Interesting and Humour - page 2011

There was another explosion today.
Новый взрыв в Волгограде: 14 погибших в троллейбусе - BBC Russian - Россия
Новый взрыв в Волгограде: 14 погибших в троллейбусе - BBC Russian - Россия
Взрыв произошел в понедельник утром в Волгограде в троллейбусе в 8:23 утра, неподалеку от рынка. По данным следственных органов, 14 человек погибли. Как сообщает министерство здравоохранения России, ранены 28 человек, и трое из них - в том числе полугодовалый ребенок - находятся в крайне тяжелом состоянии. Взорванный троллейбус следовал по...

You're a moron. For real.

Volgograd is part of Russia. There may be people here from Volgograd. But you don't care, you have an unused supply of funny pictures.

Oh, now you're suddenly thinking about ethics, about other people. Pedal harder, push harder. Maybe they'll believe you.

And how relieved everyone will be that you, because of your feeble mind, are pushing the idea that the authorities were involved in the terrorist attacks, is beyond imagination.


Following your logic, I have to ask - is it better to post naked men?

If you need credits, I can transfer them to you through Work.

In fact - there will always be hamsters who think that houses in Moscow were blown up by the FSB and the towers in New York were destroyed by the CIA.

Not to tempt, but just to give an example (the video below is an example of how Western NGOs help minorities to feel like the rest) - the picture and satire of the video by Pava Kava (a resident of California, I posted about him here) - the photo is not his :)

Let's put naked grandmas and grandpas in here, too, eh...
That's why I like cats
Let's put naked grandmas and grandpas in here, too, eh...

That's why I like cats

Petersburg Sphynx (Peterbald)

That's why I like cats.
Well... you could also put naked cats in here.