ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 167

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

This is also one of the consequences of the volatility of the situation.)) It's the same as always. Better to have a barn full in case of difficulties))))

The situation here is quite clear, you can pay dividends and possibly sit even deeper, or you can let them go to support you.

Let's say you have shares in a company and you have a choice.

  • A) get some dividends one last time, then find out that the firm is just winding down and lose all the shares.
  • B) you don't get any dividends but you stay with the shares in the long run.
  • C) you are not in a drawdown - stand in a trade at the bottom with a profit - learn that there will be no dividend.

In order to avoid scenario A and even B it is better to exit while in the plus or in a small minus, the ideal scenario is of course C


A 6th sanctions package is being prepared against Russian banks.

There is a high probability of a move down from Monday.


Oil futures BR-5.22 seems to gap to 111-113

Oil BUY only for now


A little bit of a bummer this morning

ALL entries based solely on fundamental data + political signals


Judging by the rhetoric on a variety of channels, a continuation of the move down was to be expected, only shorts in the morning.

Oil not touching yet in the morning.

Gold only in the buy.



BF rhetoric

Judging by the very sad voice of the analysts - SHORT ONLY!


Gold hit the settlement take this morning

But on the first morning ticks it just missed the calculated pending order.


While the Russian stock market is falling into the abyss, natural gas is storming the next highs.

Мосбиржа сообщила о переговорах по обмену опытом с Ираном
Мосбиржа сообщила о переговорах по обмену опытом с Ираном
  • 2022.04.19
  • Маргарита Мордовина
Мосбиржа провела встречу с представителями Ирана. Пока речь идет о «первом обмене опытом», но Тегеран уже «забрасывал удочки» насчет привлечения российского капитала, рассказал РБК управляющий директор биржи Кирилл Пестов Руководство Московской биржи провело первые переговоры с коллегами из Тегерана, заявил на конференции «Новая реальность...

As they say, it's not good to be greedy - you have to get out on time


Anglo-Saxons, that's whose business, forex or stock exchanges



Налоговая служба Великобритании намерена лишить Мосбиржу статуса признанной фондовой биржи: Яндекс.Новости
Налоговая служба Великобритании намерена лишить Мосбиржу статуса признанной фондовой биржи: Яндекс.Новости
Лишение статуса будет означать, что инвесторы не смогут получить доступ к определенным налоговым льготам Великобритании при торговле ценными бумагами на в налогово-таможенной службе Британии связали также с...