Interesting and Humour - page 479


Hmm )) I'm not religious at all. I'm not a member of anything.)

What about MQL5? It's also a religion that unites you with others.

You understand that the national question arises when a particular group is trying to achieve its goals. Raising a national question is a 100% provocation. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this and falls for it. Ordinary people, irrespective of their nationality, have nothing to divide.

When you are reminded of your family, which you need to protect, is this also a provocation?

Your words are just an excuse for your own powerlessness and indifference to what is going on around you.

It seems that hippie culture, their idea of universal love has completely taken over your mind.

You just can't understand that blind tolerance leads to death.

If you don't protect your community, there will be nothing left of it, it will simply die and then no one will protect you!


When you are reminded of your family, which you need to protect, is this also a provocation?

Your words are just an excuse for your own powerlessness and indifference to what is going on around you.

It seems that hippie culture, their idea of universal love has completely taken over your mind.

You just can't understand that blind tolerance leads to death.

If you don't protect your community, there will be nothing left of it, it will simply die and then no one will protect you yourself!

Every social animal has, in addition to the Darwinian "instinct" (genetic program) of self-preservation, an instinct to protect the gene pool. This is the basis of our human altruism, and social animals simply cannot survive without this instinct.

Wild dogs (and wolves) bark to alert the rest of the pack to an approaching intruder. Your domestic dog perceives you as the pack leader; he, too, barks to warn you of an approaching intruder. (Barking, of course, also warns the stranger - that the dog is ready to defend its territory.)

With the development of civilisation, the pack (the tribe, the extended family) has been destroyed. This is the root of the widespread anomie*, or hostility, or existential drama so eloquently described by many social critics. What has happened is this: the conditioning of the bio-survival connection** to the gene pool has been replaced by the conditioning of the bio-survival desire to possess special bits of paper that we call 'money'.

To put it more specifically, modern man does not seek biosecurity in the gene pool, the flock, the extended family. Biosecurity depends on bits of paper. "And without money, life is bad, not good for anything." If these pieces of paper are taken away, one immediately has acute bio-survival anxiety.

Imagine how you would feel and act if all of your sources of survival paper (money) were depleted tomorrow. This is exactly what a tribal man feels when he is cut off from his tribe, which is why banishment or even ostracism have been sufficient means to strengthen intra-tribal ties throughout human history. Already in Shakespeare's time, the threat of banishment was the most terrifying ("Banishment! Banishment is an expression, met with shrieks in hell", Romeo exclaims***).

In traditional society, belonging to a tribe was biosafety and banishment was horror and mortal threat. In modern society, biosafety is the possession of papers (money) and horror is the deprivation of them.

//Welfarism****, socialism, totalitarianism, etc. are attempts (with different ratios of rationality and hysteria) to restore tribalism by replacing the gene pool with the state.
//* Anomie: In sociology: the decomposition of the system of values of contemporary society, caused by the contradiction between proclaimed goals (wealth, power, success) and the impossibility of realising them for the majority. - Translation note: The destruction of the value system of modern society.
//** Bond (English).
//*** Per. by B. Pasternak.
//****Welfare is the state system of social protection. - Translated.

Conservatives who claim that they cannot tolerate any form of welfarism actually demand that people live in total bio-survival anxiety and anomie. Of course, they are vaguely aware of this and propose replacing state social programmes with "local charity" - that is, they propose magically restoring the gene pool among people (residents of a regular town) who are not genetically connected at all.

On the other hand, the state is not a gene pool or a tribe and cannot really play the role of a full-fledged bio-survival unit. In the welfarist system, everyone becomes paranoid for fear of being "cut off" ("banished") by some minor disturbance in an increasingly complex bureaucratic system. And in real totalitarianism, where the spurious identification of the state with the tribe reaches the level of a new mysticism, paranoia becomes total.

Real bonding can only occur in small groups where everyone knows each other. Hence the constant (albeit elusive in post-industrial society) longing for decentralization, for a return to tribal ethos, for the replacement of the State by syndicates (as in anarchism) or by groups with a common worldview (such as Consciousness III, of which Reich was a member). Think of the hippie sixties experiment that is still going on in numerous village communes.

In the real world, for most people the bio-survival bond is paper called "money". Anti-Semitism is a complex delusion with many facets and causes, but in its classic form ("Jew-banker conspiracy") it expresses a very simple idea: a hostile gene pool controls the papers that ensure our biosecurity. Such paranoia is inevitable in a monetary economy: addicts have their own myths about the purveyors of heroin. So it is not surprising that today, as anti-Semitism in America is on the wane, the idea of a "banker conspiracy" lives on. Now the villains are the old New England families, the "establishment Yankees". Left-wing conspiracy theorists can show you the genealogy charts of these Yankee bankers - as anti-Semites once showed the Rothschild genealogy.

S.X. Douglas, an engineer and economist, once plotted a diagram which he presented to the Macmillan Commission when monetary and credit regulation was discussed in 1932. It showed two curves - the evolution of interest rates since the defeat of Napoleon in 1812, and the evolution of suicide rates over the same hundred and twenty years.

The two curves were almost identical. The suicide rate went up every time the interest rate went up and vice versa. This can hardly be called "coincidence". When interest rates rise, a certain number of businessmen go bankrupt, a certain number of workers end up on the street, and general bio-survival anxiety rises.

Marxists and other radicals are well aware of such "mental health" factors, so they despise all kinds of academic psychology that does not take these biosurvival aspects into account. Unfortunately, the Marxists' remedy - to make everyone dependent on the whims of the state bureaucracy - turns out to be even worse than the disease.

Excerpt from the same book.

Either you feel a sense of community with a certain group of people, a certain community, and support it,

Or you don't care and justify this attitude with whatever you want, including the nonsense you gave as an example.

It's so convenient to think of it as atovism, something you don't want to do.


Either you feel a sense of community with a certain group of people, a certain community, and support it,

Or you don't care and justify this attitude with whatever you want, including the nonsense you gave as an example.

It's so convenient, after all, to consider atovism as something you don't want to do.

One dog meets another dog tied to a cart and tells him: "Chew the rope, let's run into the field." And the other dog says: "We'll go to the market..."


Listen, mate, this is an interesting humour thread. Let's have some fun, eh? I'm just kidding, all right? I think it's funny... Hee-hee... :-)

I just wanted to raise the "level of discussion". :) I used a phrase taken out of context. This pasting would probably clarify the logic:

This should be taught in schools as a compulsory course instead of religious mumbo jumbo. I would add another book by Melikhov Hidden Hypnosis
A drunken traffic cop stops a truck:
- Man! That's the fifth time I've asked you! What's that coming out of your car?
- That's the fifth time I've asked you! It's winter... Ice... Sprinkling...

The term "shit" was a profound expression of primate psychology. For example, one wild primate (chimpanzee), who was taught sign language bytwo domesticated primates (scientists),combined the signs "shit" and "scientist", describing the scientist he did not like as a "shit scientist". He also combined the signs for "shit" and "chimpanzee" to describe another chimpanzee he also did not like as a "shit-chimpanzee

This metaphor deeply expresses the psychology of primates, as they mark their territory with excrement and sometimes throw them at each other when it comes to territorial disputes.

Now I understand where most people get their intolerance for homosexuals from.