Interesting and Humour - page 3348


Chinese drill bit:

Confirmed - I've used this method to twist backwards a drill bit 4.1 in diameter!

Karputov Vladimir:

Chinese drill bit:

Confirmed - I've used this method to twist backwards a drill bit 4.1 in diameter!

I don't know why it's Chinese. It's cheap. For the money it cost, you can't even buy a box of matches in the former Soviet Union. But there is demand (from sellers who are not Chinese). So they make these kinds of things.

Here's the story I had with the drills. Suddenly, at one point, all the drills suddenly became blunt and wouldn't drill at all. Then I accidentally discovered a button on the drill that switches the rotation to the other side.
Arkadii Zagorulko:

I do not understand what the expression "Chinese" means. It's cheap. For the money it cost, you can't even buy a pack of matches in the former Soviet Union. But there is demand (from sellers who are not Chinese). So they make these kinds of things.

The key word is "Quality". Unfortunately I do not have critical materials to advertise products for obvious reasons, I will not give you "every sandman praises his swamp" do not want - you have your sacred right to choose. But here's a news clipping from last week (this is the news in Ukraine who do not know) you can see if something may come back to a thing of the past and what has changed? A trader must have a healthy mind and good nerves to control any changes in trading so as not to bend like a Chinese drill

Dmitry Fedoseev:
I had a story with drills. All of a sudden at one point all the drills suddenly dulled and wouldn't drill at all. Then I accidentally found a button on the drill, switches the rotation to the other side.

Ha. There was a milling engineer at the factory who was making a tedious week's work on a wooden model (note: the wood is machined without coolant). So he was away a lot. Anyway, while he was gone, the spindle rotation was reversed. As a result, the mill rotates in the opposite direction, but wood chews, though there is a side effect - because of the incredible friction in the cutting area (or rather pressure) is a large heat release - in general, a lot of smoke :).

He runs up and cannot understand anything. And they advised him to turn on the cooling. In a normal situation, no one would have switched on the wood cooling, but as the situation was non-standard, he panicked and turned on the cooling! Can you imagine how the bath works? So here - on the hot, steaming wood, the hot cutter pours the coolant, while the cutter continues to work in the opposite direction - in general, after 5 minutes the whole shop was covered with a fog - all the coolant just evaporated.



Элон Маск рассказал Леонардо Ди Каприо, как можно покончить с добычей нефти
Элон Маск рассказал Леонардо Ди Каприо, как можно покончить с добычей нефти
  • 2016.10.02
  • Тимур Хасанов
Примерно 100 гигафабрик, похожих на ту, что сейчас возводит компания Tesla в пустыне Невада, смогут окончательно покончить с добычей ископаемого топлива на земле. Об этом глава компании Tesla Элон Маск рассказал американскому актеру Леонардо Ди Каприо в во время экскурсии по своей гигафабрике. Помимо актёрской карьеры Ди Каприо является...
Server Muradasilov:


In fact, there was already a script, the one by Stephen King: "Rita Hayworth and the rescue from Shawshank".



Тинькофф Банк запустил сервис для покупки ценных бумаг онлайн
Тинькофф Банк запустил сервис для покупки ценных бумаг онлайн
Тинькофф Банк совместно с БКС Брокер запустил сервис Тинькофф Инвестиции. Пользователи выбирать ценные бумаги в личном кабинете финансовой платформы и оплачивать их банковской картой.  «Мы увидели потребность в новом сервисе, который позволил бы любому человеку независимо от образования и профессии зарабатывать на фондовом рынке, и...
Karputov Vladimir:

Ha. There was a milling engineer at the factory who was making a tedious week's work on a wooden model (note: the wood is machined without coolant). So he was away a lot. Anyway, while he was gone, the spindle rotation was reversed. As a result, the mill rotates in the opposite direction, but wood chews, though there is a side effect - because of the incredible friction in the cutting area (or rather pressure) is a large heat release - in general, a lot of smoke :).

He runs up and can't understand anything. And they tell him to turn on the cooling. In a normal situation, no one would have started the cooling system over a tree, but as the situation was non-standard and panic-stricken, he decided to switch on the cooling system. Can you imagine how the bath works? So here - on the hot, steaming wood, the hot cutter pours the coolant, while the cutter continues to work in the opposite direction - in general, after 5 minutes the whole shop was covered with a fog - all the coolant just evaporated.

Oh, Vladimir, Vladimir... Who at least once saw the difference between machines for processing metal and wood, + at least a little knowledge of physics, + saw the size of cutters in such nonsense will never believe ...

Wood has a very low thermal conductivity. It's quicker to catch fire than to heat up a mill and evaporate cooling emulsion.

2. The cutter is so small that it only takes a couple of minutes to cool it down to <70C. During that time the steam won't even have time to rise to the workshop ceiling.

Once in a smoking room a *** says: "I have a unique photo, whales in the moment of intercourse"... You know... Well, bring it, let me see... ... They wait a day, another day... Then they remind me, "Well, I forget... "I don't have a care in the world to think about photography... At least tell me what it looks like. Here's the story.

- They're accelerating towards each other, they're head-on colliding, they rise above the water and that's when it all happens.

- How fast do they go? It takes a lot of speed to lift those things...

- About 40 knots...

Do the math for yourself... Node 1 nautical mile per hour. 1 nautical mile, let's not be nerdy, is almost 2km. Hence the speed of one is 80 km/hour. Relative speed - remove inaccuracy in the translation of miles into kilometres and not necessarily the specified speed get 150 km / hr. Well ... + -

We still haven't seen the picture...

Alexey Viktorov:

Oh Vladimir, Vladimir... Who at least once saw the difference between machines for metal and wood, + at least a little knowledge of physics, + saw the size of cutters in such nonsense will never believe ...

Wood has a very low thermal conductivity. It's quicker to catch fire than to heat the cutter too much and evaporate cooling emulsion.

2. The cutter is so small that it only takes a couple of minutes to cool it down to < 70C. The steam won't even make it to the workshop ceiling in that time.

Once in a smoking room a *** says: "I have a unique photo, whales in the moment of intercourse"... You know... Well, bring it, let me see... ... They wait a day, another day... Then they remind me, "Well, I forget... "I don't have a care in the world to think about photography... At least tell me what it looks like. Here's the story.

- They accelerate towards each other, when they hit head-on they rise above the water and that's when it all happens.

- How fast do they go? It takes a lot of speed to lift those things...

- About 40 knots...

Do the math for yourself... Node 1 nautical mile per hour. 1 nautical mile, let's not be nerdy, is almost 2km. Hence the speed of one is 80 km/hour. Relative speed - remove inaccuracy in the translation of miles into kilometres and not necessarily the specified speed get 150 km / hr. Well ... + -

We still haven't seen the picture...

I see you haven't seen a milling machine 😃 You're a theoretician, no less. And you don't even know that big wooden moulds are machined on metal gantry machines (because there are no other machines in a metal factory 😃 ) .

Anyway, next time if you try to say something about the factory - don't be lazy to go, at least for a tour of the factory.