Interesting and Humour - page 2929

Alexey Burnakov:
I'll be there in May, although with my girlfriend. But I'll keep an eye out.)
You have to wear sunglasses to avoid being caught.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
The freshness of the egg - that makes sense, the stale one is already gassy.
You've forgotten a bit of physics in school? It would be logical to attribute this phenomenon to gas formation, if the egg shell was elastic and under the influence of liberated gases increased the volume of the egg, while maintaining its mass, hence the specific gravity of the egg decreased.
Here, the reason is slightly different - the egg during storage gradually loses moisture (through micro-pores in the shell evaporates), and since the volume of the shell does not change, the specific density of the egg decreases and it begins to acquire buoyancy, the longer it is stored, the more moisture it loses, the more it floats in water, as shown in the picture.

Eh! Well done, bull!

Alexey Viktorov:
No, it's like going to Tula with your samovar and gun...
How about another option - as a benchmark for comparison...?

What our pets do when we're not home:


A trader nicknamed Dude (from the article)

  • "The investor, nicknamed Dude, came on the market a year and a half ago. On his first day, he made $450 million in trades, double the market average.
  • "BNP Paribas strategist Ishik Okte believes that Dude started using special computer systems (trading robots) earlier than others and 'rules the ball as long as he has no competitors.
  • "Now he is running more and more transactions, scaring off other investors who can't predict Dude's next market bump. "
  • "The anonymous investor's actions also contributed to an 8% rise in turnover on the Istanbul bourse in 2016, while the Warsaw bourse sank by 15% and the Moscow bourse by 27%."
Mystery 'Dude' Rattles Turkish Stock Traders With Massive Bets
Mystery 'Dude' Rattles Turkish Stock Traders With Massive Bets
  • 2016.03.10
  • Constantine Courcoulas
There’s a specter haunting stock traders in Istanbul that some are calling “the dude.” A mystery investor who first appeared a year and a half ago with $450 million of bets on a single day, almost double the market average, is now executing major transactions with increasing frequency, scaring away competitors who can’t figure out when he or...
Vladimir Suschenko:
How about another option - as a benchmark for comparison...?
What's there to compare? A samovar with a gun?
Alexey Viktorov:
What's to compare? A samovar with a gun???

Your samovar with the locals.

Vladimir Suschenko:

Your own samovar with the locals.

Ahhhh, I thought I was comparing a gun to a samovar...:)))))))))))