Interesting and Humour - page 3115

Alexey Busygin:
He also ordered the sale of shares in major mining companies. Where will the government get money for social security from, except Internet users,
the step into the abyss has already been taken.

As state assets are being sold, it is clear that state assets are probably deeply unprofitable...

there is really no money, half of the regions are bankrupt according to Zubarevich from Moscow State University...

and if resources suddenly become cheaper on the world market there will be a real collapse...

Just as the USSR went bankrupt in its day...

Alexandr Saprykin:

An anti-terrorism law on telecommunications operators storing records of their subscribers' conversations will come into force in July 2018, during the FIFA World Cup in Russia. The law could require operators to invest hundreds of billions of roubles to create storage facilities for this information. As Kommersant has found out, operators will record the telephone conversations of foreign fans who will attend playoff matches. The Big Three, which is obliged to provide 700,000 consumers with communications by 2018, believe that preparations for the 2018 World Cup have been jeopardised by the new law.

The idiocy of the situation is that today almost everyone uses messengers so these morons will get tons of encrypted traffic and store it for 3 years :)
Нал перестанет быть чёрным. Центробанк отследит путь каждой купюры
Нал перестанет быть чёрным. Центробанк отследит путь каждой купюры
  • 2016.07.08
  • Александра Баязитова
Уже в 2018 году Центробанк сможет контролировать движение любой выпущенной купюры через специальный реестр номеров банкнот. К этой автоматизированной системе "Контроль номеров банкнот" будут подключены коммерческие банки и инкассаторские компании, которые будут предоставлять регулятору информацию как о выданных и полученных купюрах, так и о...
Alexandr Saprykin:
Good luck to you, good spirits.
Причуды великих людей
Причуды великих людей
Смотреть на пожары, засыпать где ни попадя, нюхать гнилые яблоки, кричать петухом... Мы знаем этих людей по вкладу, который они внесли в историю, науку, искусство, здесь — их маленькие слабости. С гениями жить всегда непросто, но в одном жене Эйнштейна, несомненно, повезло: тот никогда не бегал по дому с классическим криком мужей: «Где мои...

As state assets are being sold, it is clear that state assets are most likely deeply unprofitable...

there is really no money, half of the regions are bankrupt according to Zubarevich from Moscow State University...

and if resources suddenly become cheaper on the world market there will be a real collapse...

just as the USSR went bankrupt in its day...

Only management is unprofitable, everything else is just another conspiracy of overseas economists. The currency bubble is inflated and they want to deflate the pressure this way.

The whole problem is due to non-cash payments. The money seems to be in the accounts, but the bank in reality does not have that kind of cash. But the funny thing is, banks are petty, there are whole states bloated.

Pavel Gotkevitch:
Edward Snowden, who is by no means a Russophobe and speaks very positively about Russia and the Russians, has already spoken out on the matter:

"The president has signed a new repressive law that contradicts not only human rights but also common sense. This is a black day for Russia.
The signing of the law must be condemned. The law will take money and freedom away from every Russian without increasing security.
In addition to the political and constitutional implications, the law imposes a $33 billion tax on the Russian internet."

I'm on eight. Bill Gates personally monitors my every sneeze, even though I'm not supposed to.

On 10, it's already explicitly declared. We log in there, we have passwords there, we're in the clouds...

And Snowden with his details, and now he's kind of criticizing...

The Americans have it, but Putin doesn't? Clearly they need their own toy.... at our expense.


A terrorist attack in Tushino. I didn't make it two stops. I still have my impressions.


A modern poster instead of "Don't talk, the enemy is listening!" should look like: "Don't talk, everyone's listening!".

Трогательное видео до слез - добро возвращается добром
Трогательное видео до слез - добро возвращается добром
  • 2016.02.13
Короткая история трогательная до слез. В этой трогательной истории до слез будет показано как добрые поступки возвращаются обратно. Наша группа в Вк - http:/...
Good luck to you, good mood.
Thank you. Likewise)) and most importantly, good health))
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Now is the chance to go through with it.

Well once upon a time they thought that never in the USA would a "man of black - dark skin colour" become president - took a very long time to choose tolerant words.


Did I violate anything? Do your providers still have petabytes left to store overnight traffic?

my provider will save - MQ provider should also save - major's provider should also save - and every provider of every reader should also save

somehow it seems that the level of - competence of the checker should be no less than the major.

Nothing, they have not counted. Just some smart guy said that a black man will be the first and the last president of America.