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Data label for timeseries mining (Part 2):Make datasets with trend markers using Python

Data label for timeseries mining (Part 2):Make datasets with trend markers using Python

MetaTrader 5Expert Advisors | 18 September 2023, 13:13
3 699 0
Yuqiang Pan
Yuqiang Pan


In the previous article, we introduced how to Label your data by observing trends on chart and save the data into a "csv" file. In this part let's think differently: start with the data itself.

We will process the data using Python. Why Python? Because it's convenient and fast, it's not means it runs fast, but Python's massive library can help us greatly reduce the development cycle.

So, let's go!

Table of contents:

  1. Which Python library to choose
  2. Get data from MT5 client using MetaTrader5 library
  3. Data format conversion
  4. Label data
  5. Manual proofreading
  6. Summary

Which Python library to choose

We all know that Python has a lot of excellent developers to provide a large variety of libraries, which makes it easy for us to develop, saving us a lot of development time. The following is my collection of some related python libraries, some of which are based on different architectures, some can be used for trading, some can be used for backtesting. It's including but not limited to labeled data, interested can try to study it, this article does not do a detailed introduction.

  1. statsmodels - Python module that allows users to explore data, estimate statistical models, and perform statistical tests:
  2. dynts - Python package for timeseries analysis and manipulation:
  3. PyFlux - Python library for timeseries modelling and inference (frequentist and Bayesian) on models:
  4. tsfresh - Automatic extraction of relevant features from time series:
  5. hasura/quandl-metabase - Hasura quickstart to visualize Quandl's timeseries datasets with Metabase:
  6. Facebook Prophet - Tool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth:
  7. tsmoothie - A python library for time-series smoothing and outlier detection in a vectorized way:
  8. pmdarima - A statistical library designed to fill the void in Python's time series analysis capabilities, including the equivalent of R's auto.arima function:
  9. gluon-ts - vProbabilistic time series modeling in Python:
  10. gs-quant - Python toolkit for quantitative finance:
  11. willowtree - Robust and flexible Python implementation of the willow tree lattice for derivatives pricing:
  12. financial-engineering - Applications of Monte Carlo methods to financial engineering projects, in Python:
  13. optlib - A library for financial options pricing written in Python:
  14. tf-quant-finance - High-performance TensorFlow library for quantitative finance:
  15. Q-Fin - A Python library for mathematical finance:
  16. Quantsbin - Tools for pricing and plotting of vanilla option prices, greeks and various other analysis around them:
  17. finoptions - Complete python implementation of R package fOptions with partial implementation of fExoticOptions for pricing various options:
  18. pypme - PME (Public Market Equivalent) calculation:
  19. Blankly - Fully integrated backtesting, paper trading, and live deployment:
  20. TA-Lib - Python wrapper for TA-Lib (
  21. zipline - Pythonic algorithmic trading library:
  22. QuantSoftware Toolkit - Python-based open source software framework designed to support portfolio construction and management:
  23. finta - Common financial technical analysis indicators implemented in Pandas:
  24. Tulipy - Financial Technical Analysis Indicator Library (Python bindings for tulipindicators):
  25. lppls - A Python module for fitting the Log-Periodic Power Law Singularity (LPPLS) model:
In there, we uses the "pytrendseries" library to process data, label trends and make datasets, because this library has the advantages of simple operation and convenient visualization. Let's start our dataset making!

Get data from MT5 client using MetaTrader5 library

Of course, the most basic thing is that python is already installed on your PC, if not, the author does not recommend installing the official version of python, but prefers to use Anaconda, which is easy to maintain. But the normal version of Anaconda is huge, integrates rich content, including visual management, editor, etc., embarrassingly I hardly use them, so I highly recommend mininconda, short and concise, simple and practical.Miniconda official website address: Miniconda ::

1. Basic environment initialization

    Start by creating a virtual environment and open the Anaconda Promote type:

    conda create -n Data_label python=3.10


    Enter "y" and wait for the environment to be created,then type:

    conda activate Data_label

    Note:When we create the conda virtual environment, remember to add python=x.xx, otherwise we will encounter inexplicable trouble during use, which is a suggestion from a person who has suffered from it!

    2. Install necessary library

    Install our essential library MetaTrader 5, type in the conda Promote:

    pip install MetaTrader5

    Install pytrendseries, type in the conda Promote:

    pip install pytrendseries

    3. Create python file

    Open MetaEditor, find Tools->Options, fill in your python path in the python column of the Compilers option, my own path is "G:miniconda3\envs\Data_label":


    After completion, select File->New (or Ctrl + N) to create a new file, and select Python Script in the pop-up window, like this:


    Click Next and type a file name,like this:


    After clicking OK, the window below is shown:


    4. Connecting the client and gets data

    Delete the original auto-generated code and replace it with the following code:

    # Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd.
    import MetaTrader5 as mt
    if not mt.initialize():
        print('initialize() failed!')

    Compile and run to see if any error is reported, and if there is no problem, the following output will appear:


    If you prompt "initialize() failed!", please add the parameter path in the initialize() function, which is the path to the client executable, as shown in the following color-weighted code:

    # Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd.
    import MetaTrader5 as mt
    if not mt.initialize("D:\\Project\\mt\\MT5\\terminal64.exe"):
        print('initialize() failed!') 
    Everything is ready, let's get the data:
    # Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd.
    import MetaTrader5 as mt
    if not mt.initialize("D:\\Project\\mt\\MT5\\terminal64.exe"):
        print('initialize() failed!')
       if sb > 0:    

    In the above code we added "sb=mt.symbols_total()" to prevent the error from being reported because no symbols were detected, and "copy_rates_from_pos("GOLD_micro", mt. TIMEFRAME_M15,0,10000)" means copying 10,000 bars from the GOLD_micro's M15 period, and the following output will be produced after compilation:


    So far, we have successfully obtained the data from the client.

    Data format conversion

    Although we have obtained the data from the client, the data format is not we need.The data is "numpy.ndarray",like this:

    "[(1692368100, 1893.51, 1893.97,1893.08,1893.88,548, 35, 0)

    (1692369000, 1893.88, 1894.51, 1893.41, 1894.51, 665, 35, 0)

    (1692369900, 1894.5, 1894.91, 1893.25, 1893.62, 755, 35, 0)

    (1692370800, 1893.68, 1894.7 , 1893.16, 1893.49, 1108, 35, 0)

    (1692371700, 1893.5 , 1893.63, 1889.43, 1889.81, 1979, 35, 0)

    (1692372600, 1889.81, 1891.23, 1888.51, 1891.04, 2100, 35, 0)

    (1692373500, 1891.04, 1891.3 , 1889.75, 1890.07, 1597, 35, 0)

    (1692374400, 1890.11, 1894.03, 1889.2, 1893.57, 2083, 35, 0)

    (1692375300, 1893.62, 1894.94, 1892.97, 1894.25, 1692, 35, 0)

    (1692376200, 1894.25, 1894.88, 1890.72, 1894.66, 2880, 35, 0)

    (1692377100, 1894.67, 1896.69, 1892.47, 1893.68, 2930, 35, 0) 


    (1693822500, 1943.97, 1944.28, 1943.24, 1943.31, 883, 35, 0)

    (1693823400, 1943.25, 1944.13, 1942.95, 1943.4 , 873, 35, 0)

    (1693824300, 1943.4, 1944.07, 1943.31, 1943.64, 691, 35, 0)

    (1693825200, 1943.73, 1943.97, 1943.73, 1943.85, 22, 35, 0)]"

    So let's use pandas to convert it,the added code is marked in green:

    # Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd.
    import MetaTrader5 as mt
    import pandas as pd
    if not mt.initialize("D:\\Project\\mt\\MT5\\terminal64.exe"):
        print('initialize() failed!')
       if sb > 0:

    Now look at the data format again as below:



    The input data must be a pandas. DataFrame format containing one column as observed data (in float or int format), so we must process the data into the format requested by pytrendseries like this:

    Let's see what the first 10 rows of data look like:



    The "td_data" is not our last data style, it is just a transition product for us to obtain data trends.

    Now,our data is fully usable,but for the sake of subsequent operations, it is better to convert our date format to a dataframe, so we should add the following code before the "td_data=rts_fm[['time','close']].set_index('time')":

    rts_fm['time']=pd.to_datetime(rts_fm['time'], unit='s')

    And our output will look like this:

    time close
    2023-08-18 20:45:00
    2023-08-18 21:00:00 1887.53000
    2023-08-18 21:15:00 1888.10000  
    2023-08-18 21:30:00 1888.98000  
    2023-08-18 21:45:00 1888.37000 
    2023-08-18 22:00:00 1887.51000  
    2023-08-18 22:15:00 1888.21000  
    2023-08-18 22:30:00 1888.73000  
    2023-08-18 22:45:00 1889.12000  
    2023-08-18 23:00:00 1889.20000  

    The complete code for this section:

    # Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd.
    import MetaTrader5 as mt
    import pandas as pd
    if not mt.initialize("D:\\Project\\mt\\MT5\\terminal64.exe"):
        print('initialize() failed!')
       if sb > 0:
       rts_fm['time']=pd.to_datetime(rts_fm['time'], unit='s')

    Label data

    1. Get trend data

    First import the "pytrendseries" package:

    import pytrendseries as pts

    We use the "pts.detecttrend()" function to find trend, then define "td" variable for this function and there are two options for this parameter-"downtrend" or "uptrend":

    td='downtrend' # or "uptrend"

    We need another parameter "wd" as  maximum period of a trend:


    There is also a parameter that may or may not be defined, but I personally think it is better to define it,this parameter specifies the minimum period of the trend:


    Now we can fill the parameters into the function to get the trend:


    Then check the result:


    from to price0 price1 index_from index_to time_span drawdown
    1 2023-08-21 01:00:00 2023-08-21 02:15:00 1890.36000 1889.24000 13 18 5 0.00059
    2 2023-08-21 03:15:00 2023-08-21 04:45:00 1890.61000 1885.28000 22 28 6 0.00282
    3 2023-08-21 08:00:00 2023-08-21 13:15:00 1893.30000 1886.86000 41 62 21 0.00340
    4 2023-08-21 15:45:00 2023-08-21 17:30:00 1896.99000 1886.16000 72 79 7 0.00571
    5 2023-08-21 20:30:00 2023-08-21 22:30:00 1894.77000 1894.12000 91 99 8 0.00034
    6 2023-08-22 04:15:00 2023-08-22 05:45:00 1896.19000 1894.31000 118 124 6 0.00099
    7 2023-08-22 06:15:00 2023-08-22 07:45:00 1896.59000 1893.80000 126 132 6 0.00147
    8 2023-08-22 13:00:00 2023-08-22 16:45:00 1903.38000 1890.17000 153 168 15 0.00694
    9 2023-08-22 19:00:00 2023-08-22 21:15:00 1898.08000 1896.25000 177 186 9 0.00096
    10 2023-08-23 04:45:00 2023-08-23 06:00:00 1901.46000 1900.25000 212 217 5 0.00064
    11 2023-08-23 11:30:00 2023-08-23 13:30:00 1904.84000 1901.42000 239 247 8 0.00180
    12 2023-08-23 19:45:00 2023-08-23 23:30:00 1919.61000 1915.05000 272 287 15 0.00238
    13 2023-08-24 09:30:00 2023-08-25 09:45:00 1921.91000 1912.93000 323 416 93 0.00467
    14 2023-08-25 15:00:00 2023-08-25 16:30:00 1919.88000 1913.30000 437 443 6 0.00343
    15 2023-08-28 04:15:00 2023-08-28 07:15:00 1916.92000 1915.07000 486 498 12 0.00097

    You can also visualize the result through the function "pts.vizplot.plot_trend()":



    Similarly, we can look at the uptrend by code:


    The result is this:

    from to price0 price1 index_from index_to time_span drawup
    1 2023-08-18 22:00:00 2023-08-21 03:15:00 1887.51000 1890.61000 5 22 17 0.00164
    2 2023-08-21 04:45:00 2023-08-22 10:45:00 1885.28000 1901.35000 28 144 116 0.00852
    3 2023-08-22 11:15:00 2023-08-22 13:00:00 1898.78000 1903.38000 146 153 7 0.00242
    4 2023-08-22 16:45:00 2023-08-23 19:45:00 1890.17000 1919.61000 168 272 104 0.01558
    5 2023-08-23 23:30:00 2023-08-24 09:30:00 1915.05000 1921.91000 287 323 36 0.00358
    6 2023-08-24 15:30:00 2023-08-24 17:45:00 1912.97000 1921.24000 347 356 9 0.00432
    7 2023-08-24 23:00:00 2023-08-25 01:15:00 1916.41000 1917.03000 377 382 5 0.00032
    8 2023-08-25 03:15:00 2023-08-25 04:45:00 1915.20000 1916.82000 390 396 6 0.00085
    9 2023-08-25 09:45:00 2023-08-25 17:00:00 1912.93000 1920.03000 416 445 29 0.00371
    10 2023-08-25 17:45:00 2023-08-28 18:30:00 1904.37000 1924.86000 448 543 95 0.01076
    11 2023-08-28 20:00:00 2023-08-29 06:30:00 1917.74000 1925.41000 549 587 38 0.00400
    12 2023-08-29 10:00:00 2023-08-29 12:45:00 1922.00000 1924.21000 601 612 11 0.00115
    13 2023-08-29 15:30:00 2023-08-30 17:00:00 1914.98000 1947.79000 623 721 98 0.01713
    14 2023-08-30 23:45:00 2023-08-31 04:45:00 1942.09000 1947.03000 748 764 16 0.00254
    15 2023-08-31 09:30:00 2023-08-31 15:00:00 1943.52000 1947.00000 783 805 22 0.00179


    2. Label the data

    1). Parse the data format

    ① means the beginning of the data to the beginning of the first downtrend,let's assume this is an uptrend;

    ② means the  downtrend;

    ③ means the uptrend in the middle of the data;

    ④ means the end of last downtrend.

    So we must implement the label logic for these four parts.

    2).  label logic 

    Let's start by defining some basic variables:


    Traverse the "trends" variable with a for loop to get the beginning and end of each piece of data:

    for trend in trends.iterrows():

    Gets the start and end indexes for each segment:

    for trend in trends.iterrows():

    Because the rts_fm["trend"] itself has been initialized to 0, there is no need to change the "trend" column of the uptrend, but we need to see if the start of the data is a downtrend,if it is not a downtrend, we assumed it to be an uptrend:

    for trend in trends.iterrows():
        if trend[0]==1 and start!=0:
            # Since the rts_fm["trend"] itself has been initialized to 0, there is no need to change the "trend" column

    As the same as the beginning of the data, we need to see if it ends in a downtrend at the end of the data:

    for trend in trends.iterrows():
        if trend[0]==1 and start!=0:
            # Since the rts_fm["trend"] itself has been initialized to 0, there is no need to change the "trend" column
        elif trend[0]==max_len and end!=max_len_rts-1:
    	#we need to see if it ends in a downtrend at the end of the data

    Process the uptrend segments other than the beginning and end of the data:

    for trend in trends.iterrows():
        if trend[0]==1 and start!=0:
            # Since the rts_fm["trend"] itself has been initialized to 0, there is no need to change the "trend" column
        elif trend[0]==max_len and end!=max_len_rts-1:
            #we need to see if it ends in a downtrend at the end of the data
            #Process the uptrend segments other than the beginning and end of the data

    Process each segments of the downtrend:

    for trend in trends.iterrows():
        if trend[0]==1 and start!=0:
            # Since the rts_fm["trend"] itself has been initialized to 0, there is no need to change the "trend" column
        elif trend[0]==max_len and end!=max_len_rts-1:
            #we need to see if it ends in a downtrend at the end of the data
            #Process the uptrend segments other than the beginning and end of the data
        #Process each segments of the downtrend

    3). supplement
    We assume that the beginning and end of the data are uptrending, and if you think this is not precise enough, you can also remove the beginning and ending parts. To do this, add the following code after the for loop ends:

    for trend in trends.iterrows():
        if trend[0]==1 and start!=0:
            # Since the rts_fm["trend"] itself has been initialized to 0, there is no need to change the "trend" column
        elif trend[0]==max_len and end!=max_len_rts-1:
            #we need to see if it ends in a downtrend at the end of the data
            #Process the uptrend segments other than the beginning and end of the data
        #Process each segments of the downtrend


    Once we've done that, let's see if our data meets our expectations(The example looks only at the first 25 pieces of data):

    time open high low close tick_volume spread real_volume trend trend_index
    0 2023-08-22 11:30:00 1898.80000 1899.72000 1898.22000 1899.30000 877 35 0 0 0
    1 2023-08-22 11:45:00 1899.31000 1899.96000 1898.84000 1899.81000 757 35 0 0 1
    2 2023-08-22 12:00:00 1899.86000 1900.50000 1899.24000 1900.01000 814 35 0 0 2
    3 2023-08-22 12:15:00 1900.05000 1901.26000 1899.99000 1900.48000 952 35 0 0 3
    4 2023-08-22 12:30:00 1900.48000 1902.44000 1900.17000 1902.19000 934 35 0 0 4
    5 2023-08-22 12:45:00 1902.23000 1903.59000 1902.21000 1902.64000 891 35 0 0 5
    6 2023-08-22 13:00:00 1902.69000 1903.94000 1902.24000 1903.38000 873 35 0 1 0
    7 2023-08-22 13:15:00 1903.40000 1904.29000 1901.71000 1902.08000 949 35 0 1 1
    8 2023-08-22 13:30:00 1902.10000 1903.37000 1902.08000 1902.63000 803 35 0 1 2
    9 2023-08-22 13:45:00 1902.64000 1902.75000 1901.75000 1901.80000 1010 35 0 1 3
    10 2023-08-22 14:00:00 1901.79000 1902.47000 1901.33000 1901.96000 800 35 0 1 4
    11 2023-08-22 14:15:00 1901.94000 1903.04000 1901.72000 1901.73000 785 35 0 1 5
    12 2023-08-22 14:30:00 1901.71000 1902.62000 1901.66000 1902.38000 902 35 0 1 6
    13 2023-08-22 14:45:00 1902.38000 1903.23000 1901.96000 1901.96000 891 35 0 1 7
    14 2023-08-22 15:00:00 1901.94000 1903.25000 1901.64000 1902.41000 1209 35 0 1 8
    15 2023-08-22 15:15:00 1902.39000 1903.00000 1898.97000 1899.87000 1971 35 0 1 9
    16 2023-08-22 15:30:00 1899.86000 1901.17000 1896.72000 1896.85000 2413 35 0 1 10
    17 2023-08-22 15:45:00 1896.85000 1898.15000 1896.12000 1897.26000 2010 35 0 1 11
    18 2023-08-22 16:00:00 1897.29000 1897.45000 1895.52000 1895.97000 2384 35 0 1 12
    19 2023-08-22 16:15:00 1895.96000 1896.31000 1893.87000 1894.48000 1990 35 0 1 13
    20 2023-08-22 16:30:00 1894.43000 1894.60000 1892.64000 1893.38000 2950 35 0 1 14
    21 2023-08-22 16:45:00 1893.48000 1894.17000 1888.94000 1890.17000 2970 35 0 1 15
    22 2023-08-22 17:00:00 1890.19000 1894.53000 1889.94000 1894.20000 2721 35 0 0 0
    23 2023-08-22 17:15:00 1894.18000 1894.73000 1891.51000 1891.71000 1944 35 0 0 1
    24 2023-08-22 17:30:00 1891.74000 1893.70000 1890.91000 1893.59000 2215 35 0 0 2

    You can see that we successfully added trend types and trend index markers to the data.

    4. Save the file

    We can save the data in most file formats that we want,you can save as a JSON file using the to_json() method, you can save as an HTML file using the to_html() method, and so on.Only saving as a CSV file is used here as a demonstration,at the end of the code to add:


    Manual proofreading

    At this point, we have done the basic work,but if we want to get more precise data, we need further human intervention, we will only point out a few directions here, and will not make a detailed demonstration.

    1.Data integrity checks

    Completeness refers to whether data information is missing, which may be the absence of the entire data or the absence of a field in the data. Data integrity is one of the most fundamental evaluation criteria for data quality.For example,if the previous data in the M15 period stock market data differs by 2 hours from the next data, then we need to use the corresponding tools to complete the data.Of course, it is generally difficult to get foreign exchange data or stock market data obtained from our client terminal, but if you get time  series from other sources such as traffic data or weather data , you need to pay special attention to this situation.

    The integrity of data quality is relatively easy to assess, and can generally be evaluated by the recorded and unique values in the data statistics. For example, if a stock price data  in the previous period the Close price is 1000, but the Open price becomes 10 in the next period, you need to check if the data is missing.

    2.Check the accuracy of data labeling

    From the perspective of this article, the data labeling method we implemented above may have certain vulnerabilities, we can not only rely on the methods provided in the pytrendseries library to obtain accurate labeling data, but also need to visualize the data, observe whether the trend classification of the data is too susceptible or dullness, so that some key information is missed, at this time we need to analyze the data, if should be broken down then broken down , if should be merged needs to be merged.This work requires a lot of effort and time to complete, and concrete examples are not provided here for the time being.

    Accuracy refers to whether the information recorded in the data and whether the data is accurate, and whether the information recorded in the data is abnormal or wrong. Unlike consistency, data with accuracy issues is not just inconsistencies in rules. Consistency issues can be caused by inconsistent rules for data logging, but not necessarily errors.

    3.Do some basic statistical verification to see if the labels are reasonable

    • Integrity Distribution:Quickly and intuitively see the completeness of the data set.
    • Heatmap:Heat maps make it easy to observe the correlation between two variables.
    • Hierarchical Clustering:You can see whether the different classes of your data are closely related or scattered.
    Of course, it's not just about the above methods.


    Reference: GitHub - rafa-rod/pytrendseries

    The complete code is shown below:

    # Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd.
    import MetaTrader5 as mt
    import pandas as pd
    import pytrendseries as pts
    if not mt.initialize("D:\\Project\\mt\\MT5\\terminal64.exe"):
        print('initialize() failed!')
       if sb > 0:
       rts_fm['time']=pd.to_datetime(rts_fm['time'], unit='s')
       # print(td_data.head(10))
    td='downtrend' # or "uptrend"
    # print(trends.head(15))
    # pts.vizplot.plot_trend(td_data,trends)
    for trend in trends.iterrows():
        if trend[0]==1 and start!=0:
            # Since the rts_fm["trend"] itself has been initialized to 0, there is no need to change the "trend" column
        elif trend[0]==max_len and end!=max_len_rts-1:
            #we need to see if it ends in a downtrend at the end of the data
            #Process the uptrend segments other than the beginning and end of the data
        #Process each segments of the downtrend


    1.Remember that if you add path in the mt.initialize() function like this:  mt.initialize("D:\\Project\\mt\\MT5\\terminal64.exe"), be sure to replace it with the location of your own client executable, not mine.

    2.If you can't find the 'GOLD_micro_M15.csv' file, look for it in the client root, e.g. my file is in the path:"D:\\Project\\mt\\MT5\\".

    Thank you for your patience in reading, I hope you gain something and wish you a happy life, and see you in the next chapter!

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