Interesting and Humour - page 971

creatifff and music

Awesome cartoon ( for adults )


..... ...... twenty first century , ...... putin back to the caves with tambourines , shamans and ......... idiots

Another child who was once taken to the US will return to his homeland.

Google search engine developer Sergey Brin, who was taken away to the US as a child, may soon return to Russia. Russian children's rights commissioner Pavel Astakhov told

"Sergei Brin at the age of 6 was taken from Moscow to the United States," Astakhov told our publication. - It is unlikely that this child's rights were respected during the move."

According to the ombudsman, Brin must be returned to Russia. And in March, federal TV channels will air talk shows featuring Russian mothers who are willing to adopt Seryozha absolutely free of charge.

Pavel Astakhov also said that for the sake of caring for children (and in order to strengthen Russian-Ukrainian relations), he plans to return home Mila Jovovich, who is originally from Kiev but was taken to the USA as a child.

Еще один ребенок, увезенный когда-то в США, вернется на Родину.

On Sunday night, a house burned down in the village of Kurilovka, Usma District, where two-year-old Sonya and her three-year-old brother Edik died.The details immediately became known (see "Children in Lipetsk Region May Have Died Because of a Lighted Candle" and "A Criminal Case is Underway against the Parents of the Burned Children"). It turns out that the parents of the victims, Alexander and Yulia Korobkin, heavy drinkers who were still inebriated after celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day, forgot to put out the lighted candle. When the adults woke up, the house was already on fire. The father and mother went out the window, forgetting about the children. And little Sonya slept with her mother, and Edik's cot was by the window through which his parents went out.

The news did not go federal. The story of two burnt-out children was not reported to the regional administration, where the next day the governor was summing up the year, not in the State Duma, not in the Federation Council. Nowhere, in any government agency, were the two young Russian citizens blighted by adult indifference remembered.

- The reason for the divorce?
- He doesn't satisfy me!
A woman's voice from the audience:
- Everyone's satisfied, but she's not!
Male voice in the audience:
- No one's satisfying her!

Разработчик поисковой системы Google Сергей Брин, которого в детстве увезли в США...

his plan is to bring Mila Jovovich back home

Hm, as long as I live in this country I never cease to wonder why Russians have so much love for foreigners and so much hatred for compatriots, here is the same Depardieu: Gerard Depardieu's incredible adventures in Russia

"In Mordovia, Depardieu was given kittens to be the first to launch them into his new Saransk flat, which the head of Mordovia gave him as a gift. "

You get a flat for free, you work for a pittance and many people can't afford to buy basic necessities.

SZS: A couple of months ago I had a bright idea - why not take the child to the capital of our Motherland in the summer - let him have a look, the closer to the summer, the more I realize that Turkey will be safer and much more comfortable for the same money, to hell with it, with this patriotism (((