Interesting and Humour - page 3150

Anatoli Kazharski:

What's that? To stop you thinking logically? So the fishing boat was on a voyage for 11 months. What was it doing there? All 11 months fishing and then what? What did it do with it? Canning it (right there at sea)? And where did he put the canned goods?

"Expensive delivery from Primorye to the European part of Russia"

It's all in the future tense again - it'll open, it'll be, someone's ideas are involved...

Some kind of complex with capacity... is already under construction!

All this certainly fills with an incredible sense of pride and patriotism.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What's that? To stop you thinking logically? So the fishing boat was on a voyage for 11 months. What was it doing there? All 11 months fishing and then what? What did it do with it? Canning it (right there at sea)? And where did he put the tinned fish?


You can try asking these questions here:

Anatoli Kazharski:

We've been hiding it from you for a long time, but you're all grown up now and it's time to find out the scary news - teleportation is everything.......

Создание телепорта в России отложили на неопределенный срок - МИР24
Создание телепорта в России отложили на неопределенный срок - МИР24
  • 2016.07.14
В России на неопределенный срок отложили разработку систем телепортации, сообщает газета «Известия». По данным издания, причиной послужило то, что ответственная за разработку новшества организация «Национальная технологическая инициатива» (НТИ) до сих пор не начала получать государственного финансирования, предусмотренного в 2016 году законом о...

We've been hiding it from you for a long time, but you're all grown up now and it's time to find out the scary news - teleportation is everything.......

Already postponed? And the money? Has it been split yet?

We've been hiding it from you for a long time, but you're all grown up now and it's time to find out the scary news - teleportation is everything.......

Already done, ahead of schedule. You've been teleported and the programme has been phased out. That's exactly what it was for. )
Anatoli Kazharski:

ta-taaaaaaammmmm!!! (grimly, in low tones)

No money for teleportation.........

But they solemnly announced the beginning!

ta-taaaaaaammmmm!!! (grimly, in low tones)

No money for teleportation.........

Try sticking your nose out of a dark hollow. Be guided by light and/or fresh air. )