Interesting and Humour - page 2216


Oh, those Romans!

Римские монеты с изображением сексуальных сцен (13 фото) - Фишки.нет
Римские монеты с изображением сексуальных сцен (13 фото) - Фишки.нет
Римляне всегда отличались некоторой долей сексуальной распущенности, как мы это сейчас называем. Тогда же в первом веке нашей эры, когда предположительно подобные жетоны (спинтрия) находились в активном обращении, римляне исповедовали по-настоящему свободную любовь во всех ее видах и проявлениях. Спинтрия (от латинского spintria) — монеты или...

Thalidomide is a sedative sleeping drug.

It is widely known for its teratogenicity- its ability to 'give birth to monsters'.

Victims of thalidomide between 1956 and 1962:

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The girl said she was fat - the girl was joking. You told a girl she was fat - kingship to you.

- Where were you? - Class reunion. - For three days? - We were reminiscing... - Remembering what?! - Where I live...

I want a wizard to give me an invisible hat and socks.

Alcohol doesn't help you find the answer. It helps you forget the question.

- Honey, let's play tonight like you're a slut? - You're such a naughty boy. Come on. - I'll take you to the truckers and pick you up in the morning.

By the time you remember what you forgot, you'll have forgotten what you remembered.

The most effective herbal treatment is a nettle up the ass.

A foolish wife watches her husband, and a clever one watches herself.

Everybody wants to have a good time... But you don't have a good time.

- Well, on the one hand you're beautiful... - And on the other? - And on the other you have a face...

"The new drugs "Obdirole" and "Razorin" will take away your desire to get sick."

- Mashka, shall we go to the movies after school? - I can't. I'm going to university after school. And then I'll get a job.

- Does your offer still stand? - Yes. Then I refuse again.

- Katya, why are you crying? - It's a sad book... What kind of book? - "Thermodynamics".

Nothing makes a sleeping woman look more beautiful than a little child sitting next to her with felt-tip pens.

Should you believe a man if he says he's a liar?

- My name is Miloš Jovanović, I am 25 years old and I am an emblem of the USSR. - Why? - BECAUSE I'M SERBIAN AND YOUNG.

Give a man a fish and he will be fed for a day. Give a man the name Sat, and he will be satiated forever.

- Should I not go? - No. - "No, don't go" or "No, go"? - Yes.

- Hello, who is this? - Where?

Oh, the great and fizzy Polish language!

Sclerotic spouses cheating on each other.

- Where did you vacation this summer? - Oh, I've been everywhere. I haven't been to the sea, the ocean, rivers, lakes, ponds, mountains.

"Give the little crocodiles to tasty hands."

Why not go when you're being led somewhere by the hair?

- Sent my husband out for potatoes and he got hit by a car. - That's terrible! What are you going to do now? - I don't know. Rice, maybe.

I look at some people and I think, "Where's the fat going?"

- Don't you regret getting married? - Yeah, I'm sorry about him, sure.

Brown bears think all polar bears are stupid.

Men usually hang everything on the floor.

"Bsytro and quacheno nabru luboi tekk."

Mum wanted a boy. And daddy wanted a girl. That's how they met.

- Are you offended? - No. How bad? - Yes.

The biggest debt is a matrimonial one. No matter how much you give, you still owe.

It's good to be brave. But scary.

- Holy father. - Yes, holy son. - The holy mother made holy borscht.

How to have a fun weekend

Себестоимость очков Google Glass в 18 раз меньше розничной цены ::
В конце прошлого года интернет-гигант Google представил новую версию своих очков дополненной реальности под названием Google Glass 2.0 Explorer Edition. Их розничная стоимость составляет порядка $1500, а вот себестоимость в разы ниже. Об этом сообщают наши коллеги из . По сведениям издания, сотрудники портала решили разобрать очки...
The project is going to collapse. They won't make it before World War III.
Борьбу за четыре билета в один конец на Марс продолжают 706 человек
Борьбу за четыре билета в один конец на Марс продолжают 706 человек
ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС, 2 мая. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС Александра Урусова/. Борьбу за четыре места в программе по колонизации Марса - Mars One - продолжают 706 человек. Об этом корр. ИТАР-ТАСС в пятницу сообщила участница проекта жительница Лос-Анджелеса Сью Энн Пиен. На первом этапе отбора участников программы, завершившимся в сентябре 2013 года, заявление на...

Good morning, comrades!