Interesting and Humour - page 1678

Passport issuance in Russia may stop as of 2016

The Federal Migration Service (FMS) proposes to stop issuing internal passports to Russians in two years' time, following the idea of the Liberal Democratic Party to put the Russian national anthem on them; the process of switching to ten-year plastic cards with photos and chips could start in the pilot regions in a year and a half.

So that's it. Soon everyone will have his own identification chip. That's what the sci-fi writers wrote about. True, it is not being implanted yet. But what will happen in the future?

Passport issuance in Russia may stop as of 2016

The Federal Migration Service (FMS) proposes to stop issuing internal passports to Russians in two years against the background of the idea of the LDPR to place the anthem of Russia in them; the process of transition to ten-year plastic cards with photos and chips may begin with the pilot regions in a year and a half.

So that's it. Soon everyone will have their own identification chip. That's what the sci-fi writers wrote about. But it's not being implanted yet. But what will happen in the future?

So, the cards will not be issued against the background of the LDPR idea, but against a different background, for example, against a wall or entrance door.

Passport issuance in Russia may cease as of 2016

The Federal Migration Service (FMS) proposes to stop issuing internal passports to Russians in two years' time, following the idea of the Liberal Democratic Party to put the Russian national anthem on them; the process of switching to ten-year plastic cards with photos and chips could start in the pilot regions in a year and a half.

So that's it. Soon everyone will have his own identification chip. That's what the sci-fi writers wrote about. True, it is not being implanted yet. But what will happen in the future?

Liberal Democratic Party will require the anthem to be placed on plastic cards

Everyone cannot unload wagons, for the simple reason that someone has to load them, someone has to move them, someone has to maintain them. Someone has to produce something to load the wagons with. And so on and so forth.

But everyone can be a little kinder to those around them.

I do not particularly understand your passage about cars in the context of the preceding video. Do you have to unload often?


And very often young guys and girls look alike if they are dressed ... And how can a young man not make a mistake if, for example, he wants to get married? She'll say she's a lady, but after the wedding she'll find out she's not...

The solution is very simple - a field experiment before the wedding.

it's not that simple. For example
  • name Christine
  • is a man's face.
  • wears trousers
  • Position - Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund

Why did the reporters think the man was a woman? Were they present at the medical examinations? I don't think a medical exam is necessary for such a position... I am sure they do not ask about gender on the application form (as it is not politically correct to ask about gender on the application form).

Western women are ugly and look like Western men (who just look like mutants). So - how was it counted that there were so many women in such a parliament ...? Were they inspected? How do you know? If there is no "mum" or "dad" but just a parent ... and when applying for a job it is not politically correct to ask about gender (and religion too by the way) ... Here's the question ...

If I order a job in the Job service, I choose a programmer, so I don't care if it's a he or a she. He'll say it's a she, but I don't care, because I still don't check ... And how do they check in the West? Remember the internet's famous nickname "Kat the Prostitute"? Turns out to be a man who holds a position on the ZHJ (I forget his name) ....

So it's not clear at all ...


After all, when the questionnaire asks about gender, it is not about biological sex, but about a person's social sex- gender self-identification of a person, which determines his behavior in society and how this behavior is perceived by others.

I wonder how they determine it, as a percentage of MPs in parliament ... by what criteria, attributes ...


Everyone cannot unload wagons, for the simple reason that someone has to load them, someone has to move them, someone has to maintain them. Someone has to produce something to load the wagons with. And so on and so forth.

But everyone can be a little kinder to those around them.

I do not particularly understand your passage about cars in the context of the preceding video. Do you often have to unload cars?

It's an amazing discussion. To understand the meaning of the post, the depth of its humor, you do not need to unload cars often, just once. Have you never had to unload wagons?


It's a terrific discussion. You don't have to unload wagons often to understand the meaning of that post, the depth of its humour, it's enough to do it once. Have you never had to unload wagons?

Yeah, only loaders sit here.)))