Discussion of article "Payments and payment methods" - page 8

Simon Gniadkowski:

Contact the Service Desk:  Your Service Desk 

We need new payment option such as Bitcoin deposit and withdrawal.


my question is this: you have  a referral sistem?



I have try it but i have receive notifications as below :

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Sugeng Moh Arifin:
Are you telling that the "Rohim" is your other user name?
How Can I withdraw some of my deposited money?
Mohammad Tashackori:
How Can I withdraw some of my deposited money?

You can not.

You can write to service desk.


Hello, I ask on behalf of high income earners at MQL5.com.

If $500USD per day is maximum withdrawal, what happens when earnings exceed $500 per day?

Say a signal provider is earning $20,000USD a month BUT they may only withdraw a maximum $15,000USD per month?

What happens to the $5,000USD per month that the signal provider cannot access?


Say a signal provider is earning $20,000USD a month BUT they may only withdraw a maximum $15,000USD per month?

In such case just write a ticket to Servicedesk and your question will be solved.
Скачала приложения метатрейдер4, решила открыть реальный счёт, меня программу перенаправила на сайт MQL5 пополнил счёт, но за место в приложении метатрейдер, у меня демо-счет моими 10 доллорами даже не пахлоо ... Что мне делать? Как мне сделать так, чтобы в метатрейдер4 начать работать ???