EIA United States Natural Gas Storage Change

United States
USD, US dollar
Low 40 B 26 B
13 B
Last release Importance Actual Forecast
41 B
40 B
Next release Actual Forecast
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The Energy Information Administration's (EIA) Natural Gas Storage Change Index reflects a weekly change in gas volumes available in underground storage facilities. The indicator demonstrates whether withdrawals or injections were prevailing in the past week in the US. The readings allow measuring the demand for natural gas.

The US Energy Information Administration calculates and publishes the indicator in a separate report. It reflects a weekly estimate of the volume of natural gas stored in the storage facilities of 48 US states, divided into 5 geographic regions. To maintain the relevance of the survey and to avoid distortion of the overall picture, operators are required to report any technological and economic changes, which can have a strong one-time effect on natural gas stocks.

The calculation is based on a survey of underground storage operators. Gas can be stored in reservoir in former oil and gas fields, aquifer and caverns. Respondents provide evaluation of the total volume of gas stocks, as well as changes in gas stocks over the past week if they exceed 500 million cubic feet (14 million cubic meters).

A decrease in natural gas storage points to the growth of gas consumption and demand. This can have a short-term effect on the gas price.

Last values:

actual data


The chart of the entire available history of the "EIA United States Natural Gas Storage Change" macroeconomic indicator. The dashed line shows the forecast values ​​of the economic indicator for the specified dates.

A significant deviation of a real value from a forecast one may cause a short-term strengthening or weakening of a national currency in the Forex market. The threshold values ​​of the indicators signaling the approach of the critical state of the national (local) economy occupy a special place.

Date (GMT)
6 Sep 2024
40 B
26 B
13 B
30 Aug 2024
13 B
-2 B
35 B
23 Aug 2024
35 B
2 B
35 B
16 Aug 2024
35 B
-7 B
-6 B
9 Aug 2024
-6 B
-4 B
21 B
2 Aug 2024
21 B
-4 B
18 B
26 Jul 2024
18 B
4 B
22 B
19 Jul 2024
22 B
15 B
10 B
12 Jul 2024
10 B
31 B
65 B
5 Jul 2024
65 B
45 B
32 B
28 Jun 2024
32 B
63 B
52 B
21 Jun 2024
52 B
86 B
71 B
14 Jun 2024
71 B
86 B
74 B
7 Jun 2024
74 B
94 B
98 B
31 May 2024
98 B
98 B
84 B
24 May 2024
84 B
74 B
78 B
17 May 2024
78 B
75 B
70 B
10 May 2024
70 B
69 B
79 B
3 May 2024
79 B
87 B
59 B
26 Apr 2024
59 B
69 B
92 B
19 Apr 2024
92 B
47 B
50 B
12 Apr 2024
50 B
59 B
24 B
5 Apr 2024
24 B
-24 B
-37 B
29 Mar 2024
-37 B
-95 B
-36 B
22 Mar 2024
-36 B
33 B
7 B
15 Mar 2024
7 B
93 B
-9 B
8 Mar 2024
-9 B
43 B
-40 B
1 Mar 2024
-40 B
-83 B
-96 B
23 Feb 2024
-96 B
-242 B
-60 B
16 Feb 2024
-60 B
68 B
-49 B
9 Feb 2024
-49 B
-47 B
-75 B
2 Feb 2024
-75 B
-225 B
-197 B
26 Jan 2024
-197 B
-348 B
-326 B
19 Jan 2024
-326 B
-188 B
-154 B
12 Jan 2024
-154 B
-62 B
-140 B
5 Jan 2024
-140 B
-115 B
-14 B
29 Dec 2023
-14 B
3 B
-87 B
22 Dec 2023
-87 B
-135 B
-87 B
15 Dec 2023
-87 B
-44 B
-55 B
8 Dec 2023
-55 B
-57 B
-117 B
1 Dec 2023
-117 B
0 B
10 B
24 Nov 2023
10 B
27 B
-7 B
17 Nov 2023
-7 B
62 B
60 B
10 Nov 2023
60 B
-6 B
3 Nov 2023
-6 B
77 B
79 B
27 Oct 2023
79 B
88 B
74 B
20 Oct 2023
74 B
93 B
97 B
13 Oct 2023
97 B
87 B
84 B
6 Oct 2023
84 B
79 B
86 B
29 Sep 2023
86 B
64 B
90 B

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