Bank of Canada (BoC) Review

CAD, Canadian dollar

Bank of Canada (BoC) Review is published two times a year, in spring and in autumn. This is a collection of several articles (normally from 4 to 7), prepared by the BoC's members and Canada's leading economists.

The review includes informational and analytical articles on a variety of aspects of Canada's economic developments and worldwide economy trends. It covers questions on business operations under current conditions as well as investment trends.

The subject of each specific review is selected in accordance with the current economic agenda. As a rule, one or two articles in the review are devoted to global events and processes, the rest consider Canada's internal issues.

This is an information review intended for the general public (analysts, economists, traders and those interested in economic trends). It considers in detail a wide variety of issues from the world of finance, business and economy.

The review publication does not affect Canadian dollar quotes, since it does not contain any new information. In addition, it contains a special remark that the views expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Bank of Canada. However, it is traditionally monitored by the interested public.