Interesting and Humour - page 2657

Anatoli Kazharski:

Now I understand why our big brothers are showing us saucers and lights in the sky - just to make fun of us monkeys...
У пострадавших Крымска отбирают квартиры - Недвижимость Mail.Ru
У пострадавших Крымска отбирают квартиры - Недвижимость Mail.Ru
Три года назад в Краснодарском крае случилось страшное наводнение. Пострадало несколько городов, в частности, в Крымске погибли 153 человека, а сотни домов оказались затопленными. Тогда жителям города, лишившимся домов, было решено выделить квартиры. Как сообщает издание The Insider, сейчас более сотни семей вновь рискуют оказаться без крова...
A team of four German mechanics has set a world record for the fastest car wheel change. The achievement was recorded by the Guinness Book of World Records.

According to the rules, the wheel change had to be done without electric tools.

Using only a Phillips-head wrench, the mechanics changed all four wheels of the car in 59.62 seconds - 24.23 seconds faster than the previous record.


Overview of new productions in Russia: May 2015 >>>

+ 12 новых производств с объемом инвестиций от 500 млн рублей 

In the last 4.5 years, a total of about 990-1020 large industrial plants and a similar number of smaller factories and workshops have opened in Russia. In the first 5 months of 2015, 50 new large industries have opened.
Обзор новых производств: май 2015 г.
Обзор новых производств: май 2015 г.
В Татарстане, на территории ОЭЗ «Алабуга» состоялось открытие завода по производству углеродного волокна. Углеродное волокно в составе легких и прочных композиционных материалов востребовано в атомной промышленности, в космической индустрии, авиастроении, автомобилестроении, энергетике, судостроении, нефте- газовой индустрии, строительстве...

What's the point of having a sheepdog like that? She might die of fright somewhere.
Andrey Vasiliev:
What's the point of having a sheepdog like that? It might die of fright somewhere.
Nowadays, dogs are mostly not trained to be fighters - they are supposed to be affectionate

Russia has made a nuclear breakthrough >>>

Russia is finalising the development of a revolutionary fourth-generation nuclear reactor. The Brest reactor, also known as Project Breakthrough, will solve so many international problems that it could win the Nobel Peace Prize. <br / translate="no">
Россия совершила ядерный прорыв
Россия совершила ядерный прорыв
Россия совершила ядерный прорыв
Sergey Gridnev:
I live in the Krasnodar region, my friends went there as volunteers. They saw with their own eyes that not 153 people died there!!! Magnitov's trucks came and loaded people into them, each truck had about 100 people in it, and there were dozens of trucks.