Interesting and Humour - page 975


Questions on the phone:
- Give me the phone number of the Fedorov Microclinic.
- Is this an eye institute?
- Is it an eye surgery hospital?
- Is it a microfedorov clinic?
- Hello, mychrochulpia?



Mishek, have you heard of the artist Jamie McCartney? He has revealed the second theme you mentioned yesterday, in a very big way. Google it, it's a cool looking installation. ))) It's a kind of contemporary art. )))


Mishek, have you heard of the artist Jamie McCartney? He has revealed the second theme you mentioned yesterday, in a very big way. Google it, it's a cool looking installation. ))) It's a kind of contemporary art. )))

my google doesn't work, put it here.
my google doesn't work, put it here.

They won't. Quite frankly. ))

Although, if just a link:


Joking! Don't you dare!) And it's not pretty, it's dirty.

It's supposed to be pretty, like this.

But he made it pretty. ))

P.S. In general, many artists have very tough and unexpected installations. There's also Mark Powell's Hell:

It's not trashy, but it's creepy looking.

But he did it quite beautifully. ))
no way.

P.S. In general, many artists have very tough and unexpected installations. There's also Mark Powell's Hell:

It's not trashy, but it's creepy looking.

I don't get it (