Interesting and Humour - page 863

and I think it's rigged.

I think it's rigged too. I don't think it could be viral advertising. I mean, it's the factory where it's made. And that's not good publicity for the factory. The only theory is that it could be a revenge stunt by a worker who's been fired.

And in the USSR, that's how military equipment was assembled in some places. I know that firsthand. But it was oaky and reliable.)


if you get it, you're old.

if not, then young))


Apple has lost the title of the world's most expensive company

Apple ceased to be the world's most expensive publicly traded company in trading on Friday, January 25. It has once again lost the title to Exxon Mobil Corporation, Reuters reports.

Apple shares fell 2.4 per cent in trading, ending up at $439.88 apiece. Thus, the company's capitalisation stood at $413 billion.

Exxon Mobil shares, on the other hand, rose 0.4 percent to $91.73 apiece. The company's capitalisation reached $418.2 billion.

The agency notes that Apple's market capitalisation has fallen by about $250 billion since September 2012.

Apple overtook Exxon Mobil to become the most valuable company for the first time in August 2011.


//if you watch, watch to the end


Looks like an idiot's blue dream =)

We don't have much stability here - they drink, steal, and arrest people, it's like in Egypt, every day there is popular upheaval, that's freedom there, the only thing missing is anarchy, democracy has become boring after so many years. It would be good to make a routine riot somewhere like the Cayman Islands, stir up a hornets' nest for the sake of drive, and then democratize ... The goal is nothing, fanaticism is everything!



We don't have much stability here - they drink, steal and imprison,

This is not stability, this is a downward trend.


It would be good to make a routine hornet's nest somewhere like the Cayman Islands, and then carry out democratization.

Do you have much experience with democratizations? Where was the last one? In Prague in 1968?