Interesting and Humour - page 870


This is a home-made particle accelerator. Put your hand on a screen with running dots and look at the pattern through your fingers - the dots will speed up considerably.


This is a home-made particle accelerator. Put your hand on a screen with running dots and look at the pattern through your fingers - the dots will speed up considerably.

Potapych, you find a practical application for this phenomenon. I'm sure you can't :))

This is a home-made particle accelerator. Put your hand on a screen with running dots and look at the pattern through your fingers - the dots will speed up considerably.

If you don't cover the centre with your fingers, there is no effect as a common reference point appears.
If you do not cover the centre with your fingers, there will be no effect because a common reference point appears.

actually there is no secret there.

The dots diverge with exponential speed from the middle. it can be seen from the trajectory and speeds.

That is, there is no trickery in the gif. everything is as the author intended.

Potapich, find a practical application for this phenomenon. I'm sure you can't :))

Go to hell, I put cold coffee to the screen, it comes to the boil in a couple of seconds, you can use whatever you want

You don't know anything about science.

You're just a scam for suckers on YouTube.

Kostiq: - sasha gray is a teapot!
Alexander: - what the hell she's a teapot, she's a professional!!!
Kostik: - sascha! turn on the kettle! and stop watching porn!!!

18+ // violence, brutality, blood, more blood, a lot of blood, a severed leg, (one thing)

A guard dog ate the cameraman

A grandmother pulled the remains of her grandson out of the dog's kennel

The welders decided to celebrate a colleague's birthday. To avoid getting caught on the workday, they stuffed their robes with rags, tied the holder to their hand and left the scarecrow on high ground to create a semblance of a working process. The wind blows, the holder with the electrode is swinging, the scarecrow is welding - but the welders are drinking. The bosses come out of the canteen, everything is OK, everybody is busy. And then a gust of wind blows the scarecrow from a height of 70 meters. All the bosses clutch their hearts, run to him. The welder sees this action, goes down, throws the scarecrow away and lies down in its place. The bosses arrive and see the welder get up, shake himself off and say: "I'm not going up there again!!!"