Interesting and Humour - page 2654

Does Ukraine have anything to rau about?
And will the brotherly Russia not help with a couple of tens of billions of the failing USD?

And there will be both for "Pay" and for the fence.

That's where the legs are coming from


A man had an apiary. A bear used to come into his apiary and snatch honey... The man set traps and shot the bear, but nothing worked... The man sits sad, reads the newspaper, sees the announcement: an experienced wild animal hunter. I will help in any situation. Well, the man thinks: "Professional, it seems! I'll call! Calls, explains the problem. An hour later comes a huge man with a gun and a little dog with him - a dachshund! He immediately takes the bull by the horns: - So, I - Fedor, it - on the dog - Kefirchik! Where a bear cub? - There he is, on the tree, watching, waiting until I go to sleep! - We do this: I climb the tree, scare him, he falls, Kefirchik dives into his ass, eats him from inside, pelt sell, the proceeds together we booze! And you don't owe me anything! The man agrees... They come to the tree, Fedor says: Let's do it again. I go up the tree, the bear falls down, Kefir goes up his ass, we drink the pelt off! Remember?! Yes, I got it. Fedor comes to the tree, turns around, - Are you sure you got it?! Yes, yes, I remembered - you're on the tree, the bear falls, Kefir in the ass, we'll drink the pelt away! Fedor spat on his hands, went up... Then the man shouted - wait, why the gun then? Fedor - damn, I almost forgot the most important thing! If I'm the first one to fall, kill the KEFI!!!


Nautical omen: If a seagull flies upside down, it means a very strong wind.


Two girlfriends meet. One complains to the other: her husband, the dog, doesn't love me at all. Every night, before he even crosses the threshold, he yells: - "EAT! Another in response: - And you go to a sex shop, buy a type of whip, shorts, mask, and meet him at work in this form ... They meet the next day, the second asks: - Well, how? The first one answers offensively: - How, how... opens the door, looks at him and shouts: "Zorro, let's eat!"


If I got up in the middle of the night, it means someone woke me up, if someone woke me up at this time, it means it's urgent. Okay, cat, I'm listening to you!


I recently came across a poster like this in Sevastopol. I couldn't resist taking a picture :))


Anatoli Kazharski:

When a fish and a beer is in the night, in the morning you're a Chinese man's daughter!


Good morning!

Soaring taps:


