Draft Biden 2016 group has announced that they are accepting Bitcoin donations

Draft Biden 2016 group has announced that they are accepting Bitcoin donations

17 June 2015, 18:11
Draft Biden 2016 is a group of people who are preparing the groundwork for Biden in the early states of New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Iowa as well as building up an army of volunteers and supporters around the country.

Draft Biden 2016 says that it will accept contributions made with the virtual currency for this is in consonance of the vision that Vice President Biden has about technology and innovation. Joseph Schweitzer, the group’s director, said in a statement that Biden has supported the latest technology throughout his career,” Joseph Schweitzer, the group’s director, said in a statement.

Though Biden has not publicly stated whether he plans to seek the presidency in 2016, the people behind Draft Biden 2016 want him. According to them he should run, he would compete for his party’s nomination with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, as well as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee.