирамиду из Нигерии. Как утверждает The Independent...
Server Muradasilov:


There are plenty of fools everywhere))
Server Muradasilov:


)) I see, while I write pyramid is mother-in-law )))And only one thing remains unchanged in the dacha, like the Egyptian pyramids - the beds. And the order of the mother-in-law to her son-in-law: - "We'll till lunchtime from here!))))

And there really are plenty of fools everywhere.



Epileptoid troll - there's one like that, very reminiscent :)

Записки психиатра. Кто ты, сетевой тролль?
Записки психиатра. Кто ты, сетевой тролль?
  • 2016.09.24
Наверное, это неизбежное и в чём-то даже слегка кармическое для психиатра, рискнувшего вести блог в соцсетях — отвечать на бесконечные просьбы поставить диагноз по аватарке, по посту, по комменту. Чтобы потом гордо заявить оппоненту — мол, это не я тебя дебилом обозвал, это специалист уточнил степень твоей умственной отсталости! Приходится...