Interesting and Humour - page 4952

Dmytryi Nazarchuk #:
Makes sense...

... their own are being sued.

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

The main lawn is clover lawn, about 2.5 hectares.

Advantage: no need to water every other day and mow once every 2 weeks.

The clover lawn is drought-resistant, easier to handle over the winter and is green, dense, and recovers well in the winter. Mow infrequently, 3-4 times a season. No need to fertilize!

It is even strange, in the middle belt of the Russian Federation clover fills the whole plot in half a season. Koshu digging is struggling, but so far it's not giving up.

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

It's even strange, in the middle belt of the Russian Federation, clover fills the whole plot in half a season. Koshu digging is struggling, but so far it's not giving up.

Herbicide if something needs to be taken out mercilessly.

Closer to the north everything grows well, the humidity is higher there. Ours is an arid region, even persistent weeds turn yellow by midsummer.

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

Herbicide if something needs to be taken out mercilessly.

Closer to the north everything grows well, the humidity is higher there. We have an arid region, even persistent weeds turn yellow by mid-summer.

Handmade is also okay, and nothing extra suffers) Herbicide unfortunately does not take pine beetle. I'm mowing for the fifth year and still find it. Clover was just a surprise to me that it was so obtrusive.

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

Nothing is handled manually either, and nothing extra suffers) Herbicide unfortunately doesn't take pine needle borer. It's the fifth year I've been mowing, and I'm still finding it. Clover was just a surprise to me that it was so obtrusive.

Googled it, haven't seen it around here.

I've taken out hops with roundup, that's a really persistent stuff. A more concentrated solution and problem solved.

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

Googled it, haven't seen it here.

I've used Roundup to get rid of hops, it's really a very persistent stuff. A more concentrated solution and problem solved.

And thank goodness it hasn't yet. We didn't have any before either. It's dangerous, in contact with the skin it removes the layer from the sun's rays and you get burns in the light. It's like a chemical burn. Seeds survive for eighteen years, and also roots deep down and spreads by them.

Roundup, even though I've won cases against it for cancer, I respect it. But our clover grows with the right plants)))

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

And thank goodness we haven't yet. We didn't have any before either. Dangerous, in contact with the skin it removes the layer from the sun's rays and burns in the light. It's like a chemical burn. Seeds survive for eighteen years, and also roots deep down and spreads by them.

Roundup, even though I've won cases against it for cancer, I respect it. But our clover grows with the right plants)))

This is the place for you

A little bit of summer

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

Googled it, haven't seen it here.

I've used Roundup to get rid of hops, it's really a very persistent stuff. A more concentrated solution and problem solved.

I got hops out a few years ago, but I keep finding sprouts every year.
Sergey Gridnev #:
I bred hops a few years ago, but continue to find sprouts every year.

Then the seeds germinate. I also had some, waited until they had all sprouted and then sprouted a second time. There's nothing else.