Interesting and Humour - page 976

No way.
Yeah, well, the pictures above are much nicer and there's not even anything to compare them to. ))
I don't get it (
Neither do I. But it's out there in the world. And sometimes it's found by chance when looking for something worthwhile.
Yeah. The pictures above are much nicer.
but photoshopped... anreal.


but photoshopped... anreal.
Life is all anreal. ))

Shows work on Assassin's Creed 3 (4 parts).




Back to the caves !


Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky has proposed a new school literature course concept to make children patriotic and help them understand .... properly.

......The controversial characters in Russian literature - works such as Ostrovsky's Thunderstorm, Turgenev's Fathers and Children, Nikolai Nekrasov's civil lyrics, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin's tales and critic Vissarion Belinsky - should therefore be presented in a way that does not become a model for imitation......

......The publication notes that according to this methodology, Tatyana Larina from "Eugene Onegin" married and is happy, having "wisely overcome her passion", while in "The Inspector" Gogol mocked not the perfidy of officials, but the "publicity of one soul", and Khlestakov appears as the Antichrist.

"Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita is proposed to be excluded from the school curriculum altogether, because "children are mostly fascinated by Woland, Korovyov, Behemoth, not understanding at all the creative task" of the author. "Someone wants the child to be completely free, like Raskolnikov. But I believe that this freedom, just like Bazarov's freedom, it leads to tragedy. And in this sense, to give total freedom, to give Pelevin, Ulitskaya, 'let the child read', is wrong," Pozhigailo concluded.
