Interesting and Humour - page 2934


Nurture is power!

It is especially strong when those who are brought up are brought up !

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Guys, it's a different topic these days. It's not a vegetarian versus meat-eating rivalry. It's a branch of blue blooded, white-boned vegetarians that has split off from the vegetarians - the SYROEDS. So it's more complicated than that. What used to be the contempt of vegans for all normal eaters, so now the cheese-eaters have the same attitude even to regular vegans. They even have their own propaganda, clinging to sanity/unreasonableness. They have all the cheese-eaters as being reasonable and everyone else as being unreasonable.
SYROEDS are those who only eat cheese.
Viktor Mossekhin:
Frugivores are those who eat only cheese.
  • omnivorous raw farming
A raw-food diet that allows any type of food to be added to the diet, including meat, fish, seafood, milk, eggs (all these only in raw or dried form). Sometimes milk is excluded, leaving only raw meat, fish and plant foods. Raw eating, in which meat and fish are completely excluded, but raw eggs and/or milk, sometimes dairy products, are allowed. Raw dieting, which excludes all animal products and allows the consumption of only raw plant foods. The most common type of raw food diet. Based on the consumption of raw fish, seafood, raw meat, game, eggs and animal fat, with fruits and vegetables kept to a minimum.

A vegetarian.

Eats meat when fasting.

Банки все чаще отказывают брокерским компаниям в проведении операций
Банки все чаще отказывают брокерским компаниям в проведении операций
  • 2016.03.15
Банки ужесточили проведение операций по счетам профучастников рынка ценных бумаг, письмо с такой жалобой направила в ЦБ Национальная ассоциация участников фондового рынка (НАУФОР). Причина – два документа ЦБ (236-Т «О повышении внимания кредитных организаций к отдельным операциям клиентов» от 31 декабря 2014 г. и 17-МР «О повышении внимания...
Here we go!!!
Vladimir Tkach:
It's on!!!
What is it exactly?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
It's not harmful, it's even good for you, but in moderation and with your head.
By the way, the Dalai Lama eats meat. He says it is good for his health. Only that pigs are not slaughtered specifically for him, but buy meat at the market. That's sanctimony, I think.