Interesting and Humour - page 3156

Alexey Burnakov:
Do you think it's technically very difficult to make an Arduino-based, self-targeting mosquito cannon? I've been dreaming about one of those over the summer. What wavelength of laser do you need, so that apart from mosquitoes it won't scratch the room?
A simple hoover will suffice. Experienced people vacuum the ceiling before going to bed.
Don't do it with a laser, do it with a varifocal lens ) then you won't burn anything unnecessary

Lens, laser.

with a fucking stomp )

Alexey Burnakov:
Do you think it's technically very difficult to make an Arduino-based, self-targeting mosquito cannon? I've been dreaming about one of those over the summer. What wavelength of laser do you need, so that apart from mosquitoes you won't scratch the room?
I already told you, you'll lose your eyes. Even if you're standing on the sidelines.)
Yury Reshetov:
The money has been teleported offshore. And to print new ones, there is not enough money for paper and ink, there is a crisis.
Even non-cash money is already short of zeros in RAM
Try using variable focal length lens instead of laser ), then you won't burn anything unnecessary.

Yeah, an option!

In short - first we record the buzzing spectra of mosquitoes of different sizes.

2) we put 2-4 sound wave catchers. and a laser with a barrel on a moving base (like for drawing drawings, plus Z-axis).

3) The system picks up sound, and starts wandering until it reaches maximum volume along the sound catch line. And then a cannonade of laser beams - and so on until the sound disappears.

PS: blindfold for the night. Plus, limit the angle of fire so it flies halfway around the room, for example.


5 человек, унесших с собой в могилу величайшие тайны истории
5 человек, унесших с собой в могилу величайшие тайны истории
У каждого есть секреты, большие и не очень. Однако некоторые люди могут похвастаться тайными знаниями, которые могут повлиять на судьбу всего человечества! Именно о таких людях мы и рассказываем в этой статье. К сожалению, несмотря на всю незаурядность и востребованность своих знаний, они так и не раскрыли миру свои секреты. Помимо...
Server Muradasilov:
and you were right to keep it a secret.
It's retarded time )
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