How I assemble my advisor by trial and error - page 55

Alexsandr San:

I tested this feature today with the Horizontal line duplication for loss function (as the price went the wrong way, meets a horizontal line on the way, opens a position from it and the line bounces back even further, for a given distance, the loss increases and the next time the horizontal line is touched, the lot will open with an increase).

I'm stunned. - This logic, pulls everything to the plus side. I wonder how much you can sell a miracle like that for!

it's "hello Martin!" :-) that is the increase in volume from the drawdown. Judging by the description, also a grid.

This is not bad, but you have to be honest with yourself - it pulls out of small "market went against me", but the risk of losing the deposit is great there.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

it's "hello Martin!" :-) i.e. an increase in volume from drawdown. Judging by the description, there is also a net.

It's not bad, but you have to be honest with yourself - it extracts from small "market went against me", but the risk of losing deposit is big there.

I've been trying it for 2 weeks and it's really good.

If i close now i would get 2000 it's not so bad either (it's rubles)


Alexsandr San:

I have been trying it for 2 weeks and I am really surprised.

Today I thought I was going down and it took me out. If I close now it's 2000, it's not bad either (it's rubles).

I've had it for a couple of years. Or to dump right at the start :-)

Martin (and nets) can sustain up to 15-17 "mimes" in a row. Except that the market can easily put up more.

So be careful. Although you know it.

The idea to use graphical objects and interact with a user through them, it's good. But auto-tests are impossible, so you have to be aware of the risks, they cannot be simulated.

Alexsandr San:

Trying out a new function . The calendar gives a signal, a command can be selected from the signal

Still need to think about what other commands are needed for the calendar.

I've already got these.

in the picture installed Utility, this is figure 1. the second will be with the executed command (Horizontal lines at a given distance)

picture 1

I can not yet understand where the signal from the calendar comes from - probably from here, in theory at 17.00 should work

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-------------------------------- yes! From here! I set the Horizontal lines, and from them my commands

Shot10Figure 1.


Added function, calendar signal in the terminal

#property version "1.020"

From the signal , it is best to set Horizontal Lines and From Horizontal Lines, give commands

//| ENUM_TRADE_COMMAND                                                 |
   Turn_Off=0,       // TURN OFF
   Line1_Line1=1,    // Line: LOWER
   Line2_Line2=2,    // Line: TOP
   Line_Line=3,      // Line: LOWER+Line: TOP
   Line1_buys=4,     // Line: LOWER+Buy's
   Line2_sells=5,    // Line: TOP+Sell's
   sells_Line1=6,    // Line: LOWER+Sell's
   buys_Line2=7,     // Line: TOP+Buy's
   close_buys=8,     // Close All Buy's
   close_sells=9,    // Close All Sell's
   close_all=10,     // Close All Buy's and Sell's
   open_buy=11,      // Open Buy
   open_sell=12,     // Open Sell
   close_open_b=13,  // Close Sell+Open Buy
   close_open_s=14,  // Close Buy+Open Sell
   open_buy_sell=15, // Open Buy and Sell

Maxim Kuznetsov:

Autotests are impossible, so you have to be aware of the risks, they cannot be simulated.

You can fully, in the tester test - Horizontal lines are drawn from the buttons

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Here are two lines running and I haven't touched a thing.



Alexsandr San:

Added function, calendar signal in the terminal

#property version "1.020"

From the signal , it is best to set Horizontal Lines and From Horizontal Lines, give commands

#property version "1.021"

Changed this function slightly, start by time, and also when this function should stop its work

input string   t10="---- CalendarValueLast  -----";              //
input datetime HoursFrom                    = D'1970.01.01';     // Время старт Сигнал Календаря
input datetime HoursTo                      = D'1970.01.01';     // Время стоп Сигнал Календаря
input ENUM_TRADE_COMMAND InpCalendCommandS  = Line_Line;         // Trade command:
Maxim Kuznetsov:

it's "hello Martin!" :-)

It's actually a Utility for manual trading, and with all the extras you want. You could just organise some logic, with automatic actions

Alexsandr San:

#property version "1.021"

Modified this function, starting by time, as well as when this function should stop working

It is necessary to make separate Horizontal L ines for this "Calendar" Function, because it takes these Horizontal Lines, which I can work with at the same time

input string   t3="----- Trailing Line: 1   -----";              //
input string   InpObjUpName                 = "ZTOP";            // Obj: TOP (Horizontal Line)
input int      InpStep1                     = 30;                // Obj: Шаг сетки, пунктов("0" -> false)
input ENUM_TRADE_COMMAND InpTradeCommand    = Line2_sells;       // Obj:  command:
input string   InpObjDownName               = "ZLOWER";          // Obj: LOWER (Horizontal Line)
input int      InpStep2                     = 30;                // Obj: Шаг сетки, пунктов("0" -> false)
input ENUM_TRADE_COMMAND InTradeCommand     = Line1_buys;        // Obj:  command:
input ushort   InpObjTrailingStop           = 0;                 // Obj: Trailing Stop (distance from price to object, in pips)
input ushort   InpObjTrailingStep           = 5;                 // Obj: Trailing Step, in pips (1.00045-1.00055=1 pips)
input string   t4="----- Trailing Line: 2   -----";              //
input string   InpObjUpNameG                = "POT";             // Obj: TOP (Horizontal Line)
input int      InpStep3                     = 30;                // Obj: Шаг сетки, пунктов("0" -> false)
input ENUM_TRADE_COMMAND InpTradeCommandG   = Line2_sells;       // Obj:  command:
input string   InpObjDownNameG              = "REWOL";           // Obj: LOWER (Horizontal Line)
input int      InpStep4                     = 30;                // Obj: Шаг сетки, пунктов("0" -> false)
input ENUM_TRADE_COMMAND InTradeCommandG    = Line1_buys;        // Obj:  command:
input ushort   InpObjTrailingStopG          = 0;                 // Obj: Trailing Stop (distance from price to object, in pips)
input ushort   InpObjTrailingStepG          = 5;                 // Obj: Trailing Step, in pips (1.00045-1.00055=1 pips)
Alexsandr San:

#property version "1.021"

Modified this function, starting by time, as well as when this function should stop working

#property version "1.022"

Added more lines to this " Calendar" Function - As soon as a signal is received from the calendar, Horizontal lines at a given distance will jump out.

If you don't use the calendar, you can manually set it on the chart and set the command

input string   t10="---- CalendarValueLast  -----";              //
input datetime HoursFrom                    = D'1970.01.01';     // Время старт Сигнал Календаря
input datetime HoursTo                      = D'1970.01.01';     // Время стоп Сигнал Календаря
input int      InpStep6                     = 30;                // Obj: Шаг сетки, пунктов("0" -> false)
input bool     InpCalend                    = false;             // Double (Horizontal Line or Trend Line)
input string   InpSelldar                   = "Buydar";          // Line name (Horizontal Line or Trend Line)
input ENUM_TRADE_COMMAND InpCalendCommandS  = open_sell;         // Trade command:
input string   InpBuydar                    = "Selldar";         // Line name (Horizontal Line or Trend Line)
input ENUM_TRADE_COMMAND InpCalendCommandB  = open_buy;          // Trade command:


I set it to start at 17.00 and stop at 17.03




you can select the news and the time - for the start

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with one news of 2000 rubles ---- put the start time 20.00 stop 20.03



the news at 20.00 set Horizontal line, and from the line where you want, down or up

