EIA United States Crude Oil Stocks Change

United States
USD, US dollar
High -1.630 M -2.447 M
0.833 M
Last release Importance Actual Forecast
-1.499 M
-1.630 M
Next release Actual Forecast
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EIA Crude Oil Stocks Change is included in the weekly report issued by the Energy Information Administration of the US Department of Energy. It presents the number of barrels of commercial crude oil held by US companies.

EIA includes this report into Weekly Petroleum Status Report (WPSR) along with other information on supplies, stocks and prices for crude oil and principal petroleum products. It is a reliable source of current information on the energy industry used by manufacturers, press, policy makers, consumers and analysts, as well as state and local authorities. The report data describe supply and disposition of crude oil and petroleum products in the United States and large US regions.

The report is compiled based on data submitted by all companies, which can store at least 1000 barrels of crude oil. They include:

  • All pipeline companies (local and state), including interstate, domestic and local pipelines
  • Crude oil producers (oil companies)
  • Terminal operators
  • Crude oil storers (except refineries)
  • Companies transporting Alaskan crude oil by water in other states and the District of Columbia

Increase of US crude oil stocks can indicate a decrease in demand for crude oil or increase in production. Such an increase negatively affects global oils prices, though it is a short-term effect. A downward trend is only formed in the market if crude oil stocks increase steadily for several weeks in a row.

Last values:

actual data


The chart of the entire available history of the "EIA United States Crude Oil Stocks Change" macroeconomic indicator. The dashed line shows the forecast values ​​of the economic indicator for the specified dates.

A significant deviation of a real value from a forecast one may cause a short-term strengthening or weakening of a national currency in the Forex market. The threshold values ​​of the indicators signaling the approach of the critical state of the national (local) economy occupy a special place.

Date (GMT)
13 Sep 2024
-1.630 M
-2.447 M
0.833 M
6 Sep 2024
0.833 M
-4.206 M
-6.873 M
30 Aug 2024
-6.873 M
-2.904 M
-0.846 M
23 Aug 2024
-0.846 M
-2.239 M
-4.649 M
16 Aug 2024
-4.649 M
-1.743 M
1.357 M
9 Aug 2024
1.357 M
-5.514 M
-3.728 M
2 Aug 2024
-3.728 M
-0.978 M
-3.436 M
26 Jul 2024
-3.436 M
-3.741 M
19 Jul 2024
-3.741 M
-4.870 M
12 Jul 2024
-4.870 M
-3.443 M
5 Jul 2024
-3.443 M
-12.157 M
28 Jun 2024
-12.157 M
3.591 M
21 Jun 2024
3.591 M
-2.547 M
15 Jun 2024
-2.547 M
3.730 M
7 Jun 2024
3.730 M
-0.709 M
1.233 M
31 May 2024
1.233 M
-0.387 M
-4.156 M
24 May 2024
-4.156 M
-0.650 M
1.825 M
17 May 2024
1.825 M
0.462 M
-2.508 M
10 May 2024
-2.508 M
3.425 M
-1.362 M
3 May 2024
-1.362 M
-0.608 M
7.265 M
26 Apr 2024
7.265 M
-0.507 M
-6.368 M
19 Apr 2024
-6.368 M
1.040 M
2.735 M
12 Apr 2024
2.735 M
1.175 M
5.841 M
5 Apr 2024
5.841 M
1.211 M
3.210 M
29 Mar 2024
3.210 M
-9.809 M
3.165 M
22 Mar 2024
3.165 M
-7.972 M
-1.952 M
15 Mar 2024
-1.952 M
-2.267 M
-1.536 M
8 Mar 2024
-1.536 M
9.757 M
1.367 M
1 Mar 2024
1.367 M
4.491 M
4.199 M
23 Feb 2024
4.199 M
3.930 M
3.514 M
16 Feb 2024
3.514 M
6.807 M
12.018 M
9 Feb 2024
12.018 M
3.392 M
5.520 M
2 Feb 2024
5.520 M
-3.716 M
1.234 M
26 Jan 2024
1.234 M
-6.860 M
-9.233 M
19 Jan 2024
-9.233 M
-0.744 M
-2.492 M
12 Jan 2024
-2.492 M
4.112 M
1.338 M
5 Jan 2024
1.338 M
-2.280 M
-5.503 M
29 Dec 2023
-5.503 M
-2.499 M
-7.114 M
22 Dec 2023
-7.114 M
0.809 M
2.909 M
15 Dec 2023
2.909 M
1.263 M
-4.258 M
8 Dec 2023
-4.258 M
-0.069 M
-4.633 M
1 Dec 2023
-4.633 M
-0.450 M
1.610 M
24 Nov 2023
1.610 M
1.726 M
8.700 M
17 Nov 2023
8.700 M
1.915 M
3.592 M
10 Nov 2023
3.592 M
13.869 M
3 Nov 2023
13.869 M
2.262 M
0.773 M
27 Oct 2023
0.773 M
2.180 M
1.372 M
20 Oct 2023
1.372 M
1.388 M
-4.491 M
13 Oct 2023
-4.491 M
0.570 M
10.176 M
6 Oct 2023
10.176 M
-1.590 M
-2.224 M

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