General - page 451

Hello, I went through all MQL5 Order Types but I think neither of them does the job... Example: Current stock price is 80 USD. I presume the price will increase and thus want to open a BUY order when the price reaches 100 USD. However, I just want to open the order when I get a price between, for
Dear all, am quite to this. Am failing to add Sos Ltd (SOS), Marathon Digital Holdings Inc (MARA), Ebang International Holdings Inc (ebon) Symbols in my Watchlist in MetaTrader5. I can find them. Could anyone know what am doing wrong
And apparently the request function is limited to a 400 word thesis just to be constantly asked for MORE information🤦🏾‍♂️
Looks like to get a MetaQuotes ID MT5 requires Google services? Can this be bypassed for android phones that are Google Free? I use LineageOS v18
Hello, I would like to run MT5 Strategy Tester on many EAs using different symbols and timeframes. I use the command line as follows: "C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 5\terminal64.exe" /config: "C:\LOCATION\config.ini" This will run MT5, run the Strategy Tester and closes MT5. I have several questions
I would like to know about the signal provider and their paymetn. I have accepted as a seller and I want to provide the service at $30 each month, But I would like to know how much is it going to cost me and how much % do i have to give to MTL5 platform form my payment. What is their cut ? If anyone
Hi Please help me how to avoid this warning message 'invalid date' void CDrawObject::ExchangeOpen( void ) { MqlDateTime day; string WeekDay[] = { "SUN" , "MON" , "TUE" , "WED" , "THU" , "FRI" , "SAT" }; datetime openLondon = D'09:00:00' ; datetime openNYork = D'15:00:00' ;
  mql5 write in file  (12   1 2)
Hi . I write this code in mql4 and run in mt4 and works good . Means if i drop this indicator in 7 chart , then 7 symbols write in the file. But when i write in mql5 and run in mt5 , when i drop this indicator in 7 chart i see in the file just 2 symbol by random. Is it a bug in mql5 ? string
Some time ago I been creating a video which showed that the editor is taking much too long time when using var-names or functions with are leaded by a double underline, such as "__myfunction". The latest build of MT5/editor freezes immediately when I try to insert the name "_Host" within the
So I started having this problem this morning. I try to connect to my account but I don´t get any error message or anything, just the icon on the lower right corner is with a negative red sign instead of the green check. It is like it connects to my account but there is no data coming from the
  VPS issue  (1)
The VPS does not seems to be connected to CMC markets server: I have stopped and reloaded the experts several times. Please help
My operating system is Windows 7, beforeMT5 work well, since Microsoft windowsautomatic update today, connect to the server MT5 failure all times, but my anothercomputer is Windows XP, MT5 work is well, this mean is not the problem ofbroadband. Such problems has been occurred before, I put my...
I tried 4 times to upload a mql5 file to put in Code Base but cannot pass code-test, so could not publish the free code revison based on Vladimir Karputov 's Day Bar 2.mql5 İs there anyone faced on same problem and or who got solution about problem. I will attach that code here for everyone and
Hi igotit, I have a system, but I get tick data of over 100 symbols with python and save it in SQL, but there are some slowdowns in this system. I want to produce a socket in MQL5 and send the request of this symbol to my local socket in MQL5 and connect to the socket with Laravel. There was some
  getch  (1)
hi i want to get number from operator, in c language we use scanf, what is the similar code here?? and i want to create box like this whit label and button, what is the code?? thanks for helping
  Bug in ColorToString  (13   1 2)
Hello everybody, I have a problem with the ColorToString () function. The second parameter is ignored. I set it to false but the function still returns the color name. str_clr = ColorToString (colorDw, false ); str_size = StringLen (str_clr); This the result in debug
I use MT4 to trade cryptocurrencies. I recently created a crypto Signal connected to my MT4 terminal. My question is can investors using MT5 copy trade my signals from my MT4 trading Terminal
Hello Is it planned for MT5 to add support for chart objects( fibos, lines, etc) like in MT4 Strategy Tester
Hello , it's possible to add an indicator pivot with metatrader 4 on mobile
Hi, I have 16 local cores but I can use only 8 agents at my local network farm (please check the screenshot below). I remember I could use all of them in a previous version of MetaTrader. Is it possible to expand it to 16 again? Thank you
  New Build 2900  (10)
Hi, I can’t find the topic about the new features of the MT5 build 2900. Is there anyone
I'm new to MT4 and using signals. I've been testing some signals one of them the trader is using 400X leverage, the other is using 200X leverage. I setup demo accounts to test them both with 100X leverage. If my demo accounts were setup with 200X with my P/L to date be 2X
I am currently subscribed to signal <Deleted>. However since subscribing, it is now showing as "Temporarily Disabled for New Subscriptions". I know that I can renew my subscription through the terminal, but the question is, "do I want to?" I need to know why the signal has been disabled so that I
Hi, Its coming on for three weeks now I commissioned a developer to make my EA. Initially told me it'd take a day, then 3 days, so i gave him 4. He didn't understand the the functions I asked for, so I gave him extra time & extra money to be completed last Friday. He kept assuring me it was nearly
Hi developers, I need to input a Login ID inside a panel. the ID length is 64 character but OBJ_EDIT has (accepts) just 63 character length!!! is there any suggestion to input (write/type) more characters to EDIT field?! thanks
I'm trying to use MQL5 for some stats & probability calculations but I run into a seemed very basic problem but I cannot find any answers after searches online. When a very large integer number such as 2^100 exceeds the maximum capacity of the long type or even the ulong type the variables could not
Is there a way to graphically scan through a list of predefined stocks (CFD's), say SA Shares, iso adding each one to the Watchlist
is any body use 2H for trading? is that match with 4H
I am looking for a team to work with that has a better understanding of how to code synthetic indexes for MT5. If you do have anything that you have codes before you are also welcome alternatively we can work on a new project do contact me anytime