ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 24


The Fed is promising to end the bond buying programme in March and interest rates are expected to rise. It is therefore no surprise that the S&P started declining. It has now stopped at last fall's low. The biggest declines in Russian equities were in companies with many non-residents. There were no fundamental reasons for the fall, only the geopolitical news background.

For example: Sber has made a trillion in 21 years and is expected to have a div. yield of 15% twice the Central Bank rate. There is no reason to exit Uber and put it into bonds. If a company pays dividends the profitability of which is lower than the Central Bank rate then a reduction in the share price of this company is fully justified as there is no point in taking risks in equities for a 5-6% yield if it is possible to receive 8-9% or even 10% in bonds almost risk-free.

Алексей Тарабанов #:

No, all the way down. 4150, after 3900, but all the way down.

MSFT is out in the buy zone, so is APPLE.

The index can apparently go down at that, that's its own business.

I read some time ago that analysts suggested that APPLE MSFT should be specifically included in the SP500.


07 a.m. , RF papers are in the green in the morning.

Moscow Exchange stock market rises as of 16:00 Moscow time on 31 January
Oil rises in price amid geopolitical risks, supply shortage
Yuriy Zaytsev Moscow Exchange stock market rises as of 16:00 Moscow time on 31 January

Wobbling on the sidelines all day

Dmytryi Nazarchuk #:

Wobbling sideways all day

But the daily and weekly RTS seem to be looking up.

However, I won't bet on it, let the robots sort it out themselves. And they are partly up, partly already covered the longs.

JRandomTrader #:

But the daily and weekly RTS seem to be looking up.

However, I won't bet on it, let the robots sort it out themselves. And they are partly up, partly already covered the longs.

The way I look at determining the direction, which is quite simple and works very well on the stock market, most of the RF securities signal to buy.


But to put it in a nutshell, we set EMA8 on D1,

1) if candles open and close under EMA8, SELL becomes the priority

2) If candles start to open and close above EMA8, the priority is BUY.

The rule is very simple, in combination with the Fundamentals it's better to look at the general market mood, if most of the securities move in different directions, then it's a flat.

If the opening candle is above the EMA and the closing candle is below it, the day is uncertain, but in this case the rule is different: we watch the previous days, prefer the inertia or just stay out of the market, which is usually better.

In the Fundomomom even a fairly simple robot will profit because on a long trend will hold a profitable position, and in the flat it is difficult for the robot.

Just now

Very primitive, but it works :)

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

But to put it in a nutshell, we set EMA8 on D1,

1) if candles open and close under EMA8, SELL becomes the priority

2) If candles start to open and close above EMA8, the priority is BUY.

The rule is very simple, in combination with the Fundamentals it's better to look at the general market mood, if most of the securities move in different directions, then it's a flat.

If the opening candle is above the EMA and the closing candle is below it, the day is uncertain, but in this case the rule is different: we watch the previous days, prefer the inertia or just stay out of the market, which is usually better.

In the Fundomomom even a fairly simple robot will profit because on a long trend will hold a profitable position, and in the flat it is difficult for the robot.

Just now

Very primitive, but it works :)

It enters in the weekly trend but with a lag. Have you tried EMA 5-7 ?