Interesting and Humour - page 3622

Aleksandr Prishenko:

There is even a solution to the problem in Wikipedia. For people nowadays, aliens are more real than gods.)))

About three or more years ago, when there was a separate forum, we already solved this problem :) And we solved it not just successfully, but gave proof in Boolean algebra language :)

Anyway, it's interesting and really deserves attention. Those who haven't worked with it may try to solve it.

Back in the nineties I faced Einstein's problem - there were 5 houses, 5 people of different nationalities etc. I got the problem from a Soviet issue of Science and Life. It pricked me because, according to Einstein's own words, it can be solved only by 7% of the world's population. I was curious, could I? I took a sheet of paper and a pen, and it took me about two hours, but I found a solution. It felt good to know that I could do it. And only years later I learnt, that Einstein, when formulating the problem, said, that it should be solved in the mind, not on paper :) That's where I was floating :)))))))))

Vitaly Murlenko:

About three or more years ago, when there was a separate forum, we already solved this problem :) And we solved it not just successfully, but gave proof in Boolean algebra language :)

Anyway, it's interesting and really deserves attention. Those who haven't worked with it may try to solve it.

Back in the nineties I faced Einstein's problem - there were 5 houses, 5 people of different nationalities etc. I got the problem from a Soviet issue of Science and Life. It pricked me because, according to Einstein's own words, it can be solved only by 7% of the world's population. I was curious, could I? I took a sheet of paper and a pen, and it took me about two hours, but I found a solution. It felt good to know that I could do it. And only years later I learnt that, when Einstein had formulated the problem, he said that it should be solved in the mind, not on paper :) That's where I came in :)))))))))

They say Einstein was a joker, how did he know the percentage of people who could solve the problem? )

I also solved it in about 2 hours, not on paper, but with the problem in front of me in the form of a table.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Einstein is generally said to have been a joker, how did he know the percentage of people who could solve the problem? )

It took him about two hours to solve it, too, not on paper, but with the problem in front of him in the form of a table.

In student time in the 4th year (about 5 years ago) in the dormitory for half an hour orally solved it, with a printed out text task.
There is nothing complicated there.
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Минфин РФ предупредил о возможной сверхплановой покупке не менее $1 млрд
Рубль переукреплен от фундаментальных значений на 10–12%, и это дает Минфину РФ возможность до конца текущего года купить валюту на сумму не менее $1 млрд сверх тех операций, которые он делает для пополнения Резервного фонда. Об этом заявил министр финансов Антон Силуанов. Как сообщает «Прайм», министр считает, что рубль переукреплен от...
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«Яндекс.Деньги» запускают арбитражный сервис
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What a position!

  1. If the open position is less than or equal to 50,000,000 USD, the allowable leverage is 1:500. If the open position is between 50,000,000 USD and 200,000,000 USD, the allowable leverage is 1:200. If the open position is over 200,000,000 USD, allowed leverage is 1:100.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

What a position!

  1. If the open position is less than or equal to 50,000,000 USD, the allowable leverage is 1:500. If the open position is between 50,000,000 USD and 200,000,000 USD, the allowable leverage is 1:200. If the open position is over 200,000,000 USD, allowed leverage is 1:100.

It is quite possible that this is just a PR move to build clients' confidence in the company's monumentality and seriousness.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

What a position!

  1. If the open position is less than or equal to 50,000,000 USD, the allowable leverage is 1:500. If the open position is between 50,000,000 USD and 200,000,000 USD, the allowable leverage is 1:200. If the open position is over 200,000,000 USD, allowed leverage is 1:100.

It came to you as well. Looks like we have the same DC).

Actually, that's the terms of trade.)


How can blindness be cured by a virus?

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Британские медики запрограмировали геном слепого на прозрение
Оксфорд (Великобритания), 20 марта. Ученые из Оксфордского университета сумели излечить 29-летнего мужчину, потерявшего зрение из-за редкого наследственного заболевания. Восстановить зрение специалистам удалось благодаря редактированию генома пациента. Медики взяли у мужчины генетический материал и...
Sergey Dzyublik:

When I was a 4th year student (about 5 years ago) in the dormitory, it took half an hour to solve the problem verbally, with a printout in front of me.
There is nothing complicated about it.

Could you please tell me how you solved it? You probably know something we don't :)