Emotions when trading - page 8


What has God got to do with it... You just have to think a little bit about what"the trend has this interesting feature - it can change direction at any time!!! " -- I mean, just like that... at any moment... without any indication... without any indication of a trend change.... Is that it?

If so, it's complete nonsense. You just need to get clear on what is a trend and what is not a trend.

You have to keep up with the news.
Not just skip tons of information over your head (it will go crazy), and just have a general background in your head.
Then all trends will be known.
And the trend for you so simply will not change the direction.
Exactly, you need preconditions for that.
What is the goal then???? Money is the goal. The means to an end is your knowledge and skill!
The advice of experienced rich people is not to replace money as the goal. Take it easy. Do what you like and what is good for people. The money will come by itself.

Everyone has their own goals. In our "consumer society" the goal has become everything that can be bought for this very money - yachts, cars, planes, villas and so on and so forth ... Although all this should be just ancillary things in our free life, in which we engage in a well-paid hobby :)
You have to keep up with the news.
You don't just put tons of information through your head (you'll go crazy), but just have a general background in your head.
Then all the trends will be known.
And the trend for you so simply will not change the direction.
Exactly, you need prerequisites for that.
This is exactly what I'm talking about: trends don't change their direction all of a sudden.

What has God got to do with it... You just have to think a little bit about what"the trend has this interesting feature - it can change direction at any time!!! " -- I mean, just like that... at any moment... without any indication... without any indication of a trend change.... Is that it?

If so, it's complete nonsense. You just need to get clear on what is a trend and what is not a trend.

How can I explain it to you...? Let's take the franc - as of today it is the brightest example of "at any time", etc. etc. It was a trend - it was moving quietly in a channel. And then comes the 15th. Have you been in a trend? Apparently not, otherwise you would not ask such questions in confusion! Was it expected? Were there any preconditions? I guess so, but it's easy to judge all this only after the above events.

What does God have to do with it? They say he knows everything ahead of time.

It's like you're five years old and you're a geek!!!

Well if that's the case go on - 2nd grade high school traders curriculum. There is such a thing as Hearst. This is volatility. That is, there are instruments with this Hurst higher than 0.5 and we can say that growth in the past means growth in the future, or in your words "the trend cannot change". In the other case we have quite the opposite situation - we have some instability of the instrument - its direction can change at any moment. What exactly the preconditions are contributing to it is a different question. If we take a purely technical analysis.

And finally, the trend is measured in a certain period of time. Say, on the hour chart we have chaos or uncertainty, but if we look at, say, the daily chart we can see a more pronounced trend.

Yes, in order to follow the trend you need to understand clearly what it is and know all the conditions for its possible change of direction. It seems that for you it's like sending two bytes? You are always "in the trend", you have never lost your deposit and you have a 100% profitable trades? Well, in that case my respect!
That's the thing about forex trading, everybody knows it, but why is it that at least 90% of them fail...?
That's what I'm talking about: trends don't change their direction all of a sudden.
A trend is a trend because it's always changing.
A trend is just that, a trend, to change all the time
A trend is a trend.
And a trend is more likely to last than to change.
A trend is a trend.
And a trend is more likely to last than to change.
It is not the trend that changes, but its direction over a period of time
how do you explain...? Let's take the franc - it is the brightest example of "at any time" etc. It was a trend - it was moving quietly in a channel. And then comes the 15th. Have you been in a trend? Apparently not, otherwise you would not ask such questions in confusion! Was it expected? Were there any preconditions? I guess so, but it's easy to judge all this only after the above events.

What does God have to do with it? They say he knows everything ahead of time.

It's like you're five years old and you're a geek!!!

Well if that's the case go on - 2nd grade high school curriculum for traders. There is such a thing as Hearst. This is volatility. That is, there are instruments with this Hurst higher than 0.5 and we can say that growth in the past means growth in the future, or in your words "the trend cannot change". In the other case we have quite the opposite situation - we have some instability of the instrument - its direction can change at any moment. What exactly the preconditions are contributing to it is a different question. If we take a purely technical analysis.

And finally, the trend is measured in a certain period of time. Say, on the hour chart we have chaos or uncertainty, but if we look at, say, the daily chart we can see a more pronounced trend.

Yes, in order to follow the trend you need to understand clearly what it is and know all the conditions for its possible change of direction. It seems that for you it's like sending two bytes? You are always "in the trend", you have never lost your deposit and you have a 100% profitable trades? Well, in that case my respect!
That's the thing about forex trading, everybody knows it, but why do no less than 90% of them fail...?

The franc situation should not be considered in the context of trend analysis, but as force majeure.

You went too far with Hearst (or you went too far with Hearst).

This phrase of yours:"And finally, the trend is measured in a certain period of time. Let's say we have chaos or uncertainty on the hourly chart, but if we look at, say, the daily chart we can see a more distinct trend." -- indicating your lack of understanding of what a trend is.

And this understanding comes, among other things, through lost deposits.


This phrase of yours:"And finally, the trend is measured in a certain period of time. Let's say we have chaos or uncertainty on the hourly chart, but if we look at, say, the daily chart we can see a more pronounced trend."This indicates that you don't understand what the trend is.

And this understanding comes, among other things, through lost deposits.

Enlighten the ignoramus! I don't claim to know the absolute truth...
A trend is a trend, so it's always changing.
No. A trend is a direction of development. It's the chatter around the trend that changes.