Indicators with alerts/signal - page 137

I have been using the 3rd modification to rsioma (RSIOMA_v3.mq4 ) and I find it a very useful tool. I have very limited time to trade daily and was wondering if anyone can add an email alert function to it so that it can send out an email alert whenever the RSI and MA lines cross. This would be greatly appreciated . ATTACH]

how come only me and Ahmedazizelias do all the hard work?

(and Joe(BJ) -when not in trouble with the girls, EthanHant does all supervising)

but Mladen and Kalenzo going only 4 easy staff...


RSIOMA_v3_alerts.mq4 :

SoundOnly_WarningAlerts (on open bar - goes same as visual signals)


----------- after bar close:

BoxAlerts ;

EmailAlerts ;


RSIOMA_MaRsiomaCross ;

RSIOMA_TriggerLevelCross ;

RSIOMA_MainTrendLevelCross ;


p.s. box and email alerts - on open bar Rsioma by it's nature (very smoozz) can sit on one place and jerk(generate)way to many back/force crossings per bar to tolerate - so alerts after bar close

4 those who want early heart attack warning - sound alert on open bar


update 20080427


post 1485

There is some momentum VT posted in the thread: Mom

Thanks Linuxser.

I did found that indicator thank you very much,it seems to to give a alarm every time it changes direction.I am looking for a momentum indicator with a alarm when it crosses the 0 or 100 level.

Thank you anyway,much appreciated for the help.



Thanks Linuxser.

I did found that indicator thank you very much,it seems to to give a alarm every time it changes direction.I am looking for a momentum indicator with a alarm when it crosses the 0 or 100 level.

Thank you anyway,much appreciated for the help.

Flaffie[ /UOTE]

you're welcome

no biggie - shhould be good (ok on tester)

MomentumVT_alert.mq4 (2.2 KB) - normal alert with alert sound change option

MomentumVT_alertOC.mq4 - abnormal (+alert on open/close bar switch)

extern bool AlertsEnabled = true;

extern bool AlertAfterBarClose = false;


Hi fxbs

I can assure you all your hard work is very very very much appreciated by many many people who prob dont reply or post a message or have the knowledge you do to create the magic on the charts you do, they are madly down loading all the indicators you and others post, trying to assemble charts to win as many pips as possible ....Myself I tend to do as so many do I'd say, every weekend check the forums for new updated indicators which might just give that extra edge we are all looking for or the Holy Grail of trading .....Your help is definitely appreciated my many,

All the very best with your trading


right, Ellie!

may be now EthanHant will give me some medal!


EMA indicator

is there a indicator similar to similar to the HASBARS blue bullish red bearish

where say you wanted blue bars at bottom of screen when ____ema was above _____ema and red bars when _____ema was below ____ema.

with noise alert. it would be nice if you could change the ema numbers also.


Signal Indicator based on BB??

Dear ND,

Is there any signal indicator based on bollinger band logic??



Everything (links to our forum threads/posts) about BB is collected on this thread


H4 Chart

Hi ppls :-)

Almost finished, well maybe . With the help of all the different threads and guru's on this site I've put together a 4hr chart which hopefully may just work for me. The only indicator I'm searching for now is an alert for the Dynamic Zone RSI and Stoch, one which shows the cross with arrows on the main chart, pop up box and alert.wav. If anyone can assist me I would naturally be extremely grateful.

All the very best with your trading



H4 Chart

max 5 files....oh well

sorry bout that