Interesting and Humour - page 2017


Greetings for our New Year from Cambodia (they know us there too) - from Lady Chanbo Keo


The year 2014 is almost upon us!
It's going to bring lots and lots of joy to the kids!
And you're no longer a child, you've grown up long ago,
But I'll say these wishes all the same:

I wish you to be loved,
To dig up a treasure in the woods.
To drink and not get sick,
To eat and not get fat,

To make money in a river,
To eat caviar for breakfast.
For a career - strictly upwards,

Success everywhere!

I've got it!

Generally speaking, mourning is the last stage of a terrorist attack, carried out by the authorities for the sake of public tranquillity (my quote).
Oh, I'll say a lot of things here without Mishek ... :) but to answer to him (as it's his thread).

Slowly we wake up

Soul Ballet - Cream


Slowly we wake up

Soul Ballet - Cream

And this remix is to cheer you up:
