Elite indicators - metatrader 5 version :)


This one is for those that use metatrader 5

Metatrader 5, unfortunately, did some things that hardly are logical. One of the things done by it is that builtin averages (and all the other builtin indicators) are not functions any more. That is as big a nonsense as it can get. Instead of making things simpler and with more options, the decision seems to be that everything must be as complicated as it gets.

The only way out will be to make custom classes and custom functions and custom everything in the end (since the default "copy to this little buffer, copy to that little buffer,..." does not add to clarity and usability at all. On the contrary


So this one is the first one in the "if they did not do it, we shall...". It is a collection of averages made as a class and made to be used simply (check the hull, lsma or t3 moving averages and how they use the same class for calculations and you will see what am I talking about) Making it the default metatrader 5 way would take much, much more coding just to do those things and not to mention that valuable buffers would be taken (since there is still a limit in drawing buffers (64 this time, not 8 as before, but still there is a limit)

The only really good thing that they did in indicators is that one can choose to what the indicator is applied to without recoding the whole thing. So you can get things like the lower (force) indicator with these averages applied to it
If I sound bitter, please forgive me. Among other things I am waiting 6-7 months for a color histogram 2 error correction and am going to wait some more. So, if the basic things like indicators are not working as they should, what does work as it should? Trading? Come on. That is yet another story (and not funny at all)


So, as I said, this is one of the first steps in the direction that we are going to be forced to go to : custom everything. And the better libraries one has the easier the rest of the coding will be.


PS: this is an update of the post with daily data indicator

Removed the indicator from the previous post simply because I do not like versions tagging. Versions tend to draw people into an opinion that something big has been done. An I think that it is not about the amount of changes but about how close it is to an original idea.

Some changes in this one were forced : at a moment there is an unpleasant bug in metatrader 5 regrading collecting data from other time frames (and daily data is a multi time frame indicator in a sense) The bug happens when symbol is changed : at a first tick it throws "unknown symbol" in the function call (imagine calling a function with internal variable (which you can not change but is changed only by metatrader) and still you have an error) And then, after a short time, it is OK again. So, since metatrader 5 allows it, a timer is introduced into the indicator which ensures that even if there are no ticks, it checks again.

And being there, a timer is used to display the bar timer too (it works regardless of tick absence or presence, so it works as it should - a real timer) Code is simplified even more and now I am waiting for a new upgrades of metatrader 5 (since they told that some of the errors noticed are fixed already and will be available with the next upgrade) But now this indicator is usable (with a "timer bypass" even that error is circumvented) so ... ) Right now it looks like this (everything on screen is a daily data, there is no foreign indicator or expert)

I must admit that I am a slave of habits

And since I am used to daily data in metatrader 4 had to make a daily data for metatrader 5 too


It is not a simple conversion though. There are some new possibilities (the way how buttons are treated and how objects are treated) which makes it possible to interact with indicator with a simple click of a mouse. This one misuses that possibility and whenever something can be hidden or shown it is enough to click on an appropriate button instead to entering in parameters and setting those there (as a matter of fact this one even does not have parameters for showing or hiding - it is done exclusively through screen controls)

Anyway, as far as object are concerned, it is a much better situation than the lack of functions that I was talking in the previous post but it is a matter of objects usability in majority of indicators : majority of indicators will never use objects, so ... till then we have this one. So now I can see at similar screen under both platforms
PS: corners in metatrader 5 are not the same as in metatrader 4 : the enumeration is the following : 0-> upper left, 1-> lower left, 2-> lower right, 3->upper right

PPS: removed the indicator from this post. The latest version can be found on the next post


One more for the collection - T3 double bands :

Three T3s calculated : of high (upper line), close (middle line) and low (lower line) When upper 2 have the same slope (up or down) the color of the band between them also changes to show the trend of the upper two T3s combined. The same rule is applied for the lower band


Nice T3 Double Bands thanks, Mladen.


Posted "regular" versions of these yesterday in public section


A word of explanation why am I posting these here (in elite section).

It seems that multi time frame indicators in metatrader 5 will not be that "easy" to make as people were used before (the basic "keris" method that assumed just knowing a name of the other indicator and some basic copying / pasting and calling the appropriate indicator you got the "step like" mtf) I did see some attempts to make multiple time frame in metatrader 5 but they are far from being what they should be (people seem to be stuck in "old ways" and are trying to find equivalents for "old" functions which seems to be a completely inefficient (and, in a lot of cases, wrong) way)

These ones are more or less solving multi time frame issues in metatrader 5 (starting from the new possibility that indicators can be saved in custom sub-folder(s) of MQL5/Indicators folder (not such a simple problem, believe me) to saving under any name and interpolation option (where it can be applied) of course)

So all the 3 are made mtf now

PS: some issues that metatrader 5 still has (one being an obligatory inability to copy all values of a target time frame issue for all time frames but the current, when you place an indicator on chart, change the target time frame or you just started terminal, is a "pearl" issue and it is hard to believe that metatrader 5 developers still (after more than 1.5 year) are having it) but ... we can only wait and keep our fingers crossed

Multi Time Frame

This one is for those that use metatrader 5

Metatrader 5, unfortunately, did some things that hardly are logical. One of the things done by it is that builtin averages (and all the other builtin indicators) are not functions any more. That is as big a nonsense as it can get. Instead of making things simpler and with more options, the decision seems to be that everything must be as complicated as it gets.

The only way out will be to make custom classes and custom functions and custom everything in the end (since the default "copy to this little buffer, copy to that little buffer,..." does not add to clarity and usability at all. On the contrary


So this one is the first one in the "if they did not do it, we shall...". It is a collection of averages made as a class and made to be used simply (check the hull, lsma or t3 moving averages and how they use the same class for calculations and you will see what am I talking about) Making it the default metatrader 5 way would take much, much more coding just to do those things and not to mention that valuable buffers would be taken (since there is still a limit in drawing buffers (64 this time, not 8 as before, but still there is a limit)

The only really good thing that they did in indicators is that one can choose to what the indicator is applied to without recoding the whole thing. So you can get things like the lower (force) indicator with these averages applied to it
If I sound bitter, please forgive me. Among other things I am waiting 6-7 months for a color histogram 2 error correction and am going to wait some more. So, if the basic things like indicators are not working as they should, what does work as it should? Trading? Come on. That is yet another story (and not funny at all)


So, as I said, this is one of the first steps in the direction that we are going to be forced to go to : custom everything. And the better libraries one has the easier the rest of the coding will be.

Hi Mladen

Multi Time Frame

Happy New Years


Hi Mladen

MQ5 Version




I hope I understood correctly : this a mtf version of averages. But there are some changes in it. This one does not have a Apply to previous indicator data" option. Two reasons :
First one is that I still can not find a way to pass that parameter to another instance of the indicator (in the help file they mention Applied_price built in variable in that case but that built simply does not exist )

The other reason is that it would give meaningless results when attached to some other indicator in mtf mode : you would see a current time frame indicator and a mtf average of it and it would look rather funny

The first reason is still to be solved (just imagine trying to use such an indicator from an EA and then you are forced to use default (close) price in cases like that)


As an example : SMA 1 hour of high and SMA 1 hour of close on 15 minute chart (all the average types work in this one with the restriction described above)


Hi Mladen

MQ5 Version

Apeiron I hope I understood correctly : this a mtf version of averages. But there are some changes in it. This one does not have a Apply to previous indicator data" option. Two reasons :
First one is that I still can not find a way to pass that parameter to another instance of the indicator (in the help file they mention Applied_price built in variable in that case but that built simply does not exist )

The other reason is that it would give meaningless results when attached to some other indicator in mtf mode : you would see a current time frame indicator and a mtf average of it and it would look rather funny

The first reason is still to be solved (just imagine trying to use such an indicator from an EA and then you are forced to use default (close) price in cases like that)


As an example : SMA 1 hour of high and SMA 1 hour of close on 15 minute chart (all the average types work in this one with the restriction described above)
regards Mladen

thanks mladen


This is metatrader 5 version of the latest (correct) Step stochastic

Principle is the same as the one posted in the Elite indicators thread, except that this one has the filling too (the possibility of metatrader 5 that we do not have in metatrader 4) and I decided to use median price as default (but you can change it to whatever price you want)
