Interesting and Humour - page 477


I remember going home as a demobee. There were about 20 of us, standing in the vestibule, smoking a little drunk, telling bikes, and everyone was in a great mood. And then some civilian our age declares in the top of his voice. I think that those who were in the army are morons. After a pause, not everyone had time to shout at him, he fell down.

And leave alone what is left of the Berets. For all their bravado and bathing in fountains, most of these guys are capable of giving their lives, as it does not sound like a bogeyman.

Patriotism is a rather ambiguous religion. For example, it may well allow (and even encourage) one half of the Motherland to slaughter the other half. For the good of the Motherland, itself. Yeah.

Since the beginning of perestroika, when I was a teenager, in Riga we often heard the phrase "Russians went to beat up Latvians" and vice versa, but it was not that rare, but one-time actions, and most likely simple drunken raids.No matter how much is written now about confrontations between nations, about Latvia in particular, complete nonsense.But it is absolutely incomprehensible when people write about confrontations (fights, beatings) between Russians ... What about stupid football-fan clashes ... It's clear that they do not fight out of the blue ... There is always a precedent, an incentive ... But who needs it. In one country, people of one nationality can not live peacefully ... I can not talk about everyone, not everyone ...

I cannot talk about everyone, I do not have the right. But it is really terrible when drunks make such a mess and make a show.

PS, I cannot speak about Lithuania, Estonia, their national structure is sharply displaced, the Latvian population is 30-70, while in Riga it is 50-50, and you can speak any language.

With the development of tourism lately, everything is even more loyal.

PS.In Jurmala you will not hear Latvian ))))

Wapchetzhe Patriotism is quite an ambiguous religion. For example, it quite allows (and may even encourage) one half of the Motherland to slaughter the other half. For the good of the Motherland, by itself. Yeah.

Here I agree with you. But without the ideas of patriotism we will also get a generation of keyboard and beer heroes.

Except those who are not capable of becoming pilots

To be brave sailors.

Lying behind machine guns.

Run goose-stepping.


Here I agree with you. But without the ideas of patriotism we will also get a generation of keyboard and beer heroes.

Just not capable of becoming pilots

To be brave sailors.

Lying behind machine guns.

Controlling goosenecks.

Well, let them run for now. )) In the near future we can make robots with keyboard and let them do all this dirty work. Ideally it would be possible to live in a world without wars. But it is unlikely that someone will come to us from the depths of space. That's where all those tin cans come in handy for painless games. That is why it is necessary to develop further. )))

I am Russian and only the first generation to live here. I don't even have local channels on my TV (there are, but they were removed from the list, there is nothing to watch).

So any information about the clashes comes from the main Russian channels.

Of course, football is not national, but that's what I said... The delusional lowering of society to morons.

Wall-to-wall fights happen, but I was talking about the early days of Freedom in 85-87... when national issues started to come up.

Let the soldiers, and especially the veterans, carry on with their lives with dignity and not lower themselves.

You do realise that the national question is raised when a certain group is trying to achieve its goals. Raising a national question is a 100% provocation. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this and falls for it. Ordinary people, regardless of nationality, have nothing to divide.
Naturally, that is why everything is quiet on the streets. I stressed that you can communicate in any language and they will respond in your language without any resentment.

Here I agree with you. But without the ideas of patriotism we will also get a generation of keyboard and beer heroes.

Just not capable of becoming pilots

To be brave sailors.

Lying behind machine guns.

Controlling goosenecks.

Ahaha, why?!!!
I'm afraid to ask who the gooseberry is... oh
I'm afraid to ask who the gooseberry is... oh
What's a gooseneck? It's a big car with a body. It's usually very loud and farting.

...What about stupid football-fan squabbles...Sure, they do not happen out of the blue...There is always a precedent, a push...But who needs it. In one country, people of one nationality cannot live peacefully...

I cannot talk about everyone, I have no right. But it is really terrible when drunks make such a mess and make a show.

You are wrong here. The origins of fanatic fights and box-to-box or street-to-street fights are in the tradition of the Russian people. When the Russians on the left were beating up the Russians on the right at the Rus fairs, there was no anti-Semitism, no political agenda and no other bullshit. It was just an outburst of emotion and energy, even if it was at the level of primitive people.