Interesting and Humour - page 2222

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70 комментариев
Японский технологический гигант Sharp начал переоснащать свои производственные линии для массового выпуска мобильных дисплеев, которые получат максимально возможную на сегодняшний день плотность пикселей. Сообщается, что Sharp будет изготавливать 5,5-дюймовые LCD-экраны для смартфонов и 7-9-дюймовые LCD-экраны для планшетов, плотность пикселей...
Let's talk.
LG сделает нормой переписку с бытовой техникой ::
Корейская компания Samsung уже объявила, что начнёт расширять ассортимент моделей бытовой техники, поддерживающих платформу Smart Home. Предполагается, что владелец соответствующих бытовых устройств сможет дистанционно управлять ими при помощи смартфона и "умных часов", получать своевременные уведомления и обновлять управляющие программы...
Китайские учёные разработали стратегию для победы в игре «камень-ножницы-бумага»
Китайские учёные разработали стратегию для победы в игре «камень-ножницы-бумага»
  • 2014.05.08
Исследователи проанализировали игры на крупном турнире в Шеньчженском университете, сообщает испаноязычный источник RT. Учёные собрали 360 студентов и разделили их на группы по шесть человек. Каждый участник провёл 300 игр против членов своей группы. Китайские математики выяснили, что алгоритм человеческой игры не случаен - люди играют по...

René Maltête was a French photographer, born 8 May 1930, died 28 November 2008. A true classic of photography. His main talent was the ability to catch a unique moment in everyday life. His shots are full of irony and lightness. One can't help smiling while watching it. At the same time every frame tells a story told by the universal visual language of composition René Maltête was so good at.


7 deadly sins



René Maltête - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
René Maltête - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
René Maltête (1930–2000) was a French photographer and poet. René Maltête was born on 8 May 1930 at Lamballe1 (Côtes-d'Armor, France). He started taking pictures at 16; his first camera was a Pontiac 6×9.1n 1 In 1951 he went to Paris to become an assistant director, and in 1952, he started working with Jacques Tati, Claude Barma and René...
23 known conspiracy theories!

1. The moon landing was faked in a film set in the Nevada desert.

2. John Kennedy was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy by his own intelligence agencies (CIA, FBI), the Mafia and then Vice President Lyndon Johnson, as well as Cuban and Russian mercenaries.

3. In 1947, an alien spaceship crashed when it landed in Roswell. A mysterious Area 51 was set up there. Apparently, the US government is still storing alien corpses and conducting secret experiments on them.

4. The space agencies are hiding evidence of life on Mars in every possible way.

5. Man magazine is pushing for marijuana to be permanently outlawed on US soil. The real reason to oppose this is that the cannabis plant is used in the manufacture of paper, rope, medicines and cloth.

6. The September 11, 2001 attacks were not orchestrated by terrorists, but by their own intelligence agencies to justify going to war in Iraq.

7. Inversion marks from planes are actually substances that are secretly sprayed over villages and crops for mysterious purposes.

8. Denver International Airport is the centre of the New World Order. An entire city is underground there.

9. Jesus Christ was married and had at least one child.

10. An underground society of more advanced beings living under socialist utopia and matriarchy uses the mysterious Vril energy. During World War II, Germany used this technology to create flying saucers.

11. a car that can drive on water has already been invented, but the car makers are deliberately silent on this fact.

12. The 2004 tsunami in Indonesia was not caused by nature but by a tsunami bomb, an underwater nuclear device.

13. The 2010 earthquake in Haiti was caused by a nuclear weapon test.

14. A digital television signal is used by the government to control the minds of the masses.

15. AIDS was developed by the US government as a biological weapon. Under the guise of health programmes, blacks, Mexicans, Hispanics, Jews and homosexuals were actively exterminated.

16. Barack Obama is a "conserved" agent of a Muslim country and the conspiracy's goal is to control the United States.

17. UFO abductions are much more common, but government agents silence witnesses.

18. The menorah seized by the Romans when Titus took Jerusalem in 70 AD is still kept at the Vatican.

19. US President Franklin Roosevelt was aware of Japan's plan to attack Pearl Harbor in 1941, but remained silent because he knew the attack would sway the American public to join the US in the war.

20. Fluoridation of drinking water increases people's susceptibility to government brainwashing.

21. Even before Yuri Gagarin was officially declared the first cosmonaut, the USSR had sent many astronauts into space. However, all of them died, and these accidents were classified.

22. Far Lap Stallion, a winner from New Zealand and Australia, was poisoned in the USA in 1932.

23. The plays attributed to William Shakespeare were actually written by three authors - Edward de Vere, Christopher Marlo and Francis Bacon, although it is possible that not all of this trio wrote under the pseudonym Shakespeare.
Город, где у каждого есть самолет
Город, где у каждого есть самолет
  • 2014.05.06
  • masterok
Самолeт не роскошь, а средство передвижения — по этому принципу живут обитатели американского городка Спрус Крик (Spruce Creek). Вместо центральной улицы там — взлeтно-посадочная полоса, а у каждого в гараже-ангаре стоит крылатая машина. Жители Спрус Крик-а не ездят, а летают на работу, а по выходным — прогуливаются в небе. Американский...

Who has children - video lessons on school subjects. Free and without advertising.

Видеоуроки по предметам школьной программы. Бесплатно и без рекламы. Уроки содержат тесты, тренажёры и конспекты
Бесплатные видеоуроки по предметам школьной программы без рекламы. Уроки содержат тесты, тренажёры и конспекты

He wanted to take a picture with the monument...

В Петербурге мужчина погиб, упав с «Медного всадника»
В Петербурге мужчина погиб, упав с «Медного всадника»
В Петербурге мужчина погиб, упав с «Медного всадника». Он хотел сфотографироваться с памятником.

A clear comparison of the iPhone 6 mock-up with other Apple devices

In recent weeks, with the help of cases and mockups, we have been able to take a look at the supposed iPhone 6 in all its details and even compare it with competitors' products. But MacRumors has gone a step further and printed its own mock-up of the smartphone on a 3D printer and then compared it to a whole set of Apple devices.

It should be understood that the existing mock-ups of the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 are almost certainly based on the schematics published in a Japanese magazine in March. This also explains their serious resemblance to the renders created by Martin Hayek. Although this is actually the most likely design of the future gadget at the moment, the possibility of a mistake cannot be ruled out. However, the second option is becoming less and less believable.

So, let's proceed with the comparison. Mockups of the future iPhone 6 are already aggressively selling on the Internet, but MacRumors only bought the case we told you about, and then printed out their own mockup of the smartphone on a 3D printer. In the image below, you can compare the dimensions of the iPhone 6 with the iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, iPhone 5 and iPad mini with Retina display. The future flagship smartphone is indeed significantly larger than any previous generation iPhone, but it's still inferior to the iPad mini, so there's no talk of cannibalising sales, at least from the 4.7-inch smartphone.

MacRumors also noted that the larger display does make the device more difficult to use with one hand in certain cases. On the other hand, the move of the Power button from the top to the right side of the smartphone, strongly criticized by many readers, is considered convenient. The new location of the button does compensate for the increased size of the case. It is convenient to press it with both thumb when the smartphone is in right hand and index finger when iPhone 6 is in left hand.

The smartphone is expected to get a 4.7-inch display with a resolution of 1334 x 750 pixels. Their density will remain at 326 ppi and the display will be able to accommodate an additional row of icons. Finally, just above, you can see what the iPhone 5 looks like in an iPhone 6 case. The difference in size, as they say, is evident.

Производитель чехлов намекает на очень тонкий корпус iPhone 6 и увеличенный дисплей
Производитель чехлов намекает на очень тонкий корпус iPhone 6 и увеличенный дисплей
  • Юрий Милош
Поток слухов, связанных с увеличением дисплея в iPhone 6, не иссякает. Аналитики, инвесторы и просто неравнодушные люди неустанно вещают, что уж в этом году Apple точно представит смартфон с увеличенной диагональю экрана и, возможно, даже не один. Теперь в игру включились и производители аксессуаров, которые по традиции владеют ситуаций...