Interesting and Humour - page 1620


For a long time now, people have been trying to determine who is smarter among pets such as dogs and cats. Cat lovers claim that dogs are much stupider, particularly because

that their cerebral cortex had about half as many neurons as cats.

Unlike dogs, cats are not as loyal to humans and are more self-sufficient. But in a special study, scientists have discovered a trait in dogs called 'hidden genius'.

The fact is that dogs can learn from examples and even draw their own conclusions about a particular situation, just as children do.

There is an opinion that cats have the best memory, as they are able to show their discontent and hold grudges against their owners or other people,

if they don't like something at least once. But one study suggests otherwise. A few years ago, a team of researchers at the University of Moncton conducted an experiment

in which treats were buried in one of four boxes, all in front of dogs and cats. It turned out that literally immediately the cats forgot where they had seen the food,

but in dogs, that information was available for another four minutes.

Dogs also have the unique property of being able to read human gestures like no other animal. Even chimpanzees cannot so understand and grasp human movements and gestures.


That's it. Suck it up. You're a Belarusian now.

"I often say - give us the Kaliningrad oblast. We will plough up every hectare, every hundredth of a hectare of land there and make it into a blooming land," Interfax-West quoted Lukashenko as saying at a press conference for the Russian media. He added that he "does not pretend to take Kaliningrad tomorrow, but if it were possible, he would be glad to.

"We were recently with Putin in Kaliningrad - flying in a helicopter. I see you are not ploughing the land. In the Soviet Union you were the best, it was a prosperous region. I say to Vladimir Vladimirovich: Listen, give me these and these lands. We will plough them. We don't need to give them to him.

According to Lukashenko, Putin supported the idea.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko is ready to "take" Kaliningrad Oblast for the development of agriculture. He said this on Friday at a press conference for Russian media in Minsk, reports Interfax.


Cats are not a good idea

where it all started....


fun crafts


And TOMORROW is already knocking on your door

A message on the official Twitter account of the Israeli IDF commemorating the anniversary of the start of Israel's offensive against Syrian army positions in the 1973 Doomsday War has caused oil prices to rise on the New York commodities exchange. This was reported by Agence France-Presse on October 10.

The rise in oil prices began after the IDF tweeted "Israeli Air Force attacks airports in Syria to prevent Soviet weapons from reaching the Syrian army." As AFP notes, the tweet was tagged with the hashtag #YomKippur73, explaining that it was referring specifically to the Doomsday War.

After the message emerged, the price of a barrel of oil, which had previously traded at $101.6, went sharply upward and reached $103.

Participants of the market told AFP that the increase of quotes, probably, was due to the fact that after the message emerged computer programs that analyze news trends with the words "Syria" and "Israel" could automatically start buying oil.

Pretty soon it will be one robot tweeting, another robot reading the tweet, a third robot deciding to send in troops and kill some worthless people with the help of other worthless people (you remember that all wars are about power, resources and ultimately money, right?). And everything will happen as a matter of course and without question.

It's probably already

Here comes the cat! ("", Poland)
After thousands of years of canine domination, our civilisation has started to falter. Man's new best friends fit perfectly into the modern era, which brings individualism, egoism and narcissistic narcissism to the fore.

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