Brazil Trade Balance

BRL, Brazilian real
Medium $​4.828 B $​8.841 B
$​7.640 B
Last release Importance Actual Forecast
$​7.754 B
$​4.828 B
Next release Actual Forecast
  • Overview
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The Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services of Brazil (MDIC) publishes information on the Brazilian trade balance data weekly and monthly.

The Trade Balance is the economic indicator that portrays the difference between everything that is exported and imported in relation to goods and services within Brazil in a certain period of time.

When the trade balance is positive, there is a surplus, in other words, the total exports exceed total imports. The surplus of the trade balance is a beneficial condition for the Brazilian economy, that is, there are more sales of goods and services abroad than incoming imports. Profit from a positive trade balance is invested internally, improving the country's economy.

When the trade balance is negative, there is a deficit, in other words, the total imports exceed the total exports. The trade deficit is a depreciating condition of the Brazilian economy, that is, more goods and services are coming from abroad than are exported. The damage caused by a negative trade balance directly affects the financial reserves of the country that are used to cover the expenses.

The coverage rate is a concept that defines the total proportion of export volumes over imports (EXP/IMP). According to the value of this rate, it is possible to estimate how much a country depends commercially on external partners. The lower the coverage rate, the greater the trend towards a negative trade balance and more dependent is Brazil of foreign partners.

This indicator may favor the Brazilian real when its value is greater than the forecast.

Last values:

actual data


The chart of the entire available history of the "Brazil Trade Balance" macroeconomic indicator. The dashed line shows the forecast values ​​of the economic indicator for the specified dates.

A significant deviation of a real value from a forecast one may cause a short-term strengthening or weakening of a national currency in the Forex market. The threshold values ​​of the indicators signaling the approach of the critical state of the national (local) economy occupy a special place.

Date (GMT)
Aug 2024
$​4.828 B
$​8.841 B
$​7.640 B
Jul 2024
$​7.640 B
$​7.163 B
$​6.711 B
Jun 2024
$​6.711 B
$​8.892 B
$​8.534 B
May 2024
$​8.534 B
$​8.384 B
$​9.041 B
Apr 2024
$​9.041 B
$​6.523 B
$​7.483 B
Mar 2024
$​7.483 B
$​7.855 B
$​5.447 B
Feb 2024
$​5.447 B
$​10.014 B
$​6.527 B
Jan 2024
$​6.527 B
$​10.797 B
$​9.360 B
Dec 2023
$​9.360 B
$​8.776 B
Nov 2023
$​8.776 B
$​6.969 B
$​8.959 B
Oct 2023
$​8.959 B
$​6.737 B
$​8.904 B
Sep 2023
$​8.904 B
$​7.652 B
$​9.767 B
Aug 2023
$​9.767 B
$​9.209 B
$​9.035 B
Jul 2023
$​9.035 B
$​10.835 B
$​10.592 B
Jun 2023
$​10.592 B
$​9.854 B
$​11.378 B
May 2023
$​11.378 B
$​7.873 B
$​8.225 B
Apr 2023
$​8.225 B
$​6.382 B
$​10.956 B
Mar 2023
$​10.956 B
$​3.264 B
$​2.837 B
Feb 2023
$​2.837 B
$​6.029 B
$​2.717 B
Jan 2023
$​2.717 B
$​4.780 B
Dec 2022
$​4.780 B
$​5.691 B
$​6.675 B
Nov 2022
$​6.675 B
$​3.265 B
$​3.921 B
Oct 2022
$​3.921 B
$​1.866 B
$​3.994 B
Sep 2022
$​3.994 B
$​1.909 B
$​4.165 B
Aug 2022
$​4.165 B
$​3.730 B
$​5.444 B
Jul 2022
$​5.444 B
$​8.467 B
$​8.814 B
Jun 2022
$​8.814 B
$​10.262 B
$​4.944 B
May 2022
$​4.944 B
$​11.496 B
$​8.148 B
Apr 2022
$​8.148 B
$​9.429 B
$​7.383 B
Mar 2022
$​7.383 B
$​5.612 B
$​4.050 B
Feb 2022
$​4.050 B
$​4.406 B
$​-0.176 B
Jan 2022
$​-0.176 B
$​1.428 B
$​3.948 B
Dec 2021
$​3.948 B
$​-2.221 B
$​-1.307 B
Nov 2021
$​-1.307 B
$​-2.221 B
$​2.004 B
Oct 2021
$​2.004 B
$​0.011 B
$​4.322 B
Sep 2021
$​4.322 B
$​5.046 B
$​7.665 B
Aug 2021
$​7.665 B
$​9.284 B
$​7.395 B
Jul 2021
$​7.395 B
$​12.280 B
$​10.372 B
Jun 2021
$​10.372 B
$​11.715 B
$​9.291 B
May 2021
$​9.291 B
$​6.590 B
$​10.349 B
Apr 2021
$​10.349 B
$​0.979 B
$​1.482 B
Mar 2021
$​1.482 B
$​-0.312 B
$​1.152 B
Feb 2021
$​1.152 B
$​-0.576 B
$​-1.125 B
Jan 2021
$​-1.125 B
$​1.259 B
$​-0.042 B
Dec 2020
$​-0.042 B
$​3.922 B
$​3.732 B
Nov 2020
$​3.732 B
$​5.075 B
$​5.473 B
Oct 2020
$​5.473 B
$​5.550 B
$​6.164 B
Sep 2020
$​6.164 B
$​5.817 B
$​6.609 B
Aug 2020
$​6.609 B
$​4.696 B
$​8.060 B
Jul 2020
$​8.060 B
$​1.457 B
$​4.794 B

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