Interesting and Humour - page 1615


Beware of profanity


Hey, guys, listen up, I watched a cartoon that's right, it's a guy's cartoon, I'll tell you all about it by the parts, fuck it up. The robot kidnapped two Nanais, like a robot, did you see Pacific Frontier? It's the same big one, but it's ours, it's lamplight. So the robot kidnapped the parents and the baby overboard, and the baby was put in a cage that the animals ate him. They taught the boy to respect the law of the taiga, not to confuse the notions, and when he grew strong they told him that his father and mother were dragged away by an evil robot from the pure cedar.
The boy went into his native house, put the photo of his father around his neck and went to look for his parents.

One of the local beasts - Ashot - drags the girl into the bushes, and our boy, whose name was Mergen, grabbed the devil and beat him on the head with a stick. And she was like: "I cannot live without you, my dear man, I want to get married, I am lonely in the forest - only devils and beasts from the mountains".
The man got confused, he had never seen a woman before, but refused to get married as he had to save his parents from the cedar robot and get married afterwards.
The woman turned into a duck and mooed to him, saying: "good riddance, I will help you if you need help.

The guy goes further and looks at the boat and no one is there. He decided to confiscate a boat, but a pike got entangled near the shore, so he untangled it and threw it into the river, because he didn't like fish - only nuts and milk.
And the pike starts talking! You hear me, kid? I'll show you! I'll show you the way to that robot hell, and your daddy's sunk to the bottom, and your mummy's knitting under the ground!
Margan got the fuck up, got in the boat and swam after the pike, they swam somewhere and sank to the bottom together with the pike, put his father out of his misery, brought him back to his native shores and swam on.
The robot wakes up and starts an epic brawl, three days and three nights, the animals come to help, a duck arrives with a voodoo doll, an action movie-style meat grinder.
Margin dodged and broke the voodoo doll's spine, then the robot died, the head flew off, the circuit closed - that's it, the bastard's fucked!
Margan untied his mum and they all went home on the robot's carcass.
That's how the first all-terrain vehicle was invented, guys, they called it "The Master of Taiga". And that was back under the Tsar! Fucking hell!



All right, guys, listen up,

And not a single dog in the frame! ;)

But he can spit at my cat

And not a single dog in the frame! ;)

It's true, if they'd had a dog, they would have killed the wooden scarecrow in the beginning. And the baby would have grown up at home with his parents.

I want a time machine, at least for a day, to take a trip back to my childhood.





What's the matter with you? )) One cat didn't care, but the other cat (the ginger one) was getting a kick in the ears, so he knocked him out. ))
You what? )) One cat didn't care, but the other cat (the ginger one) was getting a kick in the ears, so he knocked him out. ))
There! All they want to do is break something and turn it on the dog.