Interesting and Humour - page 2935


The Reporty application, developed by Reporty Homeland Security in Israel and based on the latest communications technology, was unveiled today.

The application allows video conferencing with police, fire and ambulance services from the scene of an event in real time and with precise GPS localisation.

One of the important features of the application is the ability to audio broadcast the location without it being detected on the phone's screen. In a kidnapping situation this option can be a lifesaver.

The app also allows you to monitor the safety of family members or other loved ones. For example, you can monitor whether someone close to you has reached their destination safely if you were unable to accompany them in person.

The application is free forAndroid and iOS smartphone users and is already available for download.


The barber gives the trader a haircut.

- How's the stock market going?
- Yeah, it's okay... in a few minutes.
- How's it going in the stock market?
- Fine, thanks... in a few more minutes.
- What's going on in the stock market?
- Why do you keep asking me the same thing?
- You see, when I ask you that, your hair stands on end. It's easier to cut.


A chair for a real man !


Sergey Petruk:
from the fact that it's good where we're not)
Sergey Petruk:

Good morning

The Pound and the Dollar are sitting on the forex market. The door swings open and the Euro enters - young, beautiful, slim, in a short skirt. Dollar rushes right in. The pound, holding the dollar down, says: "Ah, youth! "Watch out for inflation!"
Two tired traders come home from work after a busy day at work. One says to the other: "Listen, the underground's already closed! - "Yeah, at what price?"