ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 153


Gas exports from Russia

Interesting information to see who produces how much and how much they consume.

Global gas market - on map and graphs // BP Magazine

SanAlex #:

of course you cannot change the past - but there is a situation in the past - with which you can predict what may happen in the future.


The real - of course - cannot be changed.

But practice shows that it is easy to do with the way history textbooks are written and the way people are persuaded to change their minds through TV, newspapers, radio and the Internet.

For example, they say that the ruble exchange rate is 200, and you cannot imagine how many people would believe it :) - and everyone will remember that the ruble exchange rate was 200.)

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

For example they say that the exchange rate is 200, and you have no idea - BELIEVE :) - and everyone will remember that the ruble was 200.)

Alzheimer got it wrong. He didn't mean a dollar, he meant a litre of petrol :)

JRandomTrader #:

That's Alzheimer mixed up. He didn't mean a dollar, he meant a litre of petrol :)

Maybe even dementia, but I'm not a psychiatrist or a neurologist or even a pathologist.

I can't say for sure.


Although I guess you don't have to be a big medical expert not to notice how a man forgets the names of his colleagues and confuses the geography.


A little on the rising RF stock market ( buy only )

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

A little bit about the rising RF stock market ( buy only )

I haven't even released my bots on RTS-6.22 and MIX-6.22 yet. I'm thinking whether to keep the old ones, or run newer, semi-experimental ones. And this mess with sessions - they're not designed for it.

Bloomberg: миллионы британцев обнищали за одну ночь
Bloomberg: миллионы британцев обнищали за одну ночь
С пятницы 1 апреля цена газа в Великобритании выросла на 81 процент, а цены на электричество – на 36 процентов. Цены обновили рекорд. Миллионы британцев сразу перешли в категорию бедных из-за падения реальных доходов после вычета расходов на отопление, топливо и питание. "Прогреть дом, принять душ или приготовить обед — стоимость всего этого...
JRandomTrader #:

I haven't even released my RTS-6.22 and MIX-6.22 bots yet. I'm thinking of leaving the old ones, or launching newer, semi-experimental ones. Yes even this mess with the sessions - they are not designed for this.

i think the bots need to be instructed to only buy and take ! and everything will be great - for a while

this is why i prefer to use my head and analyze political and economicinformation

Futures right now on brent
It is trading at 103 and is in no hurry to fall, despite the printing of the strategic vaults.
I get the feeling that the vaults have only been printed in the minds of politicians so far.
The price takes into account everything, the market is hard to fool :). Apparently oil traders know something. But in theory it should have fallen to 90 or below.
Germany continues to buy oil