United Kingdom Employment Change 3-months

United Kingdom
GBP, Pound sterling
Medium 97 K 70 K
19 K
Last release Importance Actual Forecast
122 K
97 K
Next release Actual Forecast
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Employment Change 3-months measures a change in the number of officially employed UK citizens in the reported 3-month period compared to the same period a year earlier. Employment growth is a sign of a stronger labor market and can be seen as positive for the pound quotes.

Last values:

actual data


The chart of the entire available history of the "United Kingdom Employment Change 3-months" macroeconomic indicator. The dashed line shows the forecast values ​​of the economic indicator for the specified dates.

A significant deviation of a real value from a forecast one may cause a short-term strengthening or weakening of a national currency in the Forex market. The threshold values ​​of the indicators signaling the approach of the critical state of the national (local) economy occupy a special place.

Date (GMT)
Jun 2024
97 K
70 K
19 K
May 2024
19 K
-140 K
Apr 2024
-140 K
-251 K
-177 K
Mar 2024
-177 K
-156 K
Feb 2024
-156 K
-57 K
-89 K
Jan 2024
-21 K
151 K
72 K
Dec 2023
72 K
108 K
Nov 2023
73 K
55 K
Oct 2023
50 K
54 K
Sep 2023
54 K
85 K
-82 K
Aug 2023
-82 K
-230 K
-207 K
Jul 2023
-207 K
-177 K
-66 K
Jun 2023
-66 K
23 K
103 K
May 2023
103 K
229 K
250 K
Apr 2023
250 K
134 K
182 K
Mar 2023
182 K
207 K
169 K
Feb 2023
169 K
91 K
66 K
Jan 2023
66 K
107 K
74 K
Dec 2022
74 K
-48 K
27 K
Nov 2022
27 K
80 K
27 K
Oct 2022
27 K
-31 K
-53 K
Sep 2022
-53 K
-97 K
-109 K
Aug 2022
-109 K
-88 K
39 K
Jul 2022
39 K
50 K
160 K
Jun 2022
160 K
339 K
297 K
May 2022
297 K
228 K
177 K
Apr 2022
177 K
-73 K
65 K
Mar 2022
84 K
-110 K
10 K
Feb 2022
10 K
-70 K
-13 K
Jan 2022
-13 K
10 K
-38 K
Dec 2021
-38 K
95 K
59 K
Nov 2021
59 K
162 K
149 K
Oct 2021
149 K
92 K
247 K
Sep 2021
247 K
75 K
236 K
Aug 2021
236 K
65 K
183 K
Jul 2021
183 K
66 K
95 K
Jun 2021
95 K
75 K
25 K
May 2021
25 K
92 K
61 K
Apr 2021
113 K
-10 K
83 K
Mar 2021
83 K
-29 K
-73 K
Feb 2021
-73 K
-42 K
-148 K
Jan 2021
-148 K
-41 K
-114 K
Dec 2020
-114 K
61 K
-88 K
Nov 2020
-88 K
42 K
-143 K
Oct 2020
-143 K
-310 K
-164 K
Sep 2020
-164 K
-14 K
-153 K
Aug 2020
-153 K
126 K
-175 K
Jul 2020
-12 K
-86 K
-220 K
Jun 2020
-220 K
-156 K
-125 K
May 2020
-125 K
-106 K
6 K

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