Guilherme Mendonca
Guilherme Mendonca
5 (1)
  • Information
6+ years
demo versions
I'm stock market trading since 2007.
Guilherme Mendonca
Left feedback to developer for job Licença Remota via MQL5 e Python
Guilherme Mendonca
Left feedback to customer for job Create an EA based on Breakout with other features
Guilherme Mendonca
Published code Verificação de servidor ativo
Envio de mensagem push para verificação do VPS e MT5.
2 165
Guilherme Mendonca
Added topic Why does the service desk never answer ?
I don't know if you have the same issue, but everytime that I opened a request to MQL5 service desk, they never respond. I was banned from "freelance" and I would like to know if some moderator could help me. I would like to know if is there anything
Guilherme Mendonca
Left feedback to developer for job Extract data and save it in CSV file with data verification
Guilherme Mendonca
Guilherme Mendonca
Published code Mercado Futuro - Buscando o ativo (código) da série vigente
O código dessa biblioteca tem o objetivo de retornar o valor do ativo vigente para o (mini)índice e (mini)dólar da bolsa brasileira B3.
Guilherme Mendonca
Added topic Create Subwindow on top?
Is it possible to anchor a subwindow on top of the chart window instead of the bottom
Guilherme Mendonca
Added topic Return Expert File Name
Is there any fuction to return the expert file name? For MQL4 there is WindowExpertName () function, but I didn't find anything for MQL5
Guilherme Mendonca
Added topic *.hcc file is missing (deleted)
I have noticed that the "*.hcc" files have been deleted from History folder. The old ones, before 2018. I have these files backup in another folder and I copied it again to the History folder, however MT5 had deleted the files again. Does anyone know
Guilherme Mendonca Published product

Painel informativo para day trade. Funciona em conta NETTING ou conta HEDGE. Tem a possibilidade de separar as infomrações dos trades conforme o número mágico de cada EA. Foi desenhado para melhor funcionamento no mercado futuro da B3. Durante as operações, o painel faz a plotagem das linhas de preço, stoploss e takeprofit (gain).  Possui informações de volume, preço médio, lucro e stops. Mostra o histórico de ganhos diário, semanal, mensal e anual

Guilherme Mendonca
Added topic Clean (erase) Arrays
I'm trying to make a function to clear all the informations in an array every new day. I'm using the code below, but it's not working. The informations keeps in the array after new day. datetime new_day= 0 ; double pw[]; int Agr_Res= 20 ; if ( iTime
Guilherme Mendonca
Added topic Multiples EAs -Same or diferents MT5 ?
Hi,  If I would like to run 3 different EAs at the same account.  Is it better open 1 MT5 for each EA or it should be more faster use the same MT5 for all EAs
Guilherme Mendonca
Added topic Blocking copy trades EAs.
Hi,  Is there any way to block or avoid someone use more than one EA at the same account. I wish to use only my EA and avoid someone use a "copier trades" to another account (from demo to real for example)
Guilherme Mendonca
Added topic Array sorted by decreasing time
Hi,  How can I sort some array by decreasing time. So, for example, always the position 0 will be the last data received, position 1 will be the second last, and so on. I Have some code example but it is stucked on the part that I need to sort
Guilherme Mendonca
Added topic Return Positive value of a number
Is there a diferent way or a function to return the positive value of a number? I know I can use this kind of code, but is there any simple way? if (number< 0 )      number=number*- 1 ;
Guilherme Mendonca
Left feedback to developer for job Randomizing array elements
Guilherme Mendonca
Added topic Invalid EX5 File (14)
Hi, Since the new MT5 updates (3080 and 3081), this error keeps happening when I change between accounts inside of MT5. Or, sometimes, when I just set new input parameters at the EA. Everytime I need to close MT5, open again and load all EAs (ex5)
Guilherme Mendonca
Added topic Basic Question - Find "ArrayMinimum" in a multiline array
If I'm working with "multiline" array and I would like to search the minimum value of a specific columm. How can I do that? Code example: double   test[ 4 ][ 6 ];    for ( int z= 0 ; z< 6 ; z++)
Guilherme Mendonca
Added topic TesterStatistics - Z-Score?
Hi,  I'm trying to find a way to get the Z-score for each test result during optimization. I did not find it using TesterStatistic function - Is there a