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Error 146 ("Trade context busy") and How to Deal with It

Error 146 ("Trade context busy") and How to Deal with It

MetaTrader 4Examples | 7 July 2006, 13:17
15 345 19
Andrey Khatimlianskii
Andrey Khatimlianskii

1. What Is "Trade Context" in Terms of MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal

Extract from MetaEditor Reference:

    To trade from experts and scripts, only one thread was provided that was launched in the program trade context (context of automated trading from experts and scripts). This is why, if this context is occupied with an expert trading operation, another expert or script cannot call trading functions at that moment due to error 146 (ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY).

Better to say, only one expert (script) can trade at a time. All other experts that try to start trading will be stopped by Error 146. This article will find solutions for this problem.

2. Function IsTradeAllowed()

The simplest way to find out whether the trade context is busy is to use the function named IsTradeAllowed().

Extract from MetaEditor Reference:

    "bool IsTradeAllowed()

    Returns true if the expert is allowed to trade and a thread for trading is not occupied, otherwise returns false.

This means that one can try to trade only if the IsTradeAllowed() function returns TRUE.

The check must be done just before a trade operation.

An example of wrong usage of the function:

int start()
    // check whether the trade context is free
        // if the IsTradeAllowed() function has returned FALSE, inform the user about it,
        Print("Trade context is busy! The expert cannot open position!");
        // and terminate the expert operation. It will be restarted when the next tick 
        // comes
        // if the IsTradeAllowed() function has returned TRUE, inform the user about it 
        // and go on working
        Print("Trade context is free! We go on working...");
    // check whether the market should be entered now
    // calculate Stop Loss and Take Profit levels and the lot size
    // open a position
    if(OrderSend(...) < 0) 
        Alert("Error opening position # ", GetLastError());

In this example, the trade context status is checked at the very beginning of the start() function. It is a wrong idea: The trade context can be occupied by another expert during the time taken by our expert to calculate everything (the necessity to enter the market, Stop Loss and Take Profit levels, lot size, etc.). In such case, the attempt to open a position will not succeed.

An example of proper usage of the function:

int start()
    // check whether the market should be entered now
    // calculate the Stop Loss and Take Profit levels, as well as the lot size
    // now let us check whether the trade context is free
        Print("Trade context is busy! The expert cannot open position!");
        Print("Trade context is free! Trying to open position...");
    // if checking succeeded, open a position
    if(OrderSend(...) < 0) 
        Alert("Error opening position # ", GetLastError());

The trade context status is checked here immediately before opening of position, and probability that another expert will interpose between these two actions is much less. (It still exists, though. This will be considered below.)

This method has two essential disadvantages:

  • it is still probable that experts will check status simultaneously and, having received positive results, will try to trade at the same time
  • if the checking fails, the expert will try to trade again only at the next tick; such delay is highly undesirable

The second problem can be solved rather easily: one has just to wait until the trade context becomes free. Then the expert will start trading immediately after the other expert has finished it.

This will probably look like this:

int start()
    // check whether the market should be entered now
    // calculate the Take Profit and Stop Loss levels, and the lot size
    // check whether the trade context is free
        Print("Trade context is busy! Wait until it is free...");
        // infinite loop
            // if the expert was stopped by the user, stop operation
                Print("The expert was stopped by the user!"); 
            // if trade context has become free, terminate the loop and start trading
                Print("Trade context has become free!");
            // if no loop breaking condition has been met, "wait" for 0.1 sec
            // and restart checking
        Print("Trade context is free! Trying to open a position...");
    // try to open a position
    if(OrderSend(...) < 0) 
        Alert("Error opening position # ", GetLastError());
In this current realization, we have some problem points again:
  •  since the IsTradeAllowed() function is responsible not only for the trade context status, but also for the enabling/disabling experts to trade, the expert can "hang" in an infinite loop; it will then stop only if it is removed from the chart manually
  •  if the expert waits until the trade context is free, for just some seconds, prices can change, and it will be impossible to trade using them - the data should be refreshed, the open, Take Profit and Stop Loss levels of the position to be opened should be recalculated

The corrected code will look like this:

// time (in seconds) whithin which the expert will wait until the trade 
// context is free (if it is busy)
int MaxWaiting_sec = 30;
int start()
    // check whether the market should be entered now
    // calculate the Stop Loss and Take Profit levels and the lot size
    // check whether the trade context is free
        int StartWaitingTime = GetTickCount();
        Print("Trade context is busy! Wait until it is free...");
        // infinite loop
            // if the expert was terminated by the user, stop operation
                Print("The expert was stopped by the user!"); 
            // if it is waited longer than it is specified in the variable named 
            // MaxWaiting_sec, stop operation, as well
            if(GetTickCount() - StartWaitingTime > MaxWaiting_sec * 1000) 
                Print("The standby limit (" + MaxWaiting_sec + " sec) exceeded!");
            // if the trade context has become free,
                Print("Trade context is free!");
                // refresh the market information
                // recalculate the Stop Loss and Take Profit levels
                // leave the loop and start trading                
            // if no loop breaking condition has been met, "wait" for 0.1 
            // second and then restart checking
        Print("Trade context is free! Trying to open a position...");

    // try to open a position
    if(OrderSend(...) < 0) 
        Alert("Error opening position # ", GetLastError());
In the above example, we added:
  • refreshing of the market info (RefreshRates()) and consequent Stop Loss and Take Profit recalculation
  • maximal time of waiting MaxWaiting_sec, after exceeding of which the expert will stop operation

As such, the above code can be used in your experts already.

The final touch: Let us put all concerning checking into a separate function. This will simplify its integration in experts and its usage.

// int _IsTradeAllowed( int MaxWaiting_sec = 30 )
// the function checks the trade context status. Return codes:
//  1 - trade context is free, trade allowed
//  0 - trade context was busy, but became free. Trade is allowed only after 
//      the market info has been refreshed.
// -1 - trade context is busy, waiting interrupted by the user (expert was removed from 
//      the chart, terminal was shut down, the chart period and/or symbol was changed, etc.)
// -2 - trade context is busy, the waiting limit is reached (MaxWaiting_sec). 
//      Possibly, the expert is not allowed to trade (checkbox "Allow live trading" 
//      in the expert settings).
// MaxWaiting_sec - time (in seconds) within which the function will wait 
// until the trade context is free (if it is busy). By default,30.
int _IsTradeAllowed(int MaxWaiting_sec = 30)
    // check whether the trade context is free
        int StartWaitingTime = GetTickCount();
        Print("Trade context is busy! Wait until it is free...");
        // infinite loop
            // if the expert was terminated by the user, stop operation
                Print("The expert was terminated by the user!"); 
            // if the waiting time exceeds the time specified in the 
            // MaxWaiting_sec variable, stop operation, as well
            if(GetTickCount() - StartWaitingTime > MaxWaiting_sec * 1000)
                Print("The waiting limit exceeded (" + MaxWaiting_sec + " seconds)!");
            // if the trade context has become free,
                Print("Trade context has become free!");
              // if no loop breaking condition has been met, "wait" for 0.1 
              // second and then restart checking
        Print("Trade context is free!");

A template for the expert that uses the function:

int start()
    // check whether the market should be entered now
    // calculate the Stop Loss and Take Profit levels, and lot size
    // check whether trade context is free
    int TradeAllow = _IsTradeAllowed();
    if(TradeAllow < 0) 
    if(TradeAllow == 0)
        // recalculate the Take Profit and Stop Loss levels
    // open a position
    if(OrderSend(...) < 0) 
        Alert("Error opening position # ", GetLastError());

Let us draw some conclusions:

The IsTradeAllowed() function is easy to use and ideally suits for differentiation of accesses to trade context for two or three experts working simultaneously. Due to some disadvantages thereof, its use does not  ensure from Error 146 when many experts work simultaneously. It can also cause "hanging" of the expert if the "Allow live trading" is disabled.

This is why we will consider an alternative solution for this problem -a global variable as a "semaphore".


3. Client Terminal Global Variables

First, the definition:

The client terminal global variables are variables accessible to all experts, scripts and indicators. This means a global variable created by one expert can be used in other experts (in our case, to distribute accesses).

There are several functions provided in MQL 4 to work with global variables:

  • GlobalVariableCheck() - to check whether a global variable exists
  • GlobalVariableDel() - to delete a global variable
  • GlobalVariableGet() - to get the value of the global variable
  • GlobalVariableSet() - to create or modify a global variable
  • GlobalVariableSetOnCondition() - to change the value of the global variable specified by the user for another one. It differs from GlobalVariableSet() in that the new value will be set only at a certain previous value. It is this function, which is a key function to create a semaphore.
  • GlobalVariablesDeleteAll() - to delete all global variables (I cannot imagine who may need this:)

Why should the GlobalVariableSetOnCondition() be used, but not the combination of functions GlobalVariableGet() and GlobalVariableSet()? For the same reasons: Some time can ellapse between uses of two functions. And another expert can interpose into the semaphore switching. But this is not what we need.


4. The Basic Concept of Semaphore

Expert that is going to trade should check the semaphore status. If the semaphore shows "red light" (global variable = 1), it means that another expert is trading, so it is necessary to wait. If it shows "green light" (global variable = 0), the trading can be started immediately (but not to forget to set the "red light" for other experts).

Thus, we have to create 2 functions: one for setting the "red light", another one for setting the "green light". On the face of it, the task is simple. But we will not jump to conclusions, but try to formulate the sequence of actions to be executed by each function (let us name them TradeIsBusy() and TradeIsNotBusy()) and finally realize them.


5. Function TradeIsBusy()

As has been said before, the main task of the function will be to wait until the "green light" appears and to switch on the "red light". Besides, we have to check whether the global variable exists, and create it, if not. This checking would be more reasonable (and more efficient) to perform from the init() function of the expert. But then a probability could exist that the user would delete it and no one of working expert would be able to trade. This is why we will place it in the body of the created function.

All this should be accompanied by information displaying and processing of errors that have occurred when working with the global variable. The "hanging" should not be forgotten, as well: The function operation time should be limited.

This is what we will finally get:

// int TradeIsBusy( int MaxWaiting_sec = 30 )
// The function replaces the TradeIsBusy value 0 with 1.
// If TradeIsBusy = 1 at the moment of launch, the function waits until TradeIsBusy is 0, 
// and then replaces.
// If there is no global variable TradeIsBusy, the function creates it.
// Return codes:
//  1 - successfully completed. The global variable TradeIsBusy was assigned with value 1
// -1 - TradeIsBusy = 1 at the moment of launch of the function, the waiting was interrupted by the user
//      (the expert was removed from the chart, the terminal was closed, the chart period and/or symbol 
//      was changed, etc.)
// -2 - TradeIsBusy = 1 at the moment of launch of the function, the waiting limit was exceeded
//      (MaxWaiting_sec)
int TradeIsBusy( int MaxWaiting_sec = 30 )
    // at testing, there is no reason to divide the trade context - just terminate 
    // the function
    int _GetLastError = 0, StartWaitingTime = GetTickCount();
    //| Check whether a global variable exists and, if not, create it    |
        // if the expert was terminated by the user, stop operation
            Print("The expert was terminated by the user!"); 
        // if the waiting time exceeds that specified in the variable 
        // MaxWaiting_sec, stop operation, as well
        if(GetTickCount() - StartWaitingTime > MaxWaiting_sec * 1000)
            Print("Waiting time (" + MaxWaiting_sec + " sec) exceeded!");
        // check whether the global variable exists
        // if it does, leave the loop and go to the block of changing 
        // TradeIsBusy value
        if(GlobalVariableCheck( "TradeIsBusy" )) 
        // if the GlobalVariableCheck returns FALSE, it means that it does not exist or  
        // an error has occurred during checking
            _GetLastError = GetLastError();
            // if it is still an error, display information, wait for 0.1 second, and 
            // restart checking
            if(_GetLastError != 0)
              Print("TradeIsBusy()-GlobalVariableCheck(\"TradeIsBusy\")-Error #",
                    _GetLastError );
        // if there is no error, it means that there is just no global variable, try to create
        // it
        // if the GlobalVariableSet > 0, it means that the global variable has been successfully created. 
        // Leave the function
        if(GlobalVariableSet( "TradeIsBusy", 1.0 ) > 0 ) 
        // if the GlobalVariableSet has returned a value <= 0, it means that an error 
        // occurred at creation of the variable
          _GetLastError = GetLastError();
          // display information, wait for 0.1 second, and try again
          if(_GetLastError != 0)
              Print("TradeIsBusy()-GlobalVariableSet(\"TradeIsBusy\",0.0 )-Error #",
                    _GetLastError );
    //| If the function execution has reached this point, it means that global variable  | 
    //| variable exists.                                                                 |
    //| Wait until the TradeIsBusy becomes = 0 and change the value of TradeIsBusy for 1 |
     // if the expert was terminated by the user, stop operation
         Print("The expert was terminated by the user!"); 
     // if the waiting time exceeds that specified in the variable 
     // MaxWaiting_sec, stop operation, as well
     if(GetTickCount() - StartWaitingTime > MaxWaiting_sec * 1000)
         Print("The waiting time (" + MaxWaiting_sec + " sec) exceeded!");
     // try to change the value of the TradeIsBusy from 0 to 1
     // if succeed, leave the function returning 1 ("successfully completed")
     if(GlobalVariableSetOnCondition( "TradeIsBusy", 1.0, 0.0 )) 
     // if not, 2 reasons for it are possible: TradeIsBusy = 1 (then one has to wait), or 

     // an error occurred (this is what we will check)
      _GetLastError = GetLastError();
      // if it is still an error, display information and try again
      if(_GetLastError != 0)
   Print("TradeIsBusy()-GlobalVariableSetOnCondition(\"TradeIsBusy\",1.0,0.0 )-Error #",
         _GetLastError );
     //if there is no error, it means that TradeIsBusy = 1 (another expert is trading), then display 
     // information and wait...
     Comment("Wait until another expert finishes trading...");

Well, everything seems to be clear here:

  • checking for whether the global variable exists and, if not, creation of it
  • attempt to change the value of the global variable from 0 to 1; it will trigger only if its value is = 0.

The maximum amount of seconds during which the function can work is MaxWaiting_sec. The function is no objection to deletion of the expert from the chart.

Information about all errors that occur is shown in the log.


6. Function TradeIsNotBusy()

The TradeIsNotBusy function solves the inverse problem: It switches the "green light" on.

It is not limited by the operation time and cannot be terminated by user. Motivation is rather simple: If the "green light" is off, no expert will be able to trade.

It does not naturally have any return codes: The result can be only a successful completion.

This is how it looks:

// void TradeIsNotBusy()
// The function sets the value of the global variable TradeIsBusy = 0.
// If the TradeIsBusy does not exist, the function creates it.
void TradeIsNotBusy()
    int _GetLastError;
    // at testing, there is no sense to divide the trade context - just terminate 
    // the function
        // if the expert was terminated by the user, stop working
            Print("The expert was terminated by the user!"); 
        // try to set the global variable value = 0 (or create the global 
        // variable)
        // if the GlobalVariableSet returns a value > 0, it means that everything 
        // has succeeded. Leave the function
        if(GlobalVariableSet( "TradeIsBusy", 0.0 ) > 0) 
        // if the GlobalVariableSet returns a value <= 0, this means that an error has occurred. 
        // Display information, wait, and try again
         _GetLastError = GetLastError();
         if(_GetLastError != 0 )
           Print("TradeIsNotBusy()-GlobalVariableSet(\"TradeIsBusy\",0.0)-Error #", 
                 _GetLastError );


7. Integration into Experts and Use

Now we have 3 functions to distribute access to the trading flow. To simplify their integration into experts, we can create the TradeContext.mq4 file and enable it using the #include directive (file attached).

Here is the template of the expert that uses functions TradeIsBusy() and TradeIsNotBusy():

#include <TradeContext.mq4>
int start()
    // check whether the market should be entered now
    // calculate the StopLoss and TakeProfit levels, and the lot size
    // wait until the trade context is free and then occupy it (if an error occurs, 
    // leave it)
    if(TradeIsBusy() < 0) 
    // refresh the market info
    // recalculate the levels of StopLoss and TakeProfit
    // open a position
    if(OrderSend(...) < 0) 
        Alert("Error opening position # ", GetLastError()); 

    // set the trade context free


In the use of functions TradeIsBusy() and TradeIsNotBusy(), only one problem can occur: If the expert is removed from the chart after the trade context has become busy, the variable TradeIsBusy will remain equal to 1. Other experts will not be able to trade after that.

The problem can be solved easily: The expert should not be removed from the chart when it is trading ;)

It is also possible that the variable TradeIsBusy is not zeroized at disorderly close-down of the terminal. In this case, the TradeIsNotBusy() function from the expert's init() function can be used.

And, of course, the value of the variable can be changed manually at any time: F3 button in the terminal (it is an undocumented possibility to disable all experts to trade).

komposter (, 2006.04.11

Translated from Russian by MetaQuotes Ltd.
Original article:

Attached files |
TradeContext.mq4 (9.3 KB)
Last comments | Go to discussion (19)
Florian Riedrich
Florian Riedrich | 23 Aug 2019 at 11:21


Iam try ing to use the 2 functions. But I don't get it to work

This is my test:


Print("Trade is Busy: " + TradeIsBusy());

TradeIsNotBusy(); // Entleeren den Trade-Context 

The Print function returns: 1

But the Global Variable table returns: 0

Do I do something wrong?

Andrey Khatimlianskii
Andrey Khatimlianskii | 23 Aug 2019 at 14:21
Florian Riedrich:


Iam try ing to use the 2 functions. But I don't get it to work

This is my test:

The Print function returns: 1

But the Global Variable table returns: 0

Do I do something wrong?

TradeIsNotBusy();                                     // sets GV to 0

Print("Trade is Busy: " + TradeIsBusy());             // sets GV to 1, prints 1

TradeIsNotBusy(); // Entleeren den Trade-Context      // sets GV to 0 

Here is explanation.

But you don't need to use these functions. There are 8 trade contexts in MT4 several years already.

Florian Riedrich
Florian Riedrich | 28 Aug 2019 at 16:56

Hey Andrey,

thanks for reply. So you mean using 

IsConnected() && IsTradeAllowed() && !IsTradeContextBusy()

is enough?

What are the "8" contexts?

Andrey Khatimlianskii
Andrey Khatimlianskii | 2 Sep 2019 at 14:03
Florian Riedrich:

Hey Andrey,

thanks for reply. So you mean using 

is enough?

What are the "8" contexts?

Terminal have 8 trade contexts now, so it can send as much as 8 trade requests simulateously.

If you use less then 8 EAs at the same time, you could even not to check IsTradeContextBusy(). Otherwise, just check it and have a little sleep in case it returns false ;)

VikMorroHun | 5 Oct 2019 at 11:10
Andrey Khatimlianskii:

Terminal have 8 trade contexts now, so it can send as much as 8 trade requests simulateously.

If you use less then 8 EAs at the same time, you could even not to check IsTradeContextBusy(). Otherwise, just check it and have a little sleep in case it returns false ;)

Wow, good to know. I've been fiddling with the incorporation of whrea_v1.2's GetTradeContext()/RelTradeContext() functions into my EA for several hours... :)
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