Interesting and Humour - page 2021

The "Eat it, or it will go bad" season is declared open.

Cyprus state broadcaster Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (CyBC) mistakenly broadcast the New Year's Eve address of the country's former leader Dimitris Christofias, local media reported.

The year-old New Year's message was broadcast for about 10 seconds, until the radio editor discovered his mistake and launched a fresh address by President Nicos Anastasiades, the Cypriot media reported.

However, it is worth noting that Cyprus was not the only country that mixed up the New Year's addresses.

Кипрское ТВ выдало в эфир прошлогоднее праздничное обращение президента
Кипрское ТВ выдало в эфир прошлогоднее праздничное обращение президента
Кипрское ТВ выдало в эфир прошлогоднее праздничное обращение президента. Государственная телерадиокомпания Кипра - Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (CyBC) - по ошибке выдала в радиоэфир в канун ...
What kind of potty? A night potty? Like they're assholes? No, there are, but they're mostly beer drinkers.

Then you could put a beer on the night table next to the potty. The question is, what kind of beer? And what to do if I don't want it. And I'll need a pot, because it's open season and it's starting to spoil...

You better hurry up, or all the night shops will be closed... ...and the bottom's gonna blow out...

Mate, I don't feed my family with bonuses, I feed them with my mind. Count my posts in this thread, count the number of bonus points for them, and I'll list them for you. For your peace of mind and tranquillity.
I don't want people from all over the forum to be interested in this freebie right now ))))
I don't want anyone from the whole forum to be interested in this freebie right now ))))
Whatever. I can see that the man has an unhealthy interest in other people's ratings. He sees scammers everywhere. Just now he will fart something on this post. But my suggestion to him (and not to everyone who wants to) remains valid. Or maybe he's hungry and angry...

Or maybe he's hungry and angry...

I'll chip in hungry, too.

I can give you some food, there's always a lot left after the New Year. The dog can't eat any more, at least this one will do.

Well, I'll chip in for the hungry one, too.
Mish, he's going to be sick at the sight of your rating. Or he'll throw up... Who shall we feed then?

I can give you groceries, after New Year's Eve, as there is always a lot left. The dog can't eat any more, at least this one will do.

You'd better... send it to my cat. He likes cake.
You'd better... send it to my cat. He likes cake.
No, think about it. It's too bad for the cat, it'll take a while for the cake to arrive.
Don't think about it. It's a shame about the cat. It'll take a while for the cake to get here.
Oh, well... That leaves the nigger as a candidate.