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All Forex Trading robot/indicator debugging Strategy optimization Statistics and mathematics C++ Strategy modules Uploading data to a website
16 jobs in the archive in all languages
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30 - 40 USD
Hello Everyone, How do I change data on my MT4 so that on MyFxBook it will be seen differently. Because I got a high Drowdown and some loss, I just simply want to hide this data. Please not from inspect because at the end it will be seen, directly from my MT4
30 - 50 USD
I am looking for a developer who can convert my Pine script code to MQ5 code. The code is for a trading strategy that I would like to use on the MetaTrader 5 platform. The code needs to be converted accurately and efficiently, with all of the original functionality preserved. The developer should have experience with both Pine script and MQ5, and should be able to provide a high-quality conversion in a timely manner
200+ USD
i need a developer who can fixed issue of my mt4 ea (who can integrate indian market brokers like angel one ,alice blue) I want to trade in indian markets on MT4. where client can automated his ea to 15 indian stock brokers by api key we have mt4 with data feeding ,but we can not trade in indian markets because we dont have demo in indian rupees,I would like to have demo in indian currencies that is in indian rupees
10+ USD
Abul Bashar I am from Bangladesh. Like to hard working. You know Bangladeshi any one have very much Energy and technical idea. So give me few work. I complete all of them. I am be serious. Thank you so much
30 - 200 USD
يعد مؤشر القوة النسبية (RSI) أحد مؤشرات التذبذب الرئيسية في التحليل الفني. ... من المعتقد أن مؤشر القوة النسبية يمكن أن يحدد مزاج المشاركين في تداول العملات ، ويحدد اتجاه السوق في منطقة ذروة الشراء والبيع ، حيث يجب أن يستدير السعر ويتجه في اتجاه جديد
30 - 200 USD
Spécifiez ici votre cahier des charges point par point. Essayez de décrire brièvement et clairement vos besoins, afin que votre développeur potentiel soit en mesure d'évaluer correctement sa complexité et son coût, ainsi que le temps d'exécution requis. Une description mauvaise ou trop générique entraînera l'ignorance de votre commande, ou vous passerez beaucoup de temps à négocier les détails avec chaque demandeur
100+ USD
Statistics and mathematics Panels and dialog boxes Custom graphics Futures OpenCL ALGLIB C++ C# Java JavaScript PHP SQL MySQL PostgreSQL R Python HTML Linux RegExp Photoshop Trading robot/indicator debugging Strategy optimization Strategy modules Collection of data on the internet Uploading data to a website Forex Stocks Options Data mining Product Design Text translation Text writing
30+ USD
Hi ako nga pala si roger rueda nakatangap ako ng $100 kanina natuwa ako kasi nagkalaman sya kahit wala akong ginagawa sana kayo din ma try nyo ito wala naman hinihingin pera para mag login ito ay libre lang kaya ang real money wag palampasin..Tara na😉
30 - 200 USD
Spécifiez votre spécification des exigences ici point par point. Essayez de décrire brièvement et clairement vos besoins afin que votre développeur potentiel puisse évaluer correctement sa complexité et son coût, ainsi que le temps d'exécution requis. Une description incorrecte ou trop générique aura pour effet d'ignorer votre commande ou de passer beaucoup de temps à négocier les détails avec chaque demandeur
30+ USD
Tentukan Spesifikasi Kebutuhan Anda di sini poin demi poin. Cobalah untuk mendeskripsikan persyaratan Anda secara singkat dan jelas, sehingga pengembang potensial Anda dapat menilai dengan benar kompleksitas dan biayanya, serta waktu eksekusi yang diperlukan. Deskripsi yang buruk atau terlalu umum akan mengakibatkan pesanan Anda diabaikan, atau Anda akan menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk merundingkan detail dengan
30 - 100 USD
Chỉ giáo cho bạn. Bạn có thể có một phần của nhau. Phần mềm của chúng tôi là phần mềm của phần mềm. Phần cứng đó: tốt hơn là ba phần cứng để chuẩn bị cho một văn bản tốt hơn là mất dữ liệu và ngày tháng để đổi lấy những phần mềm đó sau khi kết thúc trò chơi hoặc nếu chấp nhận kết quả thực hiện
200+ USD
حدد مواصفات متطلباتك هنا نقطة تلو الأخرى. حاول وصف متطلباتك باختصار وبوضوح ، حتى يتمكن مطور البرامج المحتمل من تقييم مدى تعقيده وتكلفته بشكل صحيح ، بالإضافة إلى وقت التنفيذ المطلوب. سيؤدي الوصف السيئ أو العام جدًا إلى تجاهل طلبك ، وإلا ستقضي وقتًا طويلاً في التفاوض على التفاصيل مع كل مقدم طلب. تذكر: منتذكر: من تذكر:Remember: من الأفضل أن تنفق ثلاثين دقيقة لإعداد نص جيد من لانقاص ساعات وأيام لحل سوء الفهم بعد إبرام
1 Application
55 - 205 USD
Helps to correctly identify entry and exit points. It connotes different symbols like stars and green mark for a buy signal and also a red flag for a sell signal. It can be used in the common pairs and the results are excellent
12 Applications