Interesting and Humour - page 4826

Uladzimir Izerski:

Another illusion.

My son took the picture.

What's the illusion? I don't see it yet.

The piercings are certainly unnecessary.
For an alcoholic, the whole world is one big illusion caused by a temporary lack of alcohol in the blood)

I said at the first one that there would be a second and a third, and that the second would be the most powerful, explaining the wave theory. And they laughed in my face and said that wave theory doesn't work here.

And now humour aside: have you considered that the third wave could be just the end of the first one, unless God forbid the vaccine is wrong and what is happening is true. then it is hard to imagine what lies ahead of us.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Another illusion.

The photo was taken by my son.

of you?

I said at the first one that there would be a second and a third, and that the second would be the most powerful, explaining the wave theory. And they laughed in my face and said that wave theory does not work here.

Wave theory works everywhere and always. Economists scientists, weather forecasters, etc. have proven it.
But if you mean Elliott, those waves work better post factum. Although many will argue.

The abundance of "illusions" sort of hints at how the illusionist sees the waves...:-)

we don't drink that much, we don't understand

Uladzimir Izerski:

That's about right.

Unlikely, won't go up anymore.

Excellent vaccine + measures taken. In a couple of three years, we'll forget about it. The smallpox plague isn't around anymore. But back in the day, Catherine the Great was one of the first to vaccinate against smallpox, setting an example for her subjects, so I'm waiting for an example.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Unlikely, won't go up anymore.

A fine vaccine + measures taken. In a couple of three years, we'll forget about it. Smallpox is gone, after all. However, back in the day, Catherine the Great was one of the first to vaccinate against smallpox, setting an example for her subjects, so I'm waiting for an example.

No sooner has the "covid" been healed than a new contagion is triggered. You can see it with the naked eye.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Another illusion.

My son took the picture.

What is it and how is it?

the illusion of having a son