Interesting and Humour - page 3352

Oleg Tsarkov:
The drill bit is not hardened soft metal, because it turned out like plasticine.

Alexander Antoshkin:

I personally have been using only their toothpaste for about five years now. I also really like their shampoos and a very good washing powder. I registered there just to buy and not through distributors, it's cheaper. my delivery is 180 rubles. i have not thought about business, i am not attracted to this kind of profits. but nevertheless i have made about 300 subscribers in five years and they all generate a turnover. the company pays a %)))

I wanted to register. But there, that would buy toothpaste need to give full personal data. Why?

Thank you. I have already been called by the bank as a guarantor for a farmer in Krasnodar because my details and phone number are in their contract. Although I've never been to Krasnodar and this is the first I've heard of the bank.

Is it allowed to spam ads here? And the spammer gets nothing for it?
That's the drummer dozing off on the post.))
Alexander Antoshkin:

or ask yourself another question :

how is metacquot different from metaphysics, .........)

Here's a question I've always wondered about. Why is a universal profitable EA called a grail? The word is short and effective . Is it from the Holy Grail - the shrine of the world religion? The comparison is not only unethical but even blasphemous.

The creation of the Philosopher's Stone is another matter. It is used to turn any substance into gold (money). The science that did it was called Alchemy.

Gone are the days when it was laughed at. Alchemists made many discoveries, and the science itself is considered to be the forerunner of modern chemistry. Alchemists tried to combine the knowledge of various fields of philosophy, physics, astrology and to obtain the final product. Is not it similar to what science writers do? Their works include exact sciences: mathematics, physics, machine learning and programming. But there are also "imprecise" sciences: economics, sociology, psychology and even numerology and astrology. The final product is a piece of software, able to manipulate any asset or financial instrument and transform it into real money.

Isn't that the Philosopher's Stone?

Yuri Evseenkov:

Isn't that the Philosopher's Stone?

Totally agree.

But as a rule, it only turns out to be PhyCa'l junk. That's why they call it the Grail, because the mnemonic word doesn't work.

Alexey Viktorov:
It's the drummer dozing off at the post.))
Alexandr Saprykin:
I can see why the monuments to writers are covered in pigeons. Well, birds don't like their works. ))))
Yuri Evseenkov:

I've always wondered about that. Why is a universal profitable EA called a grail? The word is short and effective . Is it from the Holy Grail, the shrine of the world religion? The comparison is not only unethical, but even blasphemous.

The creation of the Philosopher's Stone is another matter. It is used to turn any substance into gold (money). The science that did it was called Alchemy.

Gone are the days when it was laughed at. Alchemists made many discoveries, and the science itself is considered to be the forerunner of modern chemistry. Alchemists tried to combine the knowledge of various fields of philosophy, physics, astrology and to obtain the final product. Is not it similar to what science writers do? Their works include exact sciences: mathematics, physics, machine learning and programming. But there are also "imprecise" sciences: economics, sociology, psychology and even numerology and astrology. The final product is a piece of software, able to manipulate any asset or financial instrument and transform it into real money.

Isn't that the Philosopher's Stone?

Here I was just laying down the idea of the topic of your thought but for lack of humour it probably got up

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