ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 160


They send these reports every day

diman1982 #:
Who has the opener? Is the investment discovery broker mobile app working?

The opener, but I don't use mobile. MT5 and Quick work.

On a business trip, only have my mobile phone with me. I can log in via my personal account, the mobile app does not work.

US Treasury exempts telecoms and internet equipment from sanctions against Russia

MTS shares buy today?

Business FM.
The news is out , everything about internet and equipment will not be sanctioned .

MTS , Rostelecom are logical to buy in the morning .

Looks like it will be a bullish candle in the morning !




Yuriy Zaytsev #:
Business FM.
The news is out , everything about internet and equipment will not be sanctioned .

MTS , Rostelecom are logical to buy in the morning .

Looks like it will be a bullish candle in the morning !




The surge upwards was predictable, but it was not an epic rise , the usual average daily move. Plus the pullback is coming.

Maybe the evening bulls, after a good lunch, finally realizing that the internet connection and the equipment will be fine, will push higher.


They say the Central Bank has decided to lower the rate to 17%

ЦБ снизил ставку до 17%
ЦБ снизил ставку до 17%
  • 2022.04.08
  • Антон Фейнберг
ЦБ решил снизить ключевую ставку с исторического максимума — 20% — до 17%. Регулятор объясняет это замедлением инфляции, в том числе благодаря укреплению рубля. Смягчение политики может продолжиться в ближайшее время Центробанк принял решение снизить ключевую ставку на 3 п.п., с 20 до 17%, говорится в сообщении регулятора. «Внешние условия для...
Попросивший о санации брокер сообщил о возврате части списанных клиентских средств
Попросивший о санации брокер сообщил о возврате части списанных клиентских средств
Национальный клиринговый центр (НКЦ, принадлежит Мосбирже) вернул на клиентские счета брокера «Универ Капитал» около 1,2 млрд рублей, отменив штрафные проценты за перенос маржинальных клиентских позиций брокера, сообщил Forbes председатель совета директоров «Универ Капитала» Максим Кожевников.  По словам Кожевникова, сейчас брокер «будет...

Capital will find a profit hole everywhere.

In short, only 49.99% of oil comes from Russia and the other 50.01% comes from other sources. And the oil is no longer Russian. Oil traders have already coined the name "Latvian Blend".

The Backdoor That Keeps Russian Oil Flowing Into Europe
The Backdoor That Keeps Russian Oil Flowing Into Europe
  • 2022.04.08
  • Javier Blas
European energy companies are finding workarounds to keep Russian crude flowing while placating public opinion

Natural gas.

The pessimistic level has already been breached.