United States Nonfarm Payrolls

United States
USD, US dollar
High 142 K 104 K
89 K
Last release Importance Actual Forecast
267 K
142 K
Next release Actual Forecast
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Nonfarm Payrolls present the number of new jobs created during the given month, in all non-agricultural sectors of the US economy. Calculation does not include military and intelligence services, self-employed citizens and those employed on private households.

The list of reported sectors includes professional and business services, healthcare, financial sector, mining, construction, trade, transportation and warehousing, recreation and hospitality.

This reports is one of the most important US economic indicators, which is used in the evaluation of the country's economic health. It is often considered an indicator tending to move the market. Non-farm payrolls cover about 80% of employees producing the entire GDP of the United States.

Indicator growth suggests that more consumers will earn money, which means that both consumption and consumer spending will grow. This stimulates economic growth.

The release of this report usually increases volatility in foreign exchange markets. Indicator growth is seen as positive for dollar quotes.

Last values:

actual data


The chart of the entire available history of the "United States Nonfarm Payrolls" macroeconomic indicator. The dashed line shows the forecast values ​​of the economic indicator for the specified dates.

A significant deviation of a real value from a forecast one may cause a short-term strengthening or weakening of a national currency in the Forex market. The threshold values ​​of the indicators signaling the approach of the critical state of the national (local) economy occupy a special place.

Date (GMT)
Aug 2024
142 K
104 K
89 K
Jul 2024
114 K
241 K
179 K
Jun 2024
206 K
287 K
218 K
May 2024
272 K
218 K
165 K
Apr 2024
175 K
197 K
315 K
Mar 2024
303 K
176 K
270 K
Feb 2024
275 K
220 K
229 K
Jan 2024
353 K
186 K
333 K
Dec 2023
216 K
1 K
173 K
Nov 2023
199 K
-3 K
150 K
Oct 2023
150 K
-8 K
297 K
Sep 2023
336 K
1 K
227 K
Aug 2023
187 K
12 K
157 K
Jul 2023
187 K
-1 K
185 K
Jun 2023
209 K
-19 K
306 K
May 2023
339 K
1 K
294 K
Apr 2023
253 K
23 K
165 K
Mar 2023
236 K
-8 K
326 K
Feb 2023
311 K
-35 K
504 K
Jan 2023
517 K
16 K
260 K
Dec 2022
223 K
57 K
256 K
Nov 2022
263 K
-30 K
284 K
Oct 2022
261 K
-97 K
315 K
Sep 2022
263 K
33 K
315 K
Aug 2022
315 K
156 K
526 K
Jul 2022
528 K
-19 K
398 K
Jun 2022
372 K
-229 K
384 K
May 2022
390 K
-19 K
436 K
Apr 2022
428 K
317 K
428 K
Mar 2022
431 K
80 K
750 K
Feb 2022
678 K
-413 K
481 K
Jan 2022
467 K
-192 K
510 K
Dec 2021
199 K
379 K
249 K
Nov 2021
210 K
330 K
546 K
Oct 2021
531 K
-54 K
312 K
Sep 2021
194 K
-302 K
366 K
Aug 2021
235 K
23 K
1053 K
Jul 2021
943 K
381 K
938 K
Jun 2021
850 K
3 K
583 K
May 2021
559 K
-396 K
278 K
Apr 2021
266 K
-1 K
770 K
Mar 2021
916 K
409 K
468 K
Feb 2021
379 K
-137 K
166 K
Jan 2021
49 K
-497 K
-227 K
Dec 2020
-140 K
207 K
336 K
Nov 2020
245 K
528 K
610 K
Oct 2020
638 K
-76324 K
672 K
Sep 2020
661 K
78356 K
1489 K
Aug 2020
1371 K
-74433 K
1734 K
Jul 2020
1763 K
4511 K
4791 K

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